
The "Best" BASE Jumper

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Who is the "best" BASE jumper?

I've known some of the "best" BASE jumpers,
they're dead now, so were they really the "best"?

If you're the "best", I guess you get out injury free?
Okay, so we scratch off myself and a host of others.

If you're the "best", I guess you get out bust free?
Okay, so we scratch off myself and a host of others.

Is there anybody left?

I don't think we can really know who the "best" is.
The "best" BASE jumpers die of old age.
Are we there yet?

I don't care if you're the best,
just that you are there to log your last jump.

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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I think personally, no matter if people call you the best or not, there is always someone out there in, who knows, Botswana that is better. Just a matter of nobody has heard of them. Then, after they do hear, someone else is probably better than that guy, etc. I think the best is a word best (:P) used like this, "He/she was one of the best".

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I don't care if you're the best,
just that you are there to log your last jump.

"That's a nugget"

Very nice Avery.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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In the words of Alex Lowe;
"The best [BASE jumper] is the one that's having the most fun."

and you can take that to the bank.

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and you can take that to the bank.

Every time I see you, You are having FUN
If that saying were true
You would actually have some money in your wallet. ;)

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and you can take that to the bank.

Every time I see you, You are having FUN
If that saying were true
You would actually have some money in your wallet. ;)

Yeah...now that you mention it, you still owe me 50 Ringitt!!

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AAAaaaahhhhhhh. Ha, Ha .

What is that in U.S.D ?
You got your entertainment value out of My learning exsperience ;)

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Who is the "best" BASE jumper?

Why even ask the question, who cares?


If you're the "best", I guess you get out injury free?
Okay, so we scratch off myself and a host of others.

If you're the "best", I guess you get out bust free?
Okay, so we scratch off myself and a host of others.

Is there anybody left?

Yes! There are! Myself and a host of others.


The "best" BASE jumpers die of old age.

Not necessarily.

A past quote of mine.

IMHO- There is no such thing as the best BASE Jumper.
There are many very good BASE jumpers (past and present).
Everyone has their good days, and everyone has their bad days.

BTW Avery, your avatar really shows where your heart is. Its really bizarre how you are so obsessed with me. Kind of reminds me of that movie fatal attraction. Any chance you could get a grip and quit being a major weirdo?
Have Fun, Don't Die!
Johnny Utah
My Website

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In the words of Alex Lowe;
"The best [BASE jumper] is the one that's having the most fun."

and you can take that to the bank.

That's what I was thinking,nice.
I love to see someone really enjoy their jump,like Rauk,Every jump is "the Best one Ever!"
I love watching guys with like 1000 jumps who go off flat and stable.
With something as personal as BASE I could never call someone "the best", because so much of the jump is what's going on inside your head. I can be impressed by some of the technical aspects like #of flips,twists an spot on landings,but for me that's not what BASE is about.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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the best BASE jumper is the person who lives his/hers dreams.Anit afraid of standing up for the actions taken,aint afraid of backing off.The best BASE jumper is the person who takes that extra time to care about a buddy whos down due injury.A person doing somthing for the sport whith out gaining anything but the joy of helping people.The persons who develop and test our gear so we can jump it safe as posibly.and then the rest i dont mention here..

I dont think you can define "THE BEST BASEjumper",we all look different at things.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Ok. Johnny and Avery, can we try to keep this out of the forum?

Sometimes I get tired of having to keep removing my friends snapping at each other.
-- Tom Aiello


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Hi Avery,
Good Question ?
In my eyes, Phil Smith BASE # 1
then, Mark Hewitt, then Dennis Mcglynn.


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The best base jumper ever is hands down:

That guy from Paraguay.

A pioneer in just about every respect.
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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I like Faber's quote, but most other posts mention the 'walking away very satisfied and uninjured' as well...

the best BASE jumper is the person who lives his/hers dreams.Anit afraid of standing up for the actions taken,aint afraid of backing off. The best BASE jumper is the person who takes that extra time to care about a buddy whos down due injury.A person doing somthing for the sport whith out gaining anything but the joy of helping people.The persons who develop and test our gear so we can jump it safe as posibly.and then the rest i dont mention here..

I dont think you can define "THE BEST BASEjumper",we all look different at things.

This at least applys to a recent event in my life, as one my BASE mentor's and close friends "retired" from the sport, he had long been strictly a BASE jumper, not even skydiving in years. He had also built for me and my bros some of our first brand new velcro containers, mine is still my primary container, and one dude who jumps alot hasn't owned anything but Bandit rigs.
And then one day he told me he was through, I had the pleasure of a two way from a special site on his final jump, but there were a TON of others on the load I felt. This guy is one of the BEST BASE jumpers in the world, injuree free, with a TON of experience. Not to mention a LONG line of good folks just in case he can't stand it. ;)

I aspire to leave the sport one day satisfied and healthy.....but not anytime soon, my journey has just begun.

Team Bandit

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I aspire to leave the sport one day satisfied and healthy.....but not anytime soon, my journey has just begun.

Rock on, Blair... maybe our paths will cross again someday soon...;)


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Team Bandit Rox! B|


You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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the best BASE jumper is the one who is still alive
the best BASE jumper is the one who over comes his own demons and jumps past them
the best BASE jumper is the one who has fun
the best BASE jumper is the guy you want to jump with coz he will drag your broken arse out of the landing area
the best BASE jumper is the guy you have fun with
the best BASE jumper is the guy who has fun with you no matter who you are
the best BASE jumper is you, coz you fight the demons that try and stop you
the best BASE jumper is those other guys, as they are pushing the limits and doing what is fun to them

the best BASE jumper................ is bulshit - there is no best, we are all the best...... there is no gauge!

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Can the Best Race car driver in the world die in a race car crash? Even if it was his fault?

well said pope, Alex Lowe, what a guy. i cried that day in october.


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I'm not a base jumper, but I have several friends/acquaintances who are. Some with plus/minus 100 jumps, some pushing 1000 jumps and one person with over 1000. The person I know with over 1000 jumps is Lonnie Bissonnette. I haven't known him long, but I can say that he is an amazing person who is wise, smart & experienced when it comes to base jumping. He has shared his knowledge with many, and has been there every step of the way, and then some, for those who have chosen to take up the sport under his guidance. His time and dedication to these people has been admirable and I think that these people are lucky to have him as a teacher/mentor. He has a great respect for base jumping and the base jumping community. I guess base jumping is something like skydiving or how 'bout life in general, in which every jump/experience is different, and with every mistake made, something is learned and then we grow from there.
He's just a guy who follows his dreams, is always there for everyone, gives for the joy of helping others in a sport he is so passionate about. He's always been there for all of his friends and students, never looking for reward or gain.
Right now he's down due to injuries from a base accident in July, but given some time, he'll be back at it.
Even though I'm a "wuffo" in base jumping, I would like to say thanks Lonnie! Thanks for being there for my friends & thanks for teaching them about the safety & ethics involved with base. I hope that at all of your base buddies will be there for you the way you have been there for them.
"Leap and the net will appear"

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Sorry but please try not to confuse everyone by posting relevant to the original thread.

Talk about a curve ball!


Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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hey LULUfox

Imagine seeing you on here!

Nice post, sister.

I hope the man sees or hears about this post, I know all our crew feel that way about him, even though we seem to have been doing some things lately that would make it hard for him to see how much we respect him, respect and believe in his ethics and value him as a friend.

As far as I'm concerned he's the prime contender for the title of this thread, if there was only one....


soon to be gone

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It's a little rock.

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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Lonnie is a very good BASE jumper.
I heard the news of his accident when I arrived in TF for my BASE Camp.
Get well brother.

Attached is a picture taken after the last round of the 2001 World Cup in Malaysia.
(Myself on the left, Lonnie on the right)
Have Fun, Don't Die!
Johnny Utah
My Website

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