
Things you did to make a jump

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Ok. second one!!!
Driving from A circle rovaniemi to Turku at the southest part of finland (900km).
Ferry to Stocholm. (2h sleep)
Driving from St holm to Tr veg...dont remember the distance, but its something like 1400-1600 km....5 days there looking at snow, falling rain,storm,clouds,...0 JUMPS...
Drive back....Ferry....Drive Home to AC Rovaniemi...


F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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5 days there looking at snow, falling rain,storm,clouds,...0 JUMPS...

Ouch. What did you do when you came home?

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well...i took couple of vodkas and sleeped a lot....its -34 celsius now in here. p-r-e-t-t-y cold.


F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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Not very crazy, but I will always remember this:

One time I had packed slider off then had to unpack... then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider, then unpack then repack with the slider, then unpack, then repack without slider...

...and then...

...after 17 packjobs...

...I finally got mother nature's cooperation and made a jump!

I did get some damn good "packing memory" in that parachute, and after that I had pleanty of motivation to get to the plasma center twice a week to save for a second rig!!!

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