
Tail Pocket Flaps

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does anybody have any experience with using flaps in the tail-pocket to fold in between each stow?

There might be a proper technical term for this mod, but I don't know it :). Basically the tailpocket would look like a multi-page book where after each figure-eight stow you would fold a page down over it. I guess the pages would have to be cut through the middle for the figure-eight to come through to the next level.

I am wondering if anybody has seen or owns such a mod. Is it worth it? Are there any documented incidents related to stows getting entangled? Are there any potential drawbacks (flaps actually causing entanglement)?



how humbling, an error

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460 made a post about this design. I have not heard of any incidents due to the tailpocket flaps.

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Ask to speak to Hans, he is definitely a rigger extroirdinare and helped Peter with his idea.
take care,

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