
Base Polo Shirts

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foreign jumpers are known to exploit weak border security and enter the country illegally.



Hi, Mr TSA, do you know what's in my bag?


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na.. I will let you blow your own yonkles... :-);)

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Dude, if you blow your yonkles, how are you going to schlare the tarp?
-- Tom Aiello


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I BASE jump for all the usual reasons, but the main one is because so many said I can't . . .

When we get BASE all squared away and humming along, and we will one day, I'm going to have to look for another fight, medical marijuana maybe.

NickD :)BONG 194

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Go to Switzerland, there you can jump leagaly during the day and consume marihuana (more or less leagaly) in the evening...
Michi (#1068)

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Nirvana . . .

But, what's this crap about not smoking during the day . . . ?

Seriously, drugs are harmful, but they spawned a generation that finally looked inward, and it was the closest we came to getting it right. The "Just say No" idea is an absurd extreme many bought into because it's easier that way . . . and it's all they know. It's as ugly in there as it is beautiful. It makes you realize how it really works because it strips away all the crap. "Just say No" is the American version of the head banging Mastrasa . . .

Let the Brothers go . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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Very well said :)Also explains why I find myself SO lost in the real world after multiple days of jumps, EVERYTHING just seems so irrelevant, when all I had to think about was the winds and packing..:P

PS I'm with Nick D, :)

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chuckles... funny... someone told me that was a real death camp?

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I want one because I am 7 months into recovery and won't walk normal again...stuck with a cane.

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Hey everybody,

after much discussion and deliberation, fifty beers, six strippers, two hookers, and a moderate amount of blow, the judges have been able to come to a conclusion.

First Prize - a t-shirt

The first prize goes to Rob Price also known as Skypuppy:

No doubt in my mind at all, Im old school. There's only two reasons to BASE jump. For the girls, and for the glory. Everything else pales.

The jury was awestruck by the honesty expressed in this simple and straightforward answer. The judges unanimously agreed that the only reasons why anybody in his right mind would huck himself off an object would be girls and glory. It's for the same reason we climb Mount Everest, we land on the moon and we travel to the South Pole; to impress the ladies and to live beyond our own death.

Besides, it makes for an awesome t-shirt. Imagine being carried away into an ambulance wearing a shirt that says: "For girls and glory!"

Second Prize - a t-shirt

The second prize winner was immediately obvious. Mainly because it caused two heartstrokes and five premature ejaculations among our old-time jury members. Our lovely Karen Thomas also known as K763 happily admitted:

and besides, it makes me wet.

And that pretty much says it all...

Honourable Mention - a t-shirt

The honourable mention goes to Jamie also known as Fireflyr. He brought out the homie in all of us by his creative use of the contest limitations. It made us drizzle fo' nizzle, put some shit up my fizzle and high-five some of my local brothas. Ice Ice Baby; word to ya momma, Jamie!

Jamie, Karen and Rob. Send me a PM or email with your address and your size (S, L or XL, if you really need M let me know and I'll have another one printed). The shirts will be on their way shortly.

Special Category - potentially a t-shirt

Joel Broadbent also known as yexotay could win a shirt for himself. Unfortunately, his entry was past the deadline. So the judges imposed two conditions. One, did you hurt yourself on a base-jump? Two, if so, would you be willing to share an incident report? Totally understandable if you don't want to. But if you do, a shirt will be coming your way too. Either way, I hope you'll be jumping again soon! Climbing ladders with a cane is totally doable, I've seen it done.

The judges would like to extend a special thanks to all participants and their extraordinary contributions.

The follow-up of this thread will now be dedicated to flaming away at the terrible decisions the judges have made. Three, two, one, go!

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I dont get girls, I dont look cool, I dont get free stuff - why the fuck do I do this shit?? Well fuck it then - Im off to shoot smack into my feet............

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I didn't hurt myself on a base jump...I hurt it on the landing:) I really am not going to share the details just a building jump and blew my knee and broke my leg all the way from my knee to my ankle, pulled the tendons from my toes and broke my foot in many places.

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Fuck dude, that sucks. PM me your address and size. Maybe the karma will save me from a similar fate. :$

All other handicapped people will be getting carrots again.

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Got mine today. Nice!
-- Tom Aiello


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All other handicapped people will be getting carrots again.

What do you think about having one carrot that gets passed around?
When someone breaks themselves they get the carrot for a while or until someone else breaks themselves and then they send it to them and so on. We could have a BASE jumping community get well carrot! :)

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What do you think about having one carrot that gets passed around?

That's a splendid idea! I'm all for it! As long as its for people who got hurt on a base-jump or while driving to an object. ;)

Who knows, maybe one day I'll get my own carrot back! :(

I wonder how long such a scheme will last, but it's worth a shot! Anybody in need of a carrot? PM Russel!

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What do you think about having one carrot that gets passed around?

That's a splendid idea! I'm all for it! As long as its for people who got hurt on a base-jump or while driving to an object. ;)

Who knows, maybe one day I'll get my own carrot back! :(

I wonder how long such a scheme will last, but it's worth a shot! Anybody in need of a carrot? PM Russel!

I am not giving up my get well carrot dammit. It's MINE MINE MINE!

Plus I didn't get hurt BASE jumping so there! :P


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I am not giving up my get well carrot dammit. It's MINE MINE MINE!

Yeah, we'll use Russel's. Your carrot has been in places... I don't think anybody would want it anymore.

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I am not giving up my get well carrot dammit. It's MINE MINE MINE!

Yeah, we'll use Russel's. Your carrot has been in places... I don't think anybody would want it anymore.

It hasn't been IN anything. I might have dry humped it a couple times but what's wrong with having a love carrot? :D


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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What a strange coincidence you have reply number 69 in this thread. Shanonononononon!

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What a strange coincidence you have reply number 69 in this thread. Shanonononononon!

It's no coincidence.

Now where's my shirt?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Yeah, we'll use Russel's.

Ok, sounds good. So, who is in need of a get well carrot? It's really cute. :$ You must pass it on and hopefully you'll post something here letting us know you've passed it on and to whom.

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I'll trade you a shirt for one of my next videos.
It's gonna be called "Keen & A+ble" with an emphasis on the A+.

I just got an HD camera so the quality should be alright. It's gonna be about 45 minutes long, and it won't suck. It should be done by Bridge Day, but just like your shirts it probably won't be ready till the day after. After you see it, you should be able to guess why I BASE jump.

Send the shirt to:
jimmy halliday
P.O. Box 424
Acampo, CA 95220

I'll get it in the vid as long as you don't ask me to sign a liscence agreement.

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HA! that's brilliant:$
.........and ofcourse I'd like to thank gravity...I couldn't have done it without you!.........
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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