
Do PF Suit Flyers Need a WS Rig?

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I am a relative newcomer with 31 base jumps and jump PII velcro rigs with Ace and BJ. I have a PF suit arriving any day now and intend to use it later this year in Norway. I have read a lot on these suits and believe that a good tracker can approach the distance and speed of an entry level WS flyer. If this is the case then does a PF suit flyer need to jump a WS type rig i.e. pins and no corners?

John (Kenya, East Africa)

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For safety, I'd recommend pins.

For better track, I'd recommend a wingsuit style rig like a WS-Xtreme or Merlin. Because it's best designed for working with PF gear, I'd give the edge to the WS-Xtreme.

I'll try to write more later, but I have to meet my class at the bridge in 10 minutes.
-- Tom Aiello


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I had the opportunity to fly the demo PF pants while in Norway last summer and had no trouble with my two pin rig. I wouldn't advise using a velcro rig. Looking forward to flying my new PF suit in Norway this summer.

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Talked to some of the good trackers here in Norway and the norwegian "Morpheus man". He didn't recomend WSX to newcommers because its a bit more diffucult to pack.

Do, or do not. There is no try.

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But there are other WS type rigs out there.

The gargoyle with the cut corners(standard?) would be an acceptable option, along with most any Pin Rig with cut corners. IMHO

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The Gargoyle WSX is the most aerodynamic shaped rig on the marked for the moment, but slightly harder to pack! If you think the WSX is complicated to pack in the beginning, you can pack it as an ordinary Gargoyle, since all WSX come with the top flap closing system as well!

When it comes to the open corner modification, it is not a must for the tracking! My self will on my next WSX ask for ordinary corners!

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