
BASE jumping in Serbia and Montenegro?

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Is there anybody who can provide help about BASE jumping in Serbia and Montenegro? Any help would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

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maybe the guy in The Hague can help you out.:P
canyon bar

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Hey Desert1, this was not nice >:( - will spank your ass next time I see you!!!:P

I don't know if there are any jumpers in SCG, but I know that my colleague went to jump in the valley of river Tara...but I think if you'll be interested in starting the BASE, you should contact guys from e.g. Slovenia, Greece...
C'ya B|

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Hi Majki,

There is no BASE jumper in Serbia & Monte Negro as far as I know the situation there.

The best would be to contact Mr. Ljubisa Naumovic.
This guy was working few years for Relative Workshop in late 80's.
His contacts are:
telephone: +381 35 546 089
and e-mail: sky-naum@EUnet.yu

He speaks perfect English, and probably he might know more about places were jump might be possible.
Robert Pecnik

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Thanks to all of you who replied my question. Dear Robert, I was honored that YOU replied this post, since I have watched so many of your videos (no offence to the rest of BASE jumpers). I know Ljubisa personaly, since my first skydives were made under his supervision in Paracin. But as far is I know, he has no rig for BASE, which I would like to see, and I think (not sure) that he is not approve that kind of activities...(Again, maybe I'm wrong). There is just few jumpers that are willing to try BASE here, but without help, it will be impossible. I was contacted by a guy from Slovenia, and if that is possible, he will arive soon here to try some locations:) Hope to meet him, and get answers to my questions. I'm interessted of differences between regular skydivers rig, and BASE rig, and other differences that may be useful. If anybody can provide more help, please post to this forum. Thank you all!

Majki, S&M

P.S. No offence, but I don't have nothing with guy in Hague!!!!!! I'm just interested in BASE!!!!

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i was just kidding.
canyon bar

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He Majki

I met a Serbian guy (I think his name was Goran) in Reggio Emilia - Italy, last year.

He was doing tandems at the body flight university whilst we were training there in August / September 2004. I did not have much time to talk because of training and a few trips I did.

If you contact Marco or Barbara at Reggio, they may have some contact details. I think the address is

Good luck. :)

edit for site name ~TA
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Hey Majki,

Unfortunately there are no guys in Serbia and Montenegro who are BASE jumping as far as I know, YET;)...

As for the objects jumpable in Serbia and Montenegro, there are some possible Buildings, but for your case (first jumps) the ???? Bridge in MN would be just perfect;), it was already jumped by Croatians Neno Pešut and Igor Kecerin


...but I think if you'll be interested in starting the BASE, you should contact guys from e.g. Slovenia, Greece...

What iXic, you forgot that in Croatia there are also guys who are BASE jumping>:(....guess I´ll spank your ass when I see you;)....
PS Don´t you know about the rule of not naming BASE sites without a legal status in public?...one more spank for your ass;)...


I met a Serbian guy (I think his name was Goran) in Reggio Emilia - Italy, last year.

Hey Tome legendo, pa di si:)I met Goran(If we think on the same person, big guy right?) last year, he was just making his first jump under the supervision of Alex (Mucho BASEB|), so I don´t know if he has acctually gained enough experience yet....

Majki, we from Croatia are planing a trip to the S I mentioned so we can stay in contact, will send you a PM and explain you some things about the BASE adventure....


edit for site name ~TA

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PS Don´t you know about the rule of not naming BASE sites without a legal status in public?...one more spank for your ass;)...


Hmm, did you ever learn geography, 2pac? River Tara is 144km long - so I think if you call this site naming...:S

And the reason I didn't mention that he can contact Croatian jumpers is only a small historical fact, that I might consider to be a problem...but as already Robibird proved - luckily is not!:)

P.S. if you wanna spank my ass - get in the line boy!B|

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Kako si Darko?

Evo me u 3PM na prokletni internet!!! Australia is a beautiful place, so that is where I am now.

I am maybe coming to Croatia again this year. If not then definitely next year. I have frequent flyer points to burn up.

Goran was a big guy. We didn't talk much as he was doing tandems and we were serious CRW training all day for the World Meet. We only talked in the plane a few times and whilst packing.

to iXic - there have now been 3 (three) Croats help out this info request (Robi, 2pac & me). :)
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Hmm, did you ever learn geography, 2pac? River Tara is 144km long - so I think if you call this site naming...

Yeah, you are right after all there are at least 100 jumpable spans over ???? river so which one could it acctually be....:S:S


And the reason I didn't mention that he can contact Croatian jumpers is only a small historical fact, that I might consider to be a problem...but as already Robibird proved - luckily is not!

Well didn´t you Slovenians also had some "historical facts", only much softer....who knows it might could become a problem again but not because of guys like Majki I guess....and if I think about it a little bit.....acctually....your ignorance of Croatian BASErs might have some other causes....you Slovenians will never have the Piran bay:S:S:S

As for your ass, well I might have a VIP pass so I guess there is no line for me babyB|

Alo Tome, e da, lijepo je tamo u Ozlandiji veliš ti?
Dolazis u HR, svakako se javi pa da odemo na koji BASE trip i popimo koju cugu...;)
Guess we are thinking on the same person then, I am just curious why Taiello edited our posts about the most famous Italian terminal wall since it is fully legal, why Taielo, hm?!:S

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As for your ass, well I might have a VIP pass so I guess there is no line for me babyB|


I guess you'll have some explaining to do...to my husbandB|B|B|...and my lover:$...and my catB|

P.S. you're in none of above categories;)

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After all this not so educational posts about BASE in SiCG, Majki, make sure to contact Ljubisa about some issues regarding equipment and your personal qualifications regarding BASE FJC.
Regardless of ''tremendous'' help provided by few people here, you'll be fighting the BASE problems mostly alone there in SiCG.

To learn basics, you should at least find your own equipment first and than travel to some nice student object.

Best regards
Robert Pecnik

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As for the objects jumpable in Serbia and Montenegro, there are some possible Buildings, but for your case (first jumps) the ???? Bridge in MN would be just perfect,

The MN Bridge is far away from being suitable for FJC! Lending and escape path is very bad ( doses not really exist, (in case of bad landing, broken bones, etc....)

Robert Pecnik

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I guess you'll have some explaining to do...to my husband...and my lover...and my cat

Is someone from above all on fire?

Well KSENIJA I don´t give explanations to anyone...I just act radiply and without mercyB|...you know that I am a badboyB|

PS You have a new lover?....let me guess a person from this post;););)


The MN Bridge is far away from being suitable for FJC! Lending and escape path is very bad ( doses not really exist, (in case of bad landing, broken bones, etc....)

Well in terms of height and type of object it is best choice or, and as for the landing I have some infos that it is acceptable when the water is lower...

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I'm assuming that the banter in here is friendly, and that you know each other (and that I'm not following it too well due to my absolute lack of slavic languages). Remember that if you want to rehash the late unpleasantness in your part of the world, we've always got the Speaker's Corner forum for that.

Robert, my knowledge of the geography down there is sketchy. Can you PM me if any of this discussion would get people too close to objects that can be jumped, so that I can edit posts? Thanks!
-- Tom Aiello


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Will do so. I'm glad anyway, there is so much people around who posted their reply. I must say that I was contacted by many people from Croatia and Slovenia. That makes me think, that you jump a lot guys:) Keep up the good work!:) I'll contact Ljubisa as soon as I can, and get some more training. BTW, does anybody know how much would it be to get some BASE equipment (basics)? Obviously that is the first thing to do...

Regards, Majki

P.S. Ukoliko je nekome lakse, a vidim da ima dosta ljudi koji razumeju i"ovaj" jezik, mozda ne bi bilo lose da neko napise neko misljenje i ovako...

Drugarski pozdrav iz SiCG

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