
Dead's day BASE boogie

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Hi there!
We proudly present our new video "Dead´s day BASE boogie" wich took place in Mexico. You can watch it at:

Hope you'll like it and get scared as we did.

Think quick

Think quick!

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I am having problems streaming with a 1.1meg connection - any way to download the vid?

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Hey, I recognized a certain long-haired skinny fuck from my part of the world in that flick!
Nice to know he was doing fine a month ago- I'm sure they've deported him by now.:P

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Are these guys experienced? I am not cutting on them as i am not a jumper but it looked like one aftera nother of things that dont look right to me.
The only base i have realy seen was the turkey boogie in moab and they either made it look realy easy or just a lot more experienced.

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I am having problems streaming with a 1.1meg connection - any way to download the vid?

There is but not that simple with out a ripper.

You can however launched the video then press ctrl + n to bring it up in a new window. Then click view - source in the tool bar where it says embed is where the file is located... any ../ marks like that mean its one folder back so ../../../../ means four back.

Hope im not just confusing you. if i am i can just email the vids to you : )

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PLEASE.. ..get a wingsuit or something (or come to norway and practice your subterminal tracking skills..)before you go back to that cliff. that did not look healthy at all! looks like both you guys are gonna do a cliffstrike freefalling, and then the upper guy "practically" does one under canopy, even with a pretty ok opening:S

play safe...

edit for site name ~TA

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To save to your pc:
Right click on the video (Deadsday.mov) and then go for 'Save target as...'

Right click on this should work too Right Clicky

It's Quick Time video so make sure to play it in that player. :)

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Right on, I was hesitant to post the same. I think it proves that lack of tracking makes for cool footage. The footage is awesome. I would be more impressed if they didn´t track on purpose. Not dissin you guys, but you guys got bigguns to be flyin that close to the wall
take care,

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Damn! I had read your posts in the mexican forum about how close death was on "dead's day" but hadn't actually seen the video in detail (just one of the times it was shown at the DZ, but hadn't paid enough attention)... my dear Dx, that looks SCARY to my uninitiated non BASE-jumping eyes.

Why are you so proud to show this? Is it the video or the webpage you're proud of? The webpage is kick-ass!!! Congrats on it. As for the video... I will not say that was cool... I don't think it was.

I'm glad nothing really bad happened!

Keep it safe man - you guys are great, I would hate anything to happen to you.

Be careful giving advice. Wise men don't need it, and fools won't heed it.

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Yeeeaaaaah! Great video Isn't it? And Yes very proud.. I believe that life begins on every edge..

Please stop smoking that crap or taking X pills.. keep safe on airplanes man..



Think quick!

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LEASE.. ..get a wingsuit or something (or come to norway and practice your subterminal tracking skills..)before you go back to that cliff

i hope nobody takes my questions the wrong way. I m not disaggreeing (spelling:S ) about how dangerous it was but...
do you think norway's cliff are safer because...
because thay are higher?
because of people who jump there and can tell you what you are doing wrong?
What would be another way of practicing subterminal tracking if not going to a (insert object here) and practicing it?
***Keep it fun, stay alive***
Safe swoops
Follow Orbita on Twitter @freeflyorbita

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the alti of the cliff sertanily should make it more easy to track away from the danger but your true right;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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