
help ordering a new G3

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well after all my fussing over what to do with my old racer I think I've decided to get a new G3. I looked for a used one that will fit and can't find one. so, I think I'm gonna buy a new one. I'm going to get it from Bonnie at gravitygear.com...she's supper nice.

of course I want to spend as little as possible, but on the same hand want it to be as safe as possible. is there anything that you guys would recommend before I order it? I'm not going to get the hip &
chest rings in interest of money.

any input would be greatly appreciated.


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I realize you're on a budget, but skimping on the rings is a Bad Idea. In addition to the comfort factor, rings seem to add significantly to the resale value of a rig.

If you're rig shopping on a budget, why not get an Infinity or a Wings? Both are excellent containers, less expensive than the Mirage, and also have quick delivery times.
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well I'm pretty stuck on a G3.

I can deal without the comfort for the extra $200-300. I haven't jumped a rig with the rings so I don't know what I'm missing.;) I did think about the resell value Jimbo and that was the only thing that made me consider it.

as for the turn around time...it's 14 degrees here now and will be cold for the next two months, so unfortunately I have the time.

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well I'm pretty stuck on a G3.


I'm not trying to sway you into purchasing something that you don't want, but the comfort factor is pretty important when you spend the better part of a day wearing your rig. I see you've got 38 jumps now, that's not a lot. Consider what comfort will mean when you begin to spend the better part of your day in that rig.

It's something to think about.

Either way, good luck with the purchase.

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Do you think they really are still Cad plated?

I thought the recycling regs drove the price so high that everything (hardware) started to use an alternative. We sure did when I was designing for Boeing. Cad plated was simply not to be done anymore.

What do you think/know?
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I've seen both stainless steel and standard rings side by side on rigs and unless you pay attention you really can't tell the difference, unless you're going to be leaving it in the rain and dirt and it rusts. But that's my two cents, looks just aren't my number one priority on rig I guess. Besides I've heard riggers say that sometimes the stainless steel can allow the straps to loosen more than with standard rigs. Any thoughts on that?

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heard riggers say that sometimes the stainless steel can allow the straps to loosen more than with standard rigs. Any thoughts on that?

A lot has been written about that already. My understanding: There have been changes to fix this available for a while, but don't know who is using what.

edit-actually, I wish that I had thought to ask for nickel or stainless for just the harness 3-ring. That is the one that gets really makes a difference, appearance wise.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Besides I've heard riggers say that sometimes the stainless steel can allow the straps to loosen more than with standard rigs. Any thoughts on that?


The stainless friction adapter that Capwell put out was one of the first to have major slipage issues. I beleve just about every manufacturer has stoped using them.

Many manufacturers have gone to a 2 peice French built adapter (SP-88 I think) which has shown some better results. However my personal experience with it is not so good. Depending on how it sits on your leg, and at what angle the webbing runs to/thorugh it, and what type of webbing (Type VII or VIII)is used with it, they also have slipage issues, or are VERY hard to crangk down tight. Mirage was using these adapters untill....

THE DJ-SSA! The single nicest stainless friction adapter I've seen yet for legstraps.
When Mirage was building my rig I purchaced two of these adapters from DJ Associates (thanks guys) and sent them to Mirage for use on my rig. They were impresed I guess cause now they are the standard hardware avaliable on the Mirage.
*end Boasting*:P

I think only two manufacturers are making widespread use of this adapter, one being Mirage, and the other beeing the fine folks at VSE (Infinity). The added benifit is the avaliability. I understand some manufacturers were waiting for friction adapters from France for up to 7 weeks.

And there you have it.
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I'm going to get it from Bonnie at gravitygear.com...she's supper nice.

Nice?! She beat me with a rubber hose once. She made faces at me the whole ride to altitude. She said my rig was ugly!

Ok just kidding:P Bonneie is super nice, super duper nice even!


of course I want to spend as little as possible

Don't we all!


but on the same hand want it to be as safe as possible.

Well it's a Mirage, one of the nicest rigs out there. Let Bonnie help you with the features like hackey vs. freefly handle ect.


I'm not going to get the hip &
chest rings in interest of money.

I did that on the first rig I ever bought (A Reflex) and I wish I had got the rings. Think about getting them again, especialy the hip rings (you can get just those as an option). I know it's alot of money, but think about the G4.1 as well. There are a lot of nice options included in that rig. I like the elastic "body hugging" laterals!

Have fun....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I'm kinda scared to post on this thread. It's like walking into a room and everyone is talking about you. At least I can read what EVERYONE is saying. But JP....

.....how could I resist?


Nice?! She beat me with a rubber hose once. She made faces at me the whole ride to altitude. She said my rig was ugly!

Dude! Your rig WAS ugly. And you desirved the beating for wearing it. And that's just how my face looks normally!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I'm with you on the hip and chest rings.

I just took delivery of a basically "base" G4, with only soft reserve handle, freefly handle and hook knife as options. It fits perfectly, and after wearing it all day, I can't say I'm unimpressed with the comfort.

In my opinion, rings increase weight, bulk and wear. They also weaken the harness, but that's academic.
Stainless steel also increases cutaway pull forces as the system (and all the other buckles on your rig) require friction to work. When people go on about corrosion - ask what their reserve pilot chute spring is made from. That usually shuts them right up.

I bought my G4 directly from Mirage, and Justin was super helpful with all the queries we (Yes, there were a few of us that went this route at the same time) had.

Good luck with your choice. It's a fine rig.

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I jump the pre - "G3" mirgae, mine was made in 1998. It does not have any rings and was not even built for me [got it second hand] but it is super comfy. I have jumped a Tear Drop with hip rings and I thought my Mirage was more comfortable. Hope my limited experience is useful to you.


"All men can fly, but sadly, only in one direction"

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When people go on about corrosion - ask what their reserve pilot chute spring is made from. That usually shuts them right up.

I'm a bit confused about why this would shut anyone up. How often is your reserve pilotchute spring exposed to the elements? I hope that it's not nearly as often as your harness rings....

I've replaced standard rings due to corrosion... I've never had to replace stainless rings for any reason whatsoever.


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well I'm pretty stuck on a G3.

I can deal without the comfort for the extra $200-300.

That's like buying a Mercedes and not getting the leather seats because you want to save a buck.

Why get the Mercedes in the first place?

Because it's under the hood that counts! The car still drives as fast and runs as smooth with cloth seats.B|

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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