
Troll Sizing

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Heyall have read that Atair measures their canopies different to other manufacturers and wondered if a troll at 245 would give equivalent performance/wingloading/pack volume to a fox/flik at 265 or an ace at 260?

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In my opinion (lots of others have different opinions), no.

I don't think my Troll 290 is really that much bigger than a BJ 280. I certainly don't think it's an equivalent size to an Ace 310.
-- Tom Aiello


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There is a noticeable difference between my Fox '265 and my Troll '265 (pack volume wise). I'm using two identically sized Gargoyles (made for Troll '265), you can feel and see the difference when closing the containers.

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Thanks skreamer....do you notice much difference in performance between the two ie due to potentially different wingloading?

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but as i meet you once i can tell your lazy,you probaly always pack the Troll last were you have no energy to press the air out:P

oh well im whith Sreamer here:ph34r::)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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hi all!
it is so: atair measure the canopy underside - this is the different to the others, because they measure the upperside
when you´ve 60 to 70kg, best performance is troll 245, 70-80kg- troll265, more than 80kg-troll305
also available is troll 225 and 205

greetings from austria

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Sorry, I can't give you fair feedback on flight and flare performance - Fox is vented without covers, Troll vented with covers.

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I don't think my Troll 290 is really that much bigger than a BJ 280. I certainly don't think it's an equivalent size to an Ace 310.

Ok, I was clearly wrong here.

TM and I layed canopies on top of each other today, and his Blackjack 310 is almost exactly the same size as my Troll 290 (the BJ is about 4 inches longer, and the Troll about 8 inches wider).
-- Tom Aiello


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Lucky for you, Tom -- I hear, as long as it's not too much shorter, they generally prefer the extra width...

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