
What's your favorite BASE container?

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I'm interested in your thoughts on this. I realize this is a very small sampling of BASE jumpers but the results are still of interest. These are listed in no specific order and I didn't intentionally leave any container/mfg off.

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When I was shopping for a container I knew I wanted a two pin. My finalists were the Gargoyle and the Perigee Pro. I went with the pro.

Honestly I don't think there is a best container: there are all good, really.

It comes dowm to looks and small features.
Memento Audere Semper


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My choices didn't make the poll.

Soft Cock. Or Vision, if you can find one.

I guess I'll vote for choice 2.
-- Tom Aiello


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My choices didn't make the poll...Vision

It was originally on there, but since the company, Gravity Sports, was dissolved I took it off. Are they doing anything else?

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My choices didn't make the poll...Vision

It was originally on there, but since the company, Gravity Sports, was dissolved I took it off. Are they doing anything else?

Not that I know of. But plenty of used containers are still floating around out there. And you did include the Neo, which is also no longer being produced, to the best of my knowledge.

Also, you might want to split Perigee's into P-Pro and P-II, since there is a huge difference between the velcro and pin rigs (and, personally, I don't particularly like the P-II, but I do like the P-Pro for some things).
-- Tom Aiello


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you really should have all harness in such a poll,which you didnt;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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These were the ones I knew of with the exception of the vision. What others are there and how can I modify the poll? I did several searches of classifieds ads, google, forums on DZ.com and Blinc, etc.

I will probably create an additional poll for canopies. I'm trying to decide what gear to purchase and with all the different feedback I'm getting it's quite difficult. And it's not like skydiving where you can go to the DZ and rent gear while you check out everyone elses choices prior to making a decision.

I would really like to have my own gear and have jumped at the DZ several times with my own canopy prior to attending an FJC. This may not be the way most people have learned to BASE, but it makes sense to me.

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My choice is BR Vertex2! So, I voted for "Others"... ;)

BASE #1075 / BMI #I-002 / PFI #042 / EGI #104

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sorry i first read the rest of the tread afterwards my bad sorry.
i see your problem;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Are you just looking at new gear? Or are you also considering used gear (in which case you'll need to include things that are no longer produced in the poll)?

I'd be clear if your talking about Vertex and Prism 1 or 2, because the containers are significantly different.
-- Tom Aiello


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My thought here was to have a comprehensive list without listing everything ever made. I grouped Perigree, Perigree II, and Perigree Pro due to them being basically the same. However, I realize now the Pro is a two pin and the other two are velcro. The same goes for the others Vertex/Vertex2, Prism/Prism2, Reactor/2/3/4.

See I'm learning more already;)

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I'm not interested in just new gear just readily available. I'm also interested in why people have their preferences not just the number of people who favor one or the other.

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I think it has a lot to do with a number of factors- the region that you live near for the closest manufacturer, who you took a FJC with, what your mentor or other local jumpers have, etc...

If there was one that sucked so bad that people were spinning in all the time, you would have heard about it...
BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime

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You can't forget about the Odyssey FX, 2 pin from Paratech Rigging in British Colubia, Canada. I myself and quite a few people I know jump that container and it has been extremely impressive.
Paratech also makes the odyssey velcro container.

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Although I have two Gargoyles which I love I'll have to agree with Tom. I still grab my "Vision" on the sketchy jumps. But I have to say that I'm kind of new to the pin rigs on the low stuff. Been working on that.

SKETCHY- A term that 554 uses when you probably
shouldn't be jumping something that your
about ready to jump.:o
"When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion"

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If there was one that sucked so bad that people were spinning in all the time, you would have heard about it...

A very good point and something I often forget!

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N. Nitro :

Honestly I don't think there is a best container: there are all good, really.
It comes down to looks and small features.

How True.

Soon as that container opens you forget that it is, even on your back. ;)

The next time you even think about it again is when....

You have to pack and ...Close it Up Again.

My favorite Rig will be the one that packs and closes it self up all by itself.

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I agree that where you live and which FJC you take (if from a manufacturer) have a significant influence on your initial decision as to what container to buy. It doesn't have to do with which is best though.... c'mon guys... it's the PERIGEE PRO!!!:D:D:D

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Soft Cock Baby! Yeah!!!
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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Just my .02 $$$.......

For all around use especially around Colorado and Moab, especially slider down ..... Vertigo WarlocK ...... it packs up the "Easiest" . It is my favorite all around unit.

For wingsuit and slider up terminal jump I love my Gargoyle and WS Extreme..... they perform almost identically ....... you would only notice the difference if you were one of the few Jedi Bird/Basers out there.....I am not even close..... to me they perform identically in this realm. They require a little more "Love" to close up..... but are as "clean" as it gets at opening during forward movement.

For really large (2000 + ft) walls I still prefer to jump my Sorcerors(I have 2). I have had amazing heading performance .... even though these containers are the most difficult to pack out of the group. I look at it as a container that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling when your standing on that extra large and terrifying exit point.

Oh..... and ..... The Phoenix Fly Tracking Suit has changed my life.......... I kid you not....... talk about putting some distance between you and your favorite terminal objects.... without the downsides of a wingsuit.
Jay Epstein Ramirez

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I've played with a bunch of BASE containers and I've sat down and examined their individual design and the way the parts interact with eachother.

I don't build rigs, but I do jump them so...

My favorite harness and container system is the Perigee Pro. It's just a brilliant design and everything there screams ease of use and confidence (if you know what you're doing and pack well). All the features are there for a reason and it's obvious that there was quite an evolutionary path that lead to the current version of the Perigee Pro.

The quality of work is just amazing. It's all muscle and no fat. Sexy.

There are more user friendly rigs and there are rigs better suited for jumpers who aren't as meticulous about packing and rigging (or beginners). There are rigs out there that are better suited for wingsuit flying. But when the chips are down and I'm placing my life and absolute trust in a rig that's going to get the job done consistently and effectively, I want the Perigee Pro on my back.

Just like any container, there's things you can do wrong that will kill you so if you're a beginner it's best to keep it simple. Maybe consider a velcro rig like the Softcock. (I have one but Kmonster is jumping it exclusively so I have yet to enter an opinion on it other than the rig seems exceptionally well built and thought out. It's better than a Vision from what I can tell. I've packed it several times for Kmonster and it's the easiest closing container I've used. Everything fits together real nicely which can be hard to find in a lot of rigs out there. Maybe she'll write up a review here.)

On a somewhat related sidenote, I truly believe that if you're not competent enough to properly configure a two pin BASE rig, and I mean assemble it completely from seperate parts, inspect it, pack it, get it ready for the type of jump you're doing, and KNOW it's going to work... you should probably wait until you have those skills to start BASE jumping. Buying more simple and user friendly gear isn't the answer.

I'm on my second Perigee Pro and when it's time to get my next rig my money will be going to Asylum where I honestly believe my dollar buys the best gear attainable for BASE jumping today.

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Pin rigs are absolutely the way to go on low stuff. It's easy to see why. Set your vision and Gargoyle right next to each other. put the same amount of increasing tension on both bridles and watch how much easier the pin rig is to open.

Want a lower pin tension? Easy, lengthen the closing loop. Want virtually no pin tension for an ultra-rapid extraction? Put in spectra loops. Want a really secure closing? Shorten the original closing loops. You can have whatever pin tension you want for whatever type of jump you're doing. Even if you really crank down the closing loops you're still going to be in the ballpark of a velcro rig (but probably less) in terms of force needed to open the container.

Edit: It's pretty hard to scientifically change the force needed to open a velcro rig.

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I agree that pin rigs are absolutely the way to go for low freefalls and non-delays.


Edit: It's pretty hard to scientifically change the force needed to open a velcro rig.

There are several "non-scientific" methods that work fairly well, though.
-- Tom Aiello


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On a somewhat related sidenote, I truly believe that if you're not competent enough to properly configure a two pin BASE rig, and I mean assemble it completely from seperate parts, inspect it, pack it, get it ready for the type of jump you're doing, and KNOW it's going to work... you should probably wait until you have those skills to start BASE jumping. Buying more simple and user friendly gear isn't the answer.

Why isn't buying simple and user friendly gear not the answer? If I tried to know everything inside-out before trying it, I think there would be nothing but learning I had done in my life. Why not master simpler things first and then move on to more advanced things?

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Because there is nothing simple about BASE jumping. Mastering skills such as "BASIC" rigging will allow to asses and maintain your gear. It is a very necessary skill to have if you want longevity in this sport. I have a friend who made a rigging error last year......... and guess what......... He payed with his life.
Jay Epstein Ramirez

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