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i know it's probably old news, but i just had a mind-bending experience.

i was driving down rte 5 recently and was looking off to the left to see an old friend.

i didn't see the old red / white tower sticking up into the sky.
i guess i missed it when i drove by a few miles back????????????

now i see the old news that a small plane took it out!


friends of mine and i spent many a night up there watching the fireworks at dismalland before stepping off and plummetting towards the strawberry fields below.

we were all jumping comets / pegusi / ravens in skydiving rigs with tail pockets and mesh sliders.

getting onto the tower was a "challenge" since it was a live 50KW AM radiator.

the scariest part of these jumps????
seeing the gnarly insulating rings that protected the tower from earth ground.


be safe


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some photo's of the carnage


there WAS som energy released here!


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As an aside, I've been corresponding with a "radio head" (not sure what to really call him) who mentioned in passing the jumping going on at KFI on his website. This fellow knows his Ohm's Law and he's been helping me better understand electro magnetic radiation in regards to AM towers.

He mentioned a tour his group arranged at KFI, and what made me laugh, is he said in order for them to even stand at the base of the tower, the power was reduced to 25 kilowatts from the normal 50. When he realized we were climbing and spending as much as 45 minutes to an hour actually on the tower, when it was at full power, he was surprised any of us were still alive.

My point is if you want to legally recon a local tower, get a half dozen fellow BASE jumpers together, have T-shirts made that say something like "The Watt-Not Club" and just call and arrange a tour.

Bring you cameras . . .

BASE 194

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When We Were Nuts . . .

And that's a Cruislite in a Racer, a Strato Cloud in a Wonderhog, and a Peggy in another Racer. The canopies are all bagged without tail pockets . . .

The only concession to BASE are 48 and 52-inch hand held pilot chutes.

Nick :)BASE 194

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When We Were Nuts . . .

And that's a Cruislite in a Racer, a Strato Cloud in a Wonderhog, and a Peggy in another Racer. The canopies are all bagged without tail pockets . . .

The only concession to BASE are 48 and 52-inch hand held pilot chutes.

Nick :)BASE 194

Talk about a nugget......;)
Thank you,

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So this ties in two separate threads...

Y'all are the Glowing Miracles.


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