
Triax Bridge Day DVD???

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so, is there any word on when the BD dvd is going to be done and shipped out? or has it been completed already? i hadn't heard anything about it for some time now and was wondering... will i get to see it before this year's BD?:S

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yea, I was hoping to see it soon myself... whats up pope?

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I've been told it's done and being duplicated right now. I'm sending a mass email out to all BD jumpers later tonight with more details.

I've also uploaded about 3000+ Bridge Day 2004 photos to my website (click here) if you want to take a peek. The panoramic photos taken at the Holiday Inn and from the boom truck basket are also on the Bridge Day website as well. Cya.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Nice job, Jason.

I know you get all kinds of static for Bridge Day, and I just wanted to say I think you're doing a great job with it.
-- Tom Aiello


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Thanks Tom. Actually, I don't get hassled too much regarding Bridge Day. 99.9% of all jumpers are really cool and I think the NPS probably causes more friction than anyone. But, as the saying goes......"organizing BASE jumpers is like herding cats". I enjoy it quite a bit and will continue to organize it in the near future. Cya.


I know you get all kinds of static for Bridge Day, and I just wanted to say I think you're doing a great job with it.

(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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organizing BASE jumpers is like herding cats


Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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yea, I was hoping to see it soon myself... whats up pope?

and you will. I've been told they're [finally] shipping back to us from the replicator tomorrow or tuesday at the latest. If you've already placed your order and you live in the US, you should have them in about a week. If you live outside the US/Canada, a few days longer.

If you haven't bought them yet, we only got a *few* extras, so I'd order them quick if you want them. BTW, there is a Red Bull Airforce"thread on here somewhere wondering what those jumps at BD were--We got em in the DVDs from 5 or 6 different angles--pretty sick shit!

So there. That's what's up.
As far as I know, most previously released BD videos have taken well into April/May to be released--We have 2 completely different edits, literally HOURS of edited program, and it's sent out before the end of January!

Hope you all enjoy it.

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nice shnoz!

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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did ya get your copies yet?

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Just got word they should be out asap. they Said some should recieve it next week!
sweetness, I can't wait

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I got the shipping notification from paypal. Sweet !!

Loved C1 & C2. Great work Triax Productions!! Very nicely done.


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yes me also; I am very stoked about both videos and can't wait to see them

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Just got my DVD !
Had to sign for it at the post office even though my mail box is big.
Enjoy your copy.

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This is a great video - triax always puts out good product!!!

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Yes, i bet . Been watching Continuum II a lot and would just like to thank all those who helped make that such a bad ass video.
Thanks guys . Good work /play.!

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Thank You Triax ! Just watched the dvd last night (part1) It ROCKS ! Nice Clarity and many excellent shots. Got one of 2 jumps on there. I think the last jump in the rain didn't make it ? It's cool.

Love the @#$% caption thing when Weegegirl hurt her heel on landing. Plus a lot more.
Crazy ass BASE jumpers !

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I got mine today, and wow... both videos were pretty sweet. Thanks Triax!

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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