
Improvized Tailgates

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I have a borrowed Mojo here from 1997 with about 20 jumps on it. I guess that was the pre-tailgate age, because it doesn't have a tailgate insert point on the center left C-line.

As an aside, when was the tailgate invented? I know it came from Basic Research, but their manual and website don't mention when it was invented afaik.

Anyway; instead the previous owner larkheaded a small rubberband right above the knot where the C-line conects to the canopy tab. He then pushed a standard tailgate through this rubber-band, and then used it as a regular tailgate.

As long as you make sure all lines are on the inside of the tailgate, I don't see any problems with this method. I'm probably overlooking something, because it seems easier to manufacter than the current tailgate practice of creating a trap in the C-line, thereby creating a weak point in that line.

Has anybody else seen this method, and is anybody aware of any drawbacks? Is the position where he put the tailgate (so close to the canopy) too high, considering a modern tailgate is usually about an inch lower?



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Ooh, a '97 Mojo, "pre-TailGate".
A relic from the end of an era.

There are many methods for improvizing.
I suspect that rubberband you mentioned is more likely
a slider stow for slider up packing.
The improvized tailgate should be inserted into the fingertrap at that C-line attachment.
Maybe someone else would agree that attaching a tailgate to the line with a rubberband would kinda suck.

Tailgate placement depends entirely on the deep brake settings, if you have them.
Does that old rag have dbs's?
No dbs's is an entirely different subject.
On most BASE canopies, the dbs's pull the canopy many inches below the C-line attachment point,
thus the necessity of the added trap down the line.

As I mentioned, there are many methods for improvized tailgates.
Odd bits of string, tape, bites.....

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... I have a Mojo280 with the same tailgate config - just a tailgate pushed thru the c-line attachment point where the line joins the canopy. When jumping slider-up I remove the tailgate & replace it with the slider-stow band.

Also this canopy (Slim's old purple 280) has no DB settings so it pretty much mirrors what Avery described. I've had no prob's with this setup ever but as mentioned - there's no other brake setting to make packing a problem.

The tailgate has always released if that's your concern.

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Just have a tailagate loop inserted and atached. Takes about ten minutes and 10 cents of line. I'd do it for a beer if you were close by.


BTW- Masking tape works great.

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Is the position where he put the tailgate (so close to the canopy) too high, considering a modern tailgate is usually about an inch lower?

The tailgate should be placed at the highest possible point (usually just at the top of the control lines, where they attach to the canopy). Placing the tailgate lower can encourage tailgate hangups on PCA's. As Avery noted, this means that the tailgate should be placed after the DBS, and matched to them.

If you use the rubber band attachment, be very sure that the rubber band you use to attach can't catch/entangle and hang up the rubber band you use to close the tailgate. Personally, I prefer masking tape when I haven't got an installed tailgate.
-- Tom Aiello


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Ooh, a '97 Mojo, "pre-TailGate". A relic from the end of an era.



There are many methods for improvizing.
I suspect that rubberband you mentioned is more likely a slider stow for slider up packing.

No, the rubberband is too small for that. It's in the same location where the slider stow would be, but this rubberband is just tight enough to larkhead around the line and then keep the tailgate in place.


The improvized tailgate should be inserted into the fingertrap at that C-line attachment.

Except that there is no fingertrap.


Maybe someone else would agree that attaching a tailgate to the line with a rubberband would kinda suck.

Not sure why though. It seems like a fine attachment to me. It definitely doesn't look like it'll come off or slide down.


Tailgate placement depends entirely on the deep brake settings, if you have them. Does that old rag have dbs's?

Nope B|.


... I have a Mojo280 with the same tailgate config - just a tailgate pushed thru the c-line attachment point where the line joins the canopy.

Interesting! I guess that would work the same way.


The tailgate has always released if that's your concern.

Not sure what my concern was. More curious about why this practice has been discontinued in favour of the finger trap.


Just have a tailagate loop inserted and atached. Takes about ten minutes and 10 cents of line. I'd do it for a beer if you were close by.

Thanks Treejumps, but this canopy is not actually for jumping (nor is it mine). My own canopy has a modern tailgate.

Thanks for the replies everybody!



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Why not use a couple wraps of masking tape, sticky-side out, located as high as possible up against the line attachment point?
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