
sliders and off headings

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After watching some vid's I took from the Turkey Boogie, mostly from one exit point, I found something interesting....

I filmed a half dozen jumps from this particular exit, and all jumpers had the same exact conditions, a cross wind to the left from the jumpers perspective. Each jumper's pilot chute all did the same thing after being released. They immediately blew to the left. What I couldn't understand is why three of the jumpers had 90 lefts, and 3 of them had dead on headings. After several rewinds and slow motions, I realized one difference. The jumpers who had the off headings all had their sliders on and were tied down. The on headings all had slider off.

Is this coincidence, or could sliders on and tied down induce off headings?


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I realized one difference. The jumpers who had the off headings all had their sliders on and were tied down. The on headings all had slider off.

Is this coincidence, or could sliders on and tied down induce off headings?

i always belived so,thats why i jump slider OFF and not down.

I also think it looks messy packing the slider down.

As im correct i cant say,its all personal.But interesting that people think some of the same.

NOTE:I have found that there are serval jumps from people tying the slider down whith dead ons were i had some sort of offheadding slider off.It could just be the day of it who knows...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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In theory, I think it could. In practice, I haven't seen it.

I think it probably has to do with packing style. Specifically, how well your packiing style is adapted to dealing with the slider down there. I've seen people who just sort of wad it up down there, and other people who carefully quarter and fold it.
-- Tom Aiello


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After watching some vid's I took from the Turkey Boogie, mostly from one exit point, I found something interesting....

I filmed a half dozen jumps from this particular exit, and all jumpers had the same exact conditions, a cross wind to the left from the jumpers perspective. Each jumper's pilot chute all did the same thing after being released. They immediately blew to the left. What I couldn't understand is why three of the jumpers had 90 lefts, and 3 of them had dead on headings. After several rewinds and slow motions, I realized one difference. The jumpers who had the off headings all had their sliders on and were tied down. The on headings all had slider off.

Is this coincidence, or could sliders on and tied down induce off headings?


What types of rigs were they wearing? It could have more to do with how the canopy reacts being pulled out of containers with boxed corners.

May we live long and die out

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i always belived so,thats why i jump slider OFF and not down.

Nothing to do with the fact that you've only done one slider up jump then? ;)

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i always belived so,thats why i jump slider OFF and not down.


Nothing to do with the fact that you've only done one slider up jump then? ;)

not really.. i can jump slider up when i like but i rather put on the slider then.. and will still do after the day i start jumping slider ups:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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So which do you do and or reccomend?

Personally I try to keep it neat and tidy. Sometimes I iron it other times not.


I've seen people who just sort of wad it up down there, and other people who carefully quarter and fold it.


..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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