
Broken Back in Moab!

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Agree totally. on average, a Span is the best starting point for new jumpers. And it is about the skills you learn, not the number of jumps you do. By definition, you have to do a number of jumps to learn those skills but if you are focused, you will need less jumps to develop them.

Once slight correction / question. I believe (and data I have backs this up) that object strike is our leading cause of SERIOUS INJURY and death, but landings are the leading cause of overall injuries.
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Ok, i agree with Tom...but what can we do as a whole to prepair better? We always seem to get wound up after a few people we know go in.....For crap sake...
We send people to space and we can solve these simple problems with all these people who have such vast knowlege.... i dont buy into that...we figured out that with anti lock breaking we wont go out of control ...whats the "180" mystical opening statistic... It just sounds a bit lame in this day and age with the technoligy we have now... We even have ground to air communication now....there is technoligy already available....we have options..I could be wrong...:S

In the end...the universe has a way of working itself out.... "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"

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We send people to space and we can solve these simple problems ... ...whats the "180" mystical opening statistic...

It's something that only a thousand people on this entire planet care about. If you really want it fixed quickly, make sure that money can be made from it, or that the United States department of defense takes an interest.

Until then, all canopy openings will remain way too chaotic and turbulent for any us to ever fully understand.

Of course, therein lies some of the beauty of basejumping as well. Ask yourself honestly; would you still jump if your five year old nephew could safely huck himself of any cliff as easily as he could ride the rollercoaster?

From an email-conversation between three experienced (800+ jumps) BASE jumpers:


Please don't die. It's all fun and games until you start losing friends.

Death is an integral part of the game (although not part of the fun). Odds are that one of us will be dead within the next 3 years....

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From an email-conversation between three experienced (800+ jumps) BASE jumpers:


Please don't die. It's all fun and games until you start losing friends.

Death is an integral part of the game (although not part of the fun). Odds are that one of us will be dead within the next 3 years....

The disturbingly prescient thing about that is that the writer is dead--less than 3 years later.
-- Tom Aiello


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Hey Jap, Well thats a thousand people who could make a difference. And yes, i would still base jump if a five year old could....being alittle far fetched. Let me ask you this, would have started base jumping if someone told you its a 1 in 2 chance you will go in?//

I dont think so... Death is a integral part of life....not just base jumping...Think about flying or driving or going out in a boat....your in a container....full of explosive fuel......moving at speed.....come on thats life....life is a risk..... Do you base jump to defy death or for the pure real injoyment of feeling free and flying?

Skydiving, climbing and flying use to be small group of what people called dare devels....That has all changed.....Base jumping will evolve also and i see nothing but good will come out of it...B|

In the end...the universe has a way of working itself out.... "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"

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would have started base jumping if someone told you its a 1 in 2 chance you will go in?//

I know someone has said in the past, "i give myself 50:50" each jump, and I also give myself 50:50 each jump for injury or death - this way I stay switched on and I enjoy it so much more (it also means I walk down alot though!) :P

Although I scare the shit out of myself more so than normal each jump due to this attitude, I find that it keeps the reality of what I am doing...................

I suffer horribly from vertigo, and BASE in general scares me alot, I always expect something horrible to happen to me EVERY jump - but this is the way I like it and it gives me a fucking big smile after..............


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I always expect something horrible to happen to me EVERY jump - but this is the way I like it and it gives me a fucking big smile after.............

Unless of course something horrible does happen. :P

"Smile, although your heart femur's breaking..."

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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"Smile, although your heart femur's breaking..."

women are more dangerus than BASE[:/]
thanks to thouse of you(inkluding you adrian) whos trying to make my face smile again.your doing a great job,i would have likedd to have more guys like you here arround..

oh well im drunk again..:|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I used to have a signature line on another BB which read: 'If it's got tits or wheels it's trouble'.

But the good news is, in my post apocalyptic world fantasy,
I'll be looking out for someone to muck out the women.. consider yourself hired. ;)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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>>"Odds are that one of us will be dead within the next 3 years....<<

>>>The disturbingly prescient thing about that is that the writer is dead--less than 3 years later.<<<

Insurance Roulette . . .

Four of us are jumping buildings in a time when none of us are all that sure about what we're doing. We had the idea of chipping in for life insurance on each of us figuring sooner rather than later we'd collect. The biggest issue is if one had the worst happen should we take the money, or let it ride, by purchasing more insurance on the remaining three.

No matter, here it is almost twenty years later and all four are still breathing . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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all four are still breathing...

Are all four still jumping?

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One quit, one skydives, and two BASE jump occasionally . . .

I should have said we didn't totally bank on dying by BASE, we just thought with our personality types something would happen, i.e, jealous husband, car crash, etc.

NickD :)BASE 194

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