
PC Questions

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A couple of questions,

Can anyone explain the tangible benefits of PC venting?,

on the back of that question, if you put two same size pc,s made by the same manufacturer side by side, one vented the other non vented, would the vented one have a lesser pull force due to the venting?

BASE 1029

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Oh boy here we go again...

If you do a search in here and on blinc you'll be overwhelmed with info.

You forgot about F1-11 vs. vented zp. :ph34r:

The difference in pull force would be negligible.
Base # 942
The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.

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Make sure your PC is symmetrical and the trim is correct. Be especially careful how you lark's head to your bridle. A tenth of an inch off center here turns into big problems later on . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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on the back of that question, if you put two same size pc,s made by the same manufacturer side by side, one vented the other non vented, would the vented one have a lesser pull force due to the venting?

Not if the vent is correctly sized. The air has to escape somewhere (either around the skirt or through the vent). With a correctly sized vent, the air is just re-directed, with no additional air escaping.

I'll try to write on the theory of vented PC's at length later, but suffice to say that while the advantages seem real enough, symmetric attachment is far more important.
-- Tom Aiello


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