
Should Ken Swyers be on the List . . . ?

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I think that is how Shorts developed the infamous Skyvan.

They had some pesky aero engineering student in their factory on work experience. SO they thought they would give him an "onsolvable task" to keep him occupied and out of their hair. "OK Fella, see that shipping container over there? We wreckon we can open up a new market if we can just fly those things around instead of taking them via slow ships. See if you can get it up in the air somehow"!!!!

And you wouldn't have believed what happened!!!! They had to change the name from Skycontainer to Skyvan because it didn't sound right.

Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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And this discussion opens a new can of worms, I now realize I'm not sure how to classify plane to plane jumps when one lands in the same or another plane that one has just jumped out of.

"In a class by itself." Just like you.

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>>What about a McCutaway? I was firmly informed (only partly tongue in cheek) that a McCutaway is neither a skydive (no aircraft) nor a BASE jump (no packed rig when leaving the object).<<

"Packing," is a relative term. Instead of stuffing and folding you are sort of wiggling everything into position . . . Remember when achieving proper ram air orientation involved a hook hanging somewhere. This is just stopping the pack job while it's still on the hook and before the point you mess it all up putting it away . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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