
DBS tuning and vented canopies

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The following has been mentioned before by experienced jumpers. But often only in passing conversation in the middle of other threads.

I just screwed this up myself, I figured I might as well dedicate a thread to it, so somebody else can skip this step of his DBS tuning process.

Anyway, upon getting my brand new canopy, I quickly set out to do several skydives with it, and tune my brake settings.

I used the method as described by Consolidated Rigging over here: http://www.crmojo.com/adobepdf/dbsinsert.pdf

I did skydives on the shallow-brake settings, and several skydives with the LRM installed using the deep brake settings. I had my rigger install an extra brake setting that corresponded with what the Consolidated Rigging manual gave me. The result was a brake setting that was too deep, because:

The traditional way of DBS tuning results in a brake-setting that is too deep if used on a vented canopy..

That means that if you're jumping a vented canopy, you'll have to find a different way of tuning. What the best approach is, I don't know. I think finding a relatively safe object like the potato span combined with reasonable guesses and video-analysis is your best bet. I'm guessing Tom Aiello and other people will chime in here with other good suggestions.

I never actually did a base-jump with this brake-setting, because my skydives already told me it was too deep.

I have since gone to a brake-setting that is only an inch deeper than what the factory-setting was. My skydives tell me this is pretty good, but it's hard to judge. I'll have to wait until visiting the Potato span to really tell if it's good.

Anyway, just a shout-out. While carefully unravelling eight bartacks can be a very meditative experience, it hurts your lines and it's better to get them right the first time.



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With a vented canopy, the traditional method results in noticeable backsurge. The best method I've found is progressive trial and error off a safe span. There was some discussion about this in this forum and on BLiNC a while back.
-- Tom Aiello


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