
NPS Special Use Permits

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I'm doing some research on Special Use Permits that were issued by the NPS for parachute jumps inside a National Park. Besides the Bridge Day permit, I have some information that the following parachuting permits were issued:

(1) Wright Brothers National Memorial, 2003
(2) Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (St. Louis Arch), 1999
(3) Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area (possible), 1984
(4) Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (St. Louis Arch), 1975

I believe at least one of these were for a Golden Knights skydiving demo. I also believe that all of the above jumps were skydives, not base jumps. Most of the above information was obtained from the NPS's own morning reports.

Can anyone confirm that ANY of these (or other) permits were issued or legal jumps were made within the boundaries of a National Park? If so, do you have further information on the jump? Thanks.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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I believe the St. Louis Arch jump is a yearly happening. I investigated that, and as I recall the jump is made under an airshow permit issued to the county (perhaps the city?). There have been various civilian demo teams doing it in different years.
-- Tom Aiello


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There was a picture in Parachutist within the past year of Clint landing in front of the Delicate Arch monument in Arches National Park. Maybe he can elaborate on how he got permission? It was an incredible photo.

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Bill Booth jumped a tandem with his daughter intot he Wright Brothers memorial. I believe Paul Fayard, DZO of Carolina Sky Sports, ran the jump.

You may want to contact them...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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In 2003 we made a skydive into the Wright Brothers memorial to commemorate the 100th anniversary of their first flight. There were 100 jumpers Bill Booth and daughter included, and we all landed on NPS land...not sure how that happened:o.Here is a photo from the NPS website.
More photos here... You can see the memorial in the background. I'm in the U.

Paul Fayard would know more about the permits. Carolina Sky Sports phone is 919/496/2224


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maybe ya's could do a skydive over a big wall and just as ya even with the top of the wall and 30 feet off it ya's could cut away and have a base canopy/pilochute and track along like a BASE jump without jumping off a cliff :P

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The arches in Arches NP aren't the only ones -- I believe there are some on nearby BLM land, too. The shots I have seen of Clint and an arch were taken there as I recall. Of course, I don't recall seeing the one in Parachutist you refer to...

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In the US NPS lands, it's not the exit so much as the landing that gets you. Someone jumping from an aircraft ought to, in theory, be just as guilty of "aerial delivery" as someone jumping from a cliff.
-- Tom Aiello


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Someone jumping from an aircraft ought to, in theory, be just as guilty of "aerial delivery" as someone jumping from a cliff.

Bingo. A parachute is a parachute is a parachute.

It doesn't really matter what you exited from. It only matters that you were IN the park under a parachute. And in some cases, like NERI, you simply have to be near the park and they'll bust ya (but that's another story for another time).

Some people have emailed me saying that we shouldn't have to request a Special Use Permit in order to jump. I agree 100%. But in accordance with the 1965 Aerial Delivery Law, you have to have a permit in order to fly a parachute in the park. The bottom line is that we will eventually get these laws changed so that you don't have to file for a permit each time. Until then, the only way to jump in the park is through a permit.

PS. My Yosemite Special Use Permit application and $50 check just went out in the mail yesterday. At least that's another item I can check off my list of things to do before I meet with the lawmakers.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Not even in theory, but maybe actually guilty of the crime. For those who don't know the aerial delivery law was created to stop miners (squatters) from re-supplying via parachute, remote mining camps in Yoemite and other federal property. At the time no one was sport skydiving and BASE was many decades from its ibirth. Areial delivery has been bastardized to be able to charge jumpers who are A. Already in the park. B. Jumping themselves rather than using a parachute to send in supplies. C. Jumping off of something rather than out of a plane.

It is a case where they just took a law against "A" and said that even though "B" didn't exist at the time of the writing it somehow included it. :S

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PS. My Yosemite Special Use Permit application and $50 check just went out in the mail yesterday.

just curious...when they deny your permit, do you get your $50.00 back?

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just curious...when they deny your permit, do you get your $50.00 back?

I'm guessing the $50 is considered the price to apply, so I probably won't get it back. Maybe they can use it to buy some new nightvision googles or to pay for ranger OT when they stakeout the meadow?
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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I'm not telling you guys, then I can't play anymore.


Actually It was in front of Corona Arch. On BLM Land.

I did ask if I could fly though Delicat arch. NO WAY they said.

I said I have $10million in insurance. Still no.

oh well, one day.

Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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