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1st Annual BASE – BOOBS – BEER (B3) PARTY!!

Sunday -January 16th, 2004
Shotgun Willie's Showclub
490 S. Colorado Blvd.
Denver CO 80222
Phone# (303) 388.9601
get map here

Triax Productions in association with Go Fast Sports will be presenting the 1st Annual B3 Event.  This is a crazy concoction of BASE jumpers and skydivers, watching BOOBS at one of Denver’s premier strip clubs, and drinking BEER to the early morning.  

This will be a local event that will be held at Shotgun Willies in Denver, Colorado.  Triax will be showing BASE movies on TV’s around the club.  You will see everything from C1, C2, Bridge Day Standard, Bridge Day Boogie to crazy raw footage. A TV will be set up for everyone to bring in their own footage ***NOTE: I'm pretty sure that you will not be allowed to bring your video camera into the club--so if you want to play something, dump it down to VHS or DVD!).

Bring your friends, your family, your skydiving bros and all your buddies to this never before seen extravaganza.  If watching BASE is not your deal then maybe the BOOBS or BEER part is?  Raffles, door prizes and lots of great drink specials. This will be the winter bash never to be outdone again, until next year.  Stay tuned for more details.  Print the attached .jpg file in black or white or color and bring it the door for special discounts and to be entered for door prizes.

get flyer here

It should be a super fun night, and a great opportunity to hook up with those jumpers you haven't seen all winter long!

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Ah hell my three favorite things all in one spot!!! ...goes to check account balance....


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Well, if Johnny Law hasn't figured out that BASE is happening in our fair city, they will by mid-January...

Isn't there an easier way to sell DVDs and get laid, without advertising to whuffos, strippers, and the cops that work inside that place?

And how many jumpers live within 500 miles of here, that you have to post this on a worldwide forum for every NPS ranger, narc, and lurker to see?

I haven't posted on this website for a while, but this is incredible...
BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime

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I'm with peterk. With all of the shit going on in BASE and all right now, i.e. FJC's for never been's, and day blazin's, and the whole "its MY object! Dont be jumpin MY object in MY town" mentality, wouldn't one think that publicly advertising an illegal activity for all to see isn't a really good idea right now?

This just screams LOOK AT ME.....LOOK AT ME!

Should have used this as a flyer instead.....

edit: attachment removed ~TA
Here's your sign.......

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I'm glad you posted this here on DZ.com because I can't remember my email address and havn't checked my inbox (for the personal invite) for a while. Since we live well beyond 500 miles outside of Colorado we may have to make a flight reservation to join the festivities. Can't wait to check out somone else's boobs and see all the legally jumped footage in C2.


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Tit-Bar...BEER...and.....BASE / footage
All in the same Place & Time :o

You cant see it .....(but)...there is a Tear in my Eye

You Lucky...Basterds

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Everyone posting in this thread:

I'm not going to let this devolve into a flame fest of personal attacks.

I think Peter did a good job of expressing his thoughts without sinking to straight up personal attacks.

The photoshop job, on the other hand, was not acceptable in this forum.

Say what you think of the activity, if you like. But I'm not going to let this become a bunch of cheap shots at individuals.
-- Tom Aiello


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If any of the B-team plan on going to this little shin-dig, will you bring along a copy of RADIX to show?

That'd be great, thanks.

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Dude, if anyone we even know attends, Radix will be on the menu for sure, don't worry about that. ;)

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I don't know if this will have a negative effect or not... what I do know is that there are jumpable/jumped sites within sight of this bar, not to mention all the other work I (and Pete) have put in on objects that you can't see but share the same zipcode. I personally care less about this, I will keep jumping whether they know I am doing it or not, but there is something to be said about educating the enemy...

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Sounds like a good time....I hope you guys have a ton of fun.

If the locals didn't figure out that BASE is going on in Colorado after H.C. crashed through the hotel window, then they will never know. Protecting your objects is a phase we all go through, so don't worry too much kiddies!
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Dude, if anyone we even know attends, Radix will be on the menu for sure, don't worry about that. ;)

Might be a good bridge-mending opportunity, at any rate.
-- Tom Aiello


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there are jumpable/jumped sites within sight of this bar, not to mention all the other work I (and Pete) have put in on objects that you can't see but share the same zipcode... ...there is something to be said about educating the enemy...

You don't think you're "educating" the "enemy" by writing this?



you have to post this on a worldwide forum for every NPS ranger, narc, and lurker to see

Since the video won't disclose the locations jumped in Colorado, I guess it's good the B team is dropping everyone all these hints! Jeez, before this post I thought there were no active jumpers in Denver!

Well, at least they won't be calling me when something gets jumped. It's not too hard to find the real ID's of the "B-Team" if you're savy with the internet. What does that stand for anyway? Busted?

Where did the photoshop image go? Anyone who has it will you PM it to me?

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While Triax is helping promote the event. It is important for everyone to understand that this event is about having all BASE jumpers, skydivers, etc get together and have a good time in the middle of the winter. And what better way then to warm up next to some hot women partially clothed.

Triax welcomes all videos produced past or present, edited or raw, funny or crazy, fun or boring. With 5 TVs, doors opening at 7pm and closing at 2am then that means a total of 35 hours of viewing pleasure for everyone. I can guarentee that we will not want to show Triax only stuff for that amount of time. I would love to see RADIX, from what I have heard it kicks ass.

I also ask anyone to PM me if they would like to mail us some stuff to play. This event is about people getting together, hangin out, having fun. I look forward to seeing many of you since its been a long cold winter already. Please remember to save up your one dollar bills.


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It's not too hard to find the real ID's of the "B-Team" if you're savy with the internet.

Since when has a B-Team member ever tried to hide their identity? Peterk sure isn't an alias and all you need to do is look at Rauk's profile and you'll know who it is (just as DexterBase and KMonster don't hide their identities).


You don't think you're "educating" the "enemy" by writing this?

I'm beginning to think that the only enemy is ourselves here. WTF people? Why are some people in the BASE community so anal towards each other? People make mistakes and often (not always), they learn from those mistakes so as not to repeat them. It's called life experiences. So why do others choose not to forgive and forget? Shit are some people planning on taking their grudges with them to the graves? The person you've held a grudge against since last summer has been busy opening up new sites and keeping things reasonably quiet. Yes he may mention on here that he's been busy jumping, but he's not telling you where he's jumping, nor is he telling you when he's jumping. And besides, since when does he need to tell you of his activities? Since when have you become the authority here in town? Let's remember who the real enemy is. It's not the A-team, it's not the B-Team nor is it you or I (or any of the other CO jumpers).

If Triax wants to hold a video night out, then let them. Yes I'm sure part of their motivation is to sell more of their products. But at the same time they are opening up the venue for others to show their videos. And you better believe that the B-Team has some first class quality footage to show if they choose to. But that will be up to them. Hopefully a copy of Radix will make it out there because yes, rumor has it that it is pretty bad ass.

So let's start treating each other with a little respect. After all, we may need to depend on each other one day to save each other's lives and jumping off of fixed objects (and even jumping out of airplanes) is a pretty darn cool thing when you compare us jumpers to the rest of society.

(a friend of the B-Team, but a friend of others as well).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Until just now I never knew that you were indeed Captain Javelin!! I read the post on the Banter email list today and I couldn't believe what I was reading! Beer and BASE?!?!? Who could have ever come up with such a concept! Then when I read that it was Triax I knew that I had to try to come. AND then i saw the word BOOBS (you know me sometimes my priorities are a little askew). Anyway, I am going to make it over for the festivities. Flights are cheap right now anyway. So I hope to see you next weekend.

“God Damn Mountain Dew MotherFuckers!”

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Well, at least they won't be calling me when something gets jumped. It's not too hard to find the real ID's of the "B-Team" if you're savy with the internet. What does that stand for anyway? Busted?

Um, just look at my profile. It's all there. I have nothing to hide at all.

Yes I was busted but it was nowhere near you and I certainly didn't burn the object. Any more questions?

Edit: Oh yeah, Katie (Kmonster) and I (Chad/DexterBASE) are from Seattle.

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Yes I was busted but it was nowhere near you and I certainly didn't burn the object. Any more questions?

would you do it again,can i come along:ph34r::D


Oh yeah, Katie (Kmonster) and I (Chad/DexterBASE) are from Seattle.

looking forward to flick whith you guysB|


Um, just look at my profile. It's all there. I have nothing to hide at all.

Perhaps you should hide,it might could have avoided me haning arround in the summer:):D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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If your looking for a ride to the party, I know of one shuttle service in the Denver metro area.

edit: attachment deleted. ~TA
Here's your sign.......

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Sounds entertaining... I should be done with my move by then so hopefully I'll be in town in time for the festivities. ;)
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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I am not going to tolerate further stirring of this pot. The actual people, using their actual names, involved in this thread are trying pretty hard to find a way to live together. Your anonymous attempts to get them fighting are not going to be tolerated.

I have banned you from this forum for 30 days.
-- Tom Aiello


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You know what is funny - when I first moved to Colorado 8 years ago I was blown away at the intra-skydiving rifts and jump alot less now because of that. I'm stoked to see it hasn't gone anywhere (just lower opening points is all).

Can't we all just get along :ph34r:

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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pope was mistaken. b3 is the following week. the 16th is my birthday party. a3. abbie, alcohol, and ass. i wont be able to attend but everyone else should. please email me for the mailing address of gifts. you can always paypal me cash as well.

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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The B in B team doesn't stand for BUSTED. It stands for BADASS!!!
Jump More, Bitch Less
Make the most of what ya got!

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thanks to Jimmy H, we have now secured a copy of RADIX to show at the titty bar er, I mean Gentleman's Club!

And a reminder to the ladies: there is a veritable ARMY of chicks coming to Shotgun Willie's for the event--don't be shy! It's FAMILY NIGHT at the bar! (as long as your family is of legal drinking age).

By the Way Jimmy--again, GREAT fuckin' job on RADIX! You people have to see this flick!!!!

see you there,

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