
Atmonauti & BASE

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Is atmonauti flying used in terminal wall jumps by anyone?

Is it better than flat tracking in terms of horizontal movement?

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Can you define "atmonauti"? I'm not sure I'm familiar with the term.
-- Tom Aiello


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That is exactly what I'm talking about. At this point there are probably 10 people world wide with the overlapping skydiving/Base skills for that. And just for the recod, Miles Daisher is one of them.

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Cool, dude ;)

I'm not base jumping yet, but preparing - in particular, working on my tracking skills. If atmonauti flight covers more ground horizontally than regular tracking, I'll learn that, too! (Besides, autmonauti looks and feels more powerful and sexy than sausage-like tracking :P)

Any data on glide ratio in autmonauti vs. tracking?

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Found the answer (search, duh!)

"Please explain how this is more efficient than tracking and what you mean by efficient (slower vertical, faster horizontal?)"

- "What I call efficiency is the horizontal speed/ vertical speed ratio. I don't know the exact term in English. According to Marco, this ratio can be better in atmonauti than in normal track because of the body position. It can seem strange because your body has more angle in atmonauti flight than in track, but it is more aerodynamic and thus creates a kind a lift effect (like a canopy)."


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This is the way I see it.
Atmonouti (I never speel it or say it right) basically takes tracking jumps to a whole new level. Not in the sense of tracking contests in which one person tracks further than everybody, another guy tracks furhter than almost everrybody, and someone else comes in third.

Atmonouti jumps presuppose the intention to do do relative work. So peole can track together in amazing linked formations while moving horizontally accross the sky. I'm sure a good tracker in a max track would blow by the "atmonouti" jumpers, but he/she would be alone.

It's exactly this direction where I see base jumping going. It's the natural progression. Aerials are done(personal opinion). Solos are boring. And who can track the furthest is a question for sunset jumps. Atmonouti jumps from terminal walls will provide an environment for relative work while moving a safe distance from the wall.

The question is...who's in?

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I'd really like to see some wingsuit formations. Imagine a linked wingsuit diamond flying down a gorge. Now that would be cool.
-- Tom Aiello


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According to Marco, this ratio can be better in atmonauti than in normal track because of the body position.

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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According to Marco, this ratio can be better in atmonauti than in normal track because of the body position.


I think that could only be determined if you set up a good atmonauti flyer (Marco himself would be best, I guess) against a good tracker. The 45° degree angle is just the theory for that sort of flying; in practice, atmonauti formations are, well, a sort of relative work and will move from shallower to steeper angles to accomodate for whatever's going on on the jump. Still, freefall times and vertical speeds tend to be longer/slower than what you'd expect from a position that much different than a track.

On the other hand, placing that into a BASE enviroment would definitely require a big enough playfield...and I figure it would be wise to get some healthy distance from the wall before you start experimenting with angle changes.:P

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Would atmonauti benefit from tracking wear (pants, jacket, etc)?
-- Tom Aiello


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Although my first urge is to agree with you,
I would agree with Marco. After seeing appx 5000 Big Wall (600mVert) BASE jumps. The norm for tracking is quite low in the segment that I saw jump from general skydiving although we had some wilders with low skydiving exp with what I would term extreme tracking abilities.
Alot of this is due to tracking without a closeby ref such as a wall or another jumper. On a typical 4way fun RW jump, everyone tracks away from the others at breakoff for 5 secs,
It´s not a very observational viewpoint from which to improve ones track.
Relative tracking dives are the best way to learn tracking. These guys seem to know how to tweak their tracks with finess. The sport trend is definitely going the direction of horizontal separation.
BASEr`s out track the gen.skydiving pop IMHO.
take care,

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I'm in! In the future ;)


Atmonouti (I never speel it or say it right)

This word sucks! It probably sounds more natural in Italian than in English. I propose to call it simply "protrack". Especially that Larsen&Brusgaad will soon discontinue it :D

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Would atmonauti benefit from tracking wear (pants, jacket, etc)?

I think they should be redesigned to be efficient in protrack ("atmonaughty"). The air intakes should be designed differently, since the relative wind is now along the body, not from below.

Such jacket/pants will work more like a ram-air wing, not like a round parachute.

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...Solos are boring...

Not for me!;)
I'd guess there are even some people out there with a few hundred BASE jumps that still find solos exciting. Maybe not every solo but...

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...I'd guess there are even some people out there with a few hundred BASE jumps that still find solos exciting. Maybe not every solo but...

When every solo becomes boring, it's time to go home.

I don't think that Jimmy was trying to say "every" solo, though.

And, dude, for you, I doubt it'll get boring for a while. What you are doing makes "normal" BASE seem about as exciting as skydiving--not dull, but suddenly just not quite at the top level.
-- Tom Aiello


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I don't think that Jimmy was trying to say "every" solo, though.

I know he wasn't, but I just had to say that they're still exciting as hell for me. Whenever I get to do them that is. Damn winter!>:(

Tom can you do something about the weather out there? I looked on-line a few days ago and it said, "Feels like 18 (degrees F)." Bbbbrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Sorry for being off subject.

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there are even some people out there with a few hundred BASE jumps that still find solos exciting. Maybe not every solo but...

yup:ph34r::D but i can tell that jumping solo off a sertain A can get "borring" and i actualy has found it more fun to make "tandems"whith people in the phone(on speaker)asd i jump. example last jump were a solo whith 621 and 813 in the phone.
I made a nice count and had to laugh so much on the way down that i went headlow. Now that usaly aint that fun but comt it to a phone while falling,deploying and flying the canopy is way fun.

Thanks Mac, i really apritiate that you nearly killed me,it were funny as F#ck:ph34r::D.

solos can be borring but they sure also can be as intence as you think it might ever will be..:o

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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there are even some people out there with a few hundred BASE jumps that still find solos exciting. Maybe not every solo but...

yup:ph34r::D but i can tell that jumping solo off a sertain A can get "borring" and i actualy has found it more fun to make "tandems"whith people in the phone(on speaker)asd i jump. example last jump were a solo whith 621 and 813 in the phone.
I made a nice count and had to laugh so much on the way down that i went headlow. Now that usaly aint that fun but comt it to a phone while falling,deploying and flying the canopy is way fun.

Thanks Mac, i really apritiate that you nearly killed me,it were funny as F#ck:ph34r::D.

solos can be borring but they sure also can be as intence as you think it might ever will be..:o

when you do a running exit on an ice ridden metal platform with the shout "you take it up the arse" then I am glad you went head down! - that will teach ya!! :P - so cocky on the count - not so cocky in freefall! hehehehehe

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I'm in for the first 3 way star Atmo from the Big Walls !!B|B|

Why don't we invite Marco! As far as I know he is (..or maybe was) BASE jumping! I've seen some videos of him doing so...

Best way to find out if it works better than a track, since he's the founder/master of Atmonauti!



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since he's the founder/master of Atmonauti!

I've got beach from property in Arizona for sale too......
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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According to Marco, this ratio can be better in atmonauti than in normal track because of the body position.


I will second J.P.'s sentiments on that topic.

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Is Atmonauti now Atmonauti (TM), or all rights reserved? First the germans trademarked Freefly (TM) and now the Italians have Atmonauti (TM).

Ahhh, remember when it was just cool to fly with your friends in the sky..... :)

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