
cliff ?

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like 80 m high vertical cliff...
10 m under exit 2 m wide shelf ... and under it its overhung

everything shows its not a problem to overjump the shelf, but since i never jumped underoverhunged cliff its bothering me the thought that bridle or pc could touch the shelf and delay / misstreat my opening, another thing is also hiting the shelf with my feet. Anyone any info on that issue.


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10 metres is 33 feet if you look at the freefall charts on the Apex BASE site that should show you that a 2 second delay will take you past the shelf and into the overhung section assuming you dont need that much extra height to make a certain landing area then that delay from that height is acceptable in my humble oppinion.

80 metres is 260 feet less say 40 feet for the delay and 120 feet for the opening that gives you roughly 100 feet to play with,then you factor in pilot chute hesitation,off headings,neuro sensory overload blah blah blah and it will be a jump that could go ok but may go very very wrong.

if youre not entirely happy then go find another object....there are plenty more in the world.

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Not an expert but.

Can you run the exit? You should be able to jump further than 2m from standing still but what are the risks you are willing to take?

Taking a 2 sec delay to clear the ledge pretty much puts u in the cellar. Is that ok? What are the landings? Tallus? Field of grass?

With that said, a running exit taking with a short delay should probably clear the ledge. The lower u take it the greater distance from the cliff.

Please take in count, my experience is limited.

An offheading on a low cliff is a bone breaker. The best advice is to stay away.

My mentor once said about low cliffs, "an easy hike doesn't necessarily suggest an easy jump". After read a lots of incident reports about death and injuries, I also find it true.

Be safe

/ percy

"u won't find me on a low cliff"

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I'd exit running and hand held. You want to be able to pitch as soon as you clear the ledge, but you don't want to pitch before that, since quick inflation could start to kill your forward speed (and sling you back into the ledge).

As long as you take the necessary delay (to allow yourself to clear the ledge), I think it ought to be possible.
-- Tom Aiello


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Can you access the ledge? A little lower but You need to wait till you pass the ledge anyway.. But getting the visuals of the ledge in freefall. do both.B|

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ok jupija i will test jump it for you and we can say that you opened it;)
canyon bar

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want to know some experiance from those that jumped overhanged cliffs - low ones, any interesting thought, or experiance that u might share with me

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Hey, you mean underhung not overhung ?

Been there yesterday (again) and it looks possible but I,m sure that this time you go first :P
Rock drops are passing the ledge with just a slight push.


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"When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion"

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That looks really sweet, but you better be expecting to land in the trees. If everyting goes right you'll be able to hit the trail, but any deviation from perfect and the trees are it!

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Damn, that looks exciting. Are the trees a viable "alternate"?


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At that height with a running exit and 1-1.5 sec delay you won't have any time to dick around.

It does look exiting! I would probably chicken out on a jump like that! Actually I would most definitely chicken out :S

If I had to do it because someone is chasing me with a gun I run like hell, jump forward as much as I can, and pitch right away.

Let us know how it went if you will be able to do so...
Memento Audere Semper


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If I had to do it because someone is chasing me with a gun I run like hell, jump forward as much as I can, and pitch right away.

Dude, you so would have won a t-shirt for that one! I base jump because people chase me to the edge pointing a gun at me!

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From the pic I would say find another exit point! We have a local 240ft. cliff that looks alot better then that with a nice talus as an out and a huge landing area. I made 93 jumps off this cliff without any problems but on the 94th. i got that mistery 180 and found out just how fast things happen from altitudes this low. So just be carefull and remember things happen so give yourself some room for problems when scouting out cliffs this low..........Just my 2 cents...............Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dude, you so would have won a t-shirt for that one! I base jump because people chase me to the edge pointing a gun at me!

You nailed it! Where we jump that's always the scererio;) Sometimes it's just salt, sometimes you have to dodge real bullets B|
Memento Audere Semper


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I know this one.
Remember that when you push hard on exit your legs wont be at the place were your head is.
Have a fun
R ;)
Robert Pecnik

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