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smooth 0
Do you think is that the soultion of the problem?
No, not a solution, just different.
I'm currently more comfortable with that method (flat packing). For me it's relatively simple, straight-forward and consistent.
If a cell or two was to grab some air as the bag stripped off the canopy, before the line groups had spread out, your canopy would begin to inflate, and force the slider down prematurely.
It's a big struggle between airspeed holding your sldier up, and your canopy trying to spread out and force it down. As you slow down, air pressure on your slider will decrease, and the canopy will begin to win the fight, but every but of help you can give your slider in the early stages is beneficial.
--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome
The past two canopies I jump regularly a Jedei and a Nitron would smack the crap out of me when I would roll the nose. The canopy would take too much time sniveling and the slider would come down the lines then bame the canopy would open and hard.
But once I stopped rolling the nose the canopy would open quicker causing tension for the slider to do its job and I never had a hard opening again on wither of the canopies..
masher 1
"Yes, plus or minus several standard deviations, it happens."
Sounds like something I'd say...

Arching is overrated - Marlies
Shark 0
rogue108 0
Much of packing nowadays is essentially voodoo
That is pretty much the truth. If it makes the customer feel better i'll do it. Otherwise a standard pro-pack with good stows, straight lines. will do it.
F111 doesn't play much of a role unless you actually cut holes in the bottom of the canopy
I have seen an old time jumper just frustrated and cut a hole in his slider with a knife, to get a faster opening.
kallend 2,056
Does it do anything? I know plenty of people swear on rolling the nose/tail/ spend 20 minutes getting everything in order in their preparation to lay the canopy down.
I have watched openings in slo-mo and thought about it an awful lot and it seemd to me that as soon as the last stows come off the bag and the slider hits the airstream, everything you just spent 20 minutes on goes right out the window and the canopy is going to do what its designed to do.
Assume that the slider is all the way up and the brakes are set and not gonna line over. Does waving a dead chicken nailed to a packing paddle over your sabre/monarch/any canopy you want really do anything?
When I got my Stiletto (new) I hardly ever had a soft opening. Tried all kinds of stuff, rolling tail, nose (even though PD advises not to), different ways of stowing the slider.... Even when a master rigger packed it, it was still the same.
Finally I sent it off to PD to be checked out. They kept it nearly 3 months (I wasn't in a great hurry since I had another canopy). It came back with a bigger slider. Now it always opens softly, without any special voodoo.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
prost 0
kallend 2,056
Why didn't you try the dead chicken?
It probably would have been as helpful as rolling the nose proved to be.
However, a trip to White Castle sufficed, and it's nearer than KFC.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
riddler 0
Does it do anything?
Yes, it increases your chance of an off-heading opening. After experimenting with rolling the nose, rolling the tail, positioning the slider just so and standing on one foot, I have come to the opinion that a longer snivel doesn't mean a softer opening. These days, I don't roll the nose, barely roll the tail, make sure the sliders is all the way against the stops, and I have pockets sewn on the sliders of both my rigs.
hookitt 1
There were many of them at them dz when I started skydiving. In fact that was my very first canopy. Don't roll the nose... ugh. Good Technique rolling the nose.. Not ugh....
This also went for the Ravens and lots of others.
It does work on many parachutes. That ever so brief moment the air doesn't hit the bottom of the nose opening, made a big difference in how rapidly the canopy inflated.
Thank god, or deity of choice, the parachute manufacturers figured it out since then.
riddler 0

hookitt 1
However, changing things like the slider and adding pockets would be a better method.
However, some saturday morning, hand me an unmodified Falcon, and hand you an unmodified falcon. You go put the slider pockets on while I go skydive all morning

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