
How to static line

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1. After the container is closed, pass a rubber band over the PC and slide it up the bridle to the container. You'll use this later. For best results, use the same rubber band you would use to close your tailgate (and not the black ones!!)

2. Find a suitable place to anchor the static line to. Don't use a wimpy little strap of steel, find something that doesn't look like you will pull it off and find yourself doing a 2-way with the chunk of steel that used to be attached to the bridge. Most handrails are good. Give it a tug and make sure it's as solid as it looks.

3. Take out your Dexterbase Rigging carry-on Static Line attachment;) and girth hitch the white loop to the bridle/PC junction. (You can also tie the attachment to the bridle with break cord.) Pass the red end (away from the white end) over the handrail so that the white line faces away from the object.

4. Tie the two red ends to the bridle/PC junction with a surgeon's knot using a piece of 80lb break cord.

5. Start s-folding the bridle at the SL attachment point and stop about 24" from the container. Use the rubberband from step 1 to contain the s-fold. Don't use a double wrap. This stow is not meant to hold anything. The only purpose is to keep the bridle neat and staged while you get into position and exit. The bridle should easily unfold as you fall away from the object.

6. Ensure that the bridle runs straight from your container to the anchor without passing under or through anything that will prevent it from loading correctly.

7. Climb into position so that you're standing next to the SL anchor. Try not to stand off to one side of the anchor, as this may lead to heading problems.

8. Exit with some forward movement so that you clear the object, but don't huck out there. Minimal forward movement will create less of a pendulum effect on opening and you'll be able to control the canopy easier if you're close to the ground.

Have fun and have someone check your rigging before you exit. Don't be afraid to do some test drops with a SL attachment. You can easily simulate a SL attachment setup on a balcony with a bridle and a weight.

Be careful and think about your rigging! Be sure.

Edit: typos.

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Thanks Chad. :)
-- Tom Aiello


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Thanks dude! A great addition to the other thread about static-line jumping.

I have mixed feelings about posting base 'tutorials' online, but this seems useful. For anybody that's going to attempt their first static-line jump, remember there is no substitute for seeing a mentor or otherwise experienced jumper demonstrating the technique first hand.

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Isn't the breaking strength of static line break cord +-40 lbs? And if so doesn't looping it around make it a breaking strength of 80 lbs? I dont know what a good break point as far as pounds is, just wondering.

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ok sweet I figured that even 40 lbs was pretty high, but I guess not thanks.

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Can you explain the benifits of using this over the "normal" way. It's assume this way leaves no breakcord on the object, but what other advantages are there?

ADD: How do we order a dexterbase (TM) breakcord looppy thingamabobber (Dexterbase Rigging carry-on Static Line attachment(TM))

ADDMORE: Question, This looks like it puts the PC really close to the object. Do you make different sized versions? I know of at least 1 or 2 object specific instances that I would want the pc to hang lower than what your "DBRCSLA" allows

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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if you know how to finger trap you can make that setup,or a similar 1 depending on what you like in about 10-15 mins.

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i know that, just seeing if he makes them for others...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Send me a self adressed-stamped envelope (6x9 envelope) and I'll send you a free one. PM me and I'll tell you where to send it.

Normally I'd just mail you one, but at least making you go to the effort of mailing me a SASE shows me that you really want one.

I think everybody should use this device. It's super clean, easy to make, and leaves no trace at the exit point.

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If the breakcord that goes through both the red loops prematurely breaks then there is nothing to back it up? Or am I wrong and is the picture just a little hard to see?

Chad, did ya get my PM? I'm lookng at flight info and need to know when you'll be in Twin.

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Chad, did ya get my PM? I'm lookng at flight info and need to know when you'll be in Twin.

Are you continuing project pBase? Better let me know when, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Ah wait, that's part of the F.H.A.T., right? Awesome! I'm so going to be there!

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Does that go for everyone????

Everyone who wants to try the SL attachment.

I would like to get the device out there and get some field input on it. All the input I have is the ones I jump and the few friends I've given them to.

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This is the exact same set up I use.

I posted it few times.

If everything goes OK the S/L comes with you.

If it gets trapped on the object the second break cord breaks and you lose the S/L but no damage to the canopy. I lost two S/Ls because they got trapped on an object's grating.

This set up is simple and effective.

I always carry one with me and use it when I'm too chicken to free fall low objects.

Also the openings are even better than PCA ;)
Memento Audere Semper


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1. After the container is closed, pass a rubber band over the PC and slide it up the bridle to the container.

I don't know about rubber bands threaded over the bridle/pc, what if the static line breaks early, and the band rides up and constricts the PC :( Far-fetched I know, but I'm just paranoid.:S

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...what if the static line breaks early, and the band rides up and constricts the PC...

Try it yourself. Slide the rubber band onto the bridle and up to the container. Then see what a pain in the ass it would be to get it up and over the PC in a way that it would restrict the functionality of the PC.

I can't imagine that ever being an issue.

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I use a rubber band to control the bridle. So far, no issues.

I haven't tried threading it onto the bridle. I pretty much just put it over the 's' folds, and lose it on every jump.

Chad, why did you decide to put it onto the bridle itself?
-- Tom Aiello


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Chad, why did you decide to put it onto the bridle itself?

When I got onto an object that I decided to static line and I realized I didn't have an extra rubber band for bridle control. I ended up using a strip of a ziplock bag to tie the bridle.

Now if I know I'm going to SL something, I slip a rubber band on the bridle so I won't forget it. I've actually left it on and done a bunch of freefall jumps with the rubber band below the pin flap. It's always right there where I left it, I've never even seen it migrate toward the PC. (I think there's one on Katie's rig right now and she hasn't been SL-ing anything lately.)

The rubber band doesn't move down the bridle toward the PC until the bridle is payed out. Once the PC starts to inflate, I can't imagine the rubber band ever getting involved. You have to stretch the thing really wide to get it over the PC mesh. This type of stretching just doesn't happen on a SL setup.

I don't like leaving stuff behind. The tailgate rubber band is acceptable to me, but if I can prevent other littering without compromising my safety, then I'll do it.

I'll let you guys know if I have a problem with it. For now, I'm very comfortable with it so I'll keep doing it.

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Hey Dexter
is that the one your shipping to me?
how long is it total?
It looks rather short(compared to your cellphone unless its extreme big:ph34r::D).
It does look like a chair you secured your setup on the set up pic do you use ancorpoints whith that dia whith your setup?
Asking as i didnt jumped some objects due i didnt find such a small ancorpoint good enough(the size off it...).The devise still looks like i can use it on my favorite objectB|


Take out your Dexterbase Rigging carry-on Static Line attachment ;)

bwaaahahaha :ph34r::D Andrea were are ya? way funny shit about this devise..
stop your funniness and call it somthing cool like "the "Faber- devise":ph34r::D


7. Climb into position so that you're standing next to the SL anchor. Try not to stand off to one side of the anchor, as this may lead to heading problems.

Ive redesided this way to exit after i made a horseshoe to myself off 180ft as i while exiting the object desided to hook up the pc by my death-hooks on my boots.
Now i leave the system aprox 1 m(like 3 ft or so i guess) to my right were its also more easy to to chek as your out there.
I had no onheadding problems due this and doubt i will get as when you go handheld or stowed you easily through your pc that far away anyway.. i think its not nore as a concern on theese kind of jumps as in same way as the straight wind ait(you wont get a wrong pull on your pc from winds as the canopy shuld be out as the pc starts to get drag on SL jumps..


8. Exit with some forward movement so that you clear the object, but don't huck out there. Minimal forward movement will create less of a pendulum effect on opening and you'll be able to control the canopy easier if you're close to the ground.

just do a PLF your allowed in the BASE envioment.. no one will look bad at you as you does its normal.. no one will notice that you spank in as of no canopy control if you just make a good PLF;)


think about your rigging! Be sure

i will be thinking of your rigging next time i jump YOUR;) setup made by YOU:P,but thats more the rigging part:ph34r::D

One thing i think you forgot to say is to secure the setup (the Faber-devise:P) by a peice of breakcord aswell and DONT remove it,rather climb downB|.
I once stood at a 180ft exit point rwealicing that my main breakcord(backup cord) ended up so long that it would break at the same time as the "cut-away-cord",so i removed the "cut-away-cord" and jumped.. Then shit happened that the main breakcord somehow didnt break as planned but expanded giving me 160lbs of breakcord setup whith no "cut-away-cord",resulting in a hang up,again(lucky)resulting my "Faber-device" to be destroyed(ripped into 2 pieces) Leaving me under a canopy rather interesting bulky flight until landing(canopy had no dammeged at ALL),but still giving me a stand up landing.. ofcourse i had to climb the A again and collect my rubbish before jumping off again slightly higher:)

Chad and´K-monster Lets chek out SL stuff in about 1 month from now huh;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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