
New Icarus canopy?

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Lots of companies have things in prototype stages. I remember reading about some of PD's old prototypes that never made it to market. They had a canopy that was specifically designed for crosscountry jumping or similar long glide rates. It was called I think the Blackbird. It never made it to production.

Some prototypes are more secret then others... the Sensei is a pretty well known canopy since in prototype stages, but I'll bet that Icarus, PD, Precision and everyone else also has new designs in testing that no one knows about.
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icarus is testing canopies right now. that's what i was told. but they are no where near release yet. still in the very early testing stages. i was told they had a few, but i wasn't told what design or anything that were going for, ie another crossfire type canopy, vx, fx. i have no clue.


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The GX...

This was recently flown at the PST by Jim...

And someone was correct when they were discussing something along the lines of a hybrid with partial cross bracing through the middle and regular cross port end cells...

Some sort of new innovation on an old idea you tell me...


"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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I hear things, that they are way past early stages of develpoment, but no where near any kind of release. I hear they are sitting on it. I hear the same with PD also. I hear things.

who knows, and who cares, at least i don't. me and my vx are quite happy, it would just be nice if it was a 98.3 (:D) instead of and 85.

i know that they were supposed to be coming out with a reserve, i saw the fucker hanging on a rack at PIA, and i still haven't seen anything about it being released.


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As for the reserve, I heard it got TSO'd, and thats the last I heard.

the last time i talked to simon, he said it more than likely would be out late spring/early summer. but i haven't seen anything about it anywhere. i may just have to shoot simon and e-mail and find out.:)

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