
Pilotchute Usage

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I bought a brand new pilotchute three months ago. I've used it ten times since. Should I replace my pilot chute? I mean, at the end of the day, it's my ass on the line.


Sorry, I couldn't resist.... ;)

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Red or blue? 'Cause you really have to watch with those blue ones -- they go to shit quick. It's really all about the Reynold's number.

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dammit guys, proper PC color selection has already been discussed...


Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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if theyre vented and from CR i would deafently get a new pair,could i have your old once?
i mean only to do some test on ofcourse:)
(hope people realice this is a joke if not.. i hope they buy the new pc´s at CR again:D:P)

Abbie,actualy i find your equipment way funny...
stashbag= camo
jumper=screaming all the way down

why the stalth collurs?

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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