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Hey check out this forum to fix your bungee leg strap. Nice looking rig, though.

"If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?"

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This isn't mine, but is one of three new matching employee rigs at Skydive Santa Barbara. I just assembled this first one. The mfBitch, Jamie, gets credit for the color design.
"And the sky is blue and righteous in every direction" Survivor Chuck Palahniuk

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well don't be shy or coy about it post a pic :) Go on you know you want to;)

soon, my pinchecking friend, very soon... (i'm too busy making love to it right now to take said pics... i don't think y'all wanna really see that anyway.)

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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O dear see you there wil be in yardhippies tent with the people from Atlanta:)

well, let me amend that... currently the wife-unit is mulling over the possibility of "letting me" attend my very first boogie. *sigh*

but at this point it looks pretty hopeful. stay tuned.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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just be very nice to her "Valentines day" wink, wink

probably see right through that plan but hey its worth a try:)

i already was... brought her back an expensive tin of chocolate covered strawberries from a recent business trip... said i couldn't wait to let her know i loved her, didn't want to wait for a contrived holiday.

sounded good at the time. :)

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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