
Thread the Needle too

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Has anyone ever heard of or actually seen this video? The local marketing rep was hitting us hard and even offering 90 day same as cash financing to get us to buy. Anyone?


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Its the sequal to Thread the Needle. It was made by a good friend of mine. I havn't seen the second one yet but its in the mail to me. I'm guessing I'll have it in about 2 to 3 weeks becuase I'm in Iraq. I have the first one and enjoyed it. I shot some of the footage in the first one. From what I hear its even better than the first. I would get it. Just another kisk ass movie to add to your collection.

BASE 943

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Where can you buy the first one???

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look up safetynate on here!
i'm sure he could help ya out for both 1 and 2!

and nate, if u see this, i want my copy at safety day!

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Nate, you've made a Thread the Needle II? I really enjoyed the first one; it was great footage, very well done, a great effort by the low-key hard-jumping MidWest guys. I was very impressed with the video, and even more than that, seeing just WHAT they've been up to as they keep so quietly to themselves. I'm trying to think of the opposite of "show boats" but I guess I'll have to leave it at that.

Love your work, Nate!


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The local marketing rep was hitting us hard Anyone?

LOL :ph34r::ph34r:

Thread the needle II FREAKIN ROCKS!! Definitely better than the first one. I don't think he was ever planning on "releasing" the first one though. My favorite is the inverted rapel jump off a large "S". Hell, they even have a good word from a B.R. employee!
If interested here's the contact info,
(posted with his approval since he is only the "marketing rep" not the people jumping in the video)

Email: safetynate@hotmail.com
Send $20(shipping included in that) with your name address and phone number to:
Safety Nate
350 Reimer Rd
Watsworth, OH 44281
Please allow 2-4 week for delivery.

Ps: Tree your currently on another thread as the tallest skydiver in the states!!!!

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Thread the Needle 2 kicks asssssssssss.....everyone needs to get a copy. Put together by some of the sickest people alive....worth the money.

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I can still sell TTN I for $15 (shipping included). However, TTN I is 15 min long and it is OK. TTN II is 40 min long and much more intertaining. I have seen some people crippled over laughing so hard. Also in TTN II, Are some never before thought of or attempted stunts. Some should have never been tried in the first place. Is it possible to have 3 WHOLE seconds before inflation from 235'? It is on the Needle II. It is a mixture of BASE and skydiving. No LBV (long Boring Video) Send a check for $20 to;
Nate Varns
350 Reimer Rd
Wadsworth, OH 44281

Hot mail is not working right now SO, Safetynate47@aol.com
My # is 330-714-0530
I am trustworthy (if you are concerned about that sort of thing.)
I am sure you will enjoy the flick.

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I am trustworthy

That's what the last guy told me before he ran off with my $$!!! B|

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Thanx for the vote of confidence, REP.

You know I'm kidding!! You wouldn't do that. Besides I think a good company plan for you is to get everybody hooked on TTN II then come back and make Thread the Needle III ( a new thread, a different hole, STR8 to the vein, or something like that) and THEN you can up the price because people won't be able to go without it after watching how flippin cool TTN II is.Plus you've advertised your email, phone, AND address so if you screw sombody, they know how to find you!

Natedog.....on a quest to take over the world

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USA TODAY says " TTN II.......the best 20 bucks your mind could ever experience!! "
Pretty radical footage Nate...Nice job.

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Thanks Rob.
How was the pucker factor on that jump?
Your face says it all!!

Looks like about a 9.4 on a ten scale!!

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There's my helmet!!

Hell, I don't even have a copy and I think I might be on it!

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I can still sell TTN I for $15 (shipping included). However, TTN I is 15 min long and it is OK. TTN II is 40 min long and much more intertaining. I have seen some people crippled over laughing so hard. Also in TTN II, Are some never before thought of or attempted stunts. Some should have never been tried in the first place. Is it possible to have 3 WHOLE seconds before inflation from 235'? It is on the Needle II. It is a mixture of BASE and skydiving. No LBV (long Boring Video) Send a check for $20 With your return address to;
Nate Varns
350 Reimer Rd
Wadsworth, OH 44281

For faster service hit up my PayPal.
My # is 330-714-0530
I am trustworthy (if you are concerned about that sort of thing.)
I am sure you will enjoy the flick.

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It's primarily sold in DVD format.

It has the quitessential aspects for an ass kicking video:
-Crazy, dangerous acts of stupidity
-That's-got-to-hurt Crash scenes

It will get you ohhing and ahhing you'll watch it over and over again.

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I can still sell TTN I for $15 (shipping included). However, TTN I is 15 min long and it is OK. TTN II is 40 min long and much more intertaining. I have seen some people crippled over laughing so hard. Also in TTN II, Are some never before thought of or attempted stunts. Some should have never been tried in the first place. Is it possible to have 3 WHOLE seconds before inflation from 235'? It is on the Needle II. It is a mixture of BASE and skydiving. No LBV (long Boring Video) Send a check for $20 With your return address to;
Nate Varns
350 Reimer Rd
Wadsworth, OH 44281

For faster service hit up my PayPal.
My # is 330-714-0530
I am trustworthy (if you are concerned about that sort of thing.)
I am sure you will enjoy the flick.

Have you ever had Deja-Vu...just a little different????:|;)

Hottietottie??? Wow that name brings back some memories. Remember Amy Vanderaar? :ph34r::P
That was here saying.....hottietottie naughty body!!! good memories!

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do you have a paypal account? would be faster for both of us.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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For faster service hit up my PayPal.
My # is 330-714-0530

Uhhh....................????? :S:S;)

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Point #1 ~ TTN II is definately worth the $$$. Thanks for the comp copy Nate :)
Point #2 My bro Nate is a starving skydiver/college student. :| Hell, the boy doesn't weight a buck and a quarter soaking wet. He needs to eat! You won't be disappointed.

Find me at the Dublin Boogie, I'll have some copies to sell there.



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TTN II is definately worth the $$$. Thanks for the comp copy Nate

Its worth the $$$, and you paid zero... so you're saying its worthless?

*phew* I almost spent my money.

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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It wasn't a comp copy. I Made a fair trade. I hear there going to be a couple of reps at Dublin. What did you think of the wall strike?

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