
Rigger Schools

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Im sure this has been posted before but I can find anything on it right now.

My girlfriend works in the industry and has the chance to go to a riggers school on the companies dime. Who offers a riggers school I think Ive seen one advertised befor but I can't seem to locate more options. Thanks

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I went to the US academy of parachute rigging
probably the most expensive of the schools out there, but from what ive seen and heard, and my experience its the best. (and also the longest)
its run my Sandy Reid, owner of Rigging Innovations in the USAPR loft which is in the same building as the RI manufacturing facility. the loft is HUGE it has around 15 sewing machines, a massive vynil packing table, and enough room to easily hang two tandem canopies.
they have the biggest variety of rigs to work on ive ever seen. from an old NB-8, to the first saftey flier square reserve, to the latest H/Cs from the top manufacturers. and tons of softies!;)

during the course your constantly busy, always learning something or working to improve your skills.
they dont just teach you the bear minimum of what you need to know to become a rigger, they make you into a GOOD rigger!

my class consisted of 6 people ranging in experience from 100s to zero (me) reserve packjobs, one guy had never even SEEN a square before, let alone packed one, but if you have the determination, they can teach you!

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I just went to Tom Dolphin's school in Missouri (He used to help Dave DeWolfe's with his). It was definitly an experience and I learned massive amounts. I packed everything from a Vector 1, 2, 3, to Centaurus, Mirage, Strong Tandem, Javelin, Dolphin, and many more. They had literally everything you could imagine to pack.

Its extremely intense so go prepared to WORK. I had several 16 hour days of packing...

I just finished my 4th paid repack too :)

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