
getting current

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Hi all, I have 300odd jumps and have not jumped in two years. I will shortly be moving to a city with a dropzone again after living in the skydive wilderness and will be looking to get back in the air.

In your experience what will the requirements be to get jumping again? Would it be reasonable to expect to do a coach or instructor jump or two?

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Hi all, I have 300odd jumps and have not jumped in two years. I will shortly be moving to a city with a dropzone again after living in the skydive wilderness and will be looking to get back in the air.

In your experience what will the requirements be to get jumping again? Would it be reasonable to expect to do a coach or instructor jump or two?

Yes. Any DZ worth its salt will have you do a thorough ground review AND a evaluation jump with an Instructor.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I just came back after a car accident induced two year layoff myself. I had to do the ground course and a refresher jump with an instructor. Before the jump we did emergency procedures for a solid hour to. Fun ass jump to!! Now i've made 38 jumps in two months & feel like i got off of student status yesterday. Pretty fun shit this skydiving is!!!

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