
NPS Raises BD Landing Fees 429%

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The NPS is raising our Bridge Day Special Use Permit fees over the next three years. In 2007, we'll be paying more than $2500 just to rent the LZ for six short hours, and that's not even considering the possible travel expenses (airfare, car, hotel, food) for any rangers that are brought in from other parks. Last year, we paid $660.

I've asked them to reconsider the fee increases and demanded the travel expense reimbursement clause be removed. It's not gonna be pretty if the fee increases are implemented. Tomorrow, I meet with the Bridge Day Commission to discuss the situation.

These fee increases will cause your Bridge Day jump slots to increase in price, in addition to causing further damage to our access fight. Other parks might use Bridge Day as a model for future access.

Perhaps many of you can send an email to the Superintendent (Calvin Hite) to express your opinion on the fee increase? Calvin Hite is available at (304)465-6511, Calvin_Hite@nps.gov

See the attached letters to/from the NPS.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Quote :

"it has been necessary to detail more than 2 park rangers at Fayette Station to monitor activities during Bridge Day, as direct result of BASE jumping acitivities"

Can somebody translate that ?

If they want to see all the landings during BD, I am sure a videotape can be made available to them. Otherwise it seems they are just being what they are - BUREAUCRATS ( you thought I was gonna put A$$H*LES, didn't ya ? )

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Is it possible to rent the private property under the bridge, just for Bridge Day, to create a non-NPS landing area rented from another party?
-- Tom Aiello


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I'm investigating that as well. I've got to dig through the records at the courthouse to find out who bought it last month.

If you haven't heard, the land under the NRGB was sold to an unknown buyer (90 acres for $220,000) despite two separate, ignored bids from BASE jumpers (10 acres bid at $120,000 and 3 acres bid at $25,000). I'll find out who the buyer was tomorrow while I'm in Fayetteville.


Is it possible to rent the private property under the bridge

(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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I sent an email. Hope everyone else does also. I feel we should make this an issue at the saftey briefing on friday 14 Oct...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I'll say it park ranqueers are asols there to stupid to hold any other job and there scared of us because we have bigger balls. They think there tough because some moron gave those girly men a gun. With out there guns there all a bunch of boy loving geeks!
Go forth now, to the promised lands, and swear much unto each other, with mighty profanity and many personal attacks. T.A.

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inciting them does us no good

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Sounds like they're definitely trying to set a precedent, probably because of the approaching access coming up in all National Parks. Imagine what they'd try to bill for rangers to monitor crowds for 100 jumpers at El Cap!

Have you tried contacting your friendly congressman Tancredo? He may be concerned about this flagrant move to push BASE out the back door, OR he may just figure $2400 bucks ain't that much money?

Maybe the bridge day committee will have to cough up the bucks for the base jumpers IF they want to keep their star attractions? It wouldn't be that much for the community as a whole, while it is much more for the 450 BASE Jumpers.

If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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Kissing but does no good either we've been doing that for 20 years
Go forth now, to the promised lands, and swear much unto each other, with mighty profanity and many personal attacks. T.A.

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this shit does nothing but piss me off...im not even a base jumper but i do have a pass this year...all 75 dollars worth...im not bitchin about the price because all the effort put into this is more than worth it...Somebody tell me- what the hell is Bridge Day without BASE jumping? does anyone think that 200,000(is that the #?? correct me if im wrong) people would show up without crazy F@#%kers jumpin off a bridge?? seems like a boycott could be in order..Fayetteville and surrounding towns would be hurting..theres millions and millions in revenue to be lost!! I realize that im stating something that has probably been said before and im assuming the NPS gives a damn about local economy (yeah right) but damn them...i think you should call their bluff--there's plenty of illegal sites anyways...itd be nice to see some west virginians lobby congress with pitchforks---before the flaming starts im just a stupid skydiver who knows jack about base...just my .02 .....somebody riddle me this...when the man has a monopoly over this event and can charge as much as he wants, how long do you have to bend over and take it till your ass is sore?

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I love you man~~ the government of the people for the people doesn't give a dam about the people just big money! Oh they'll do little things and make a big deal about it but when it comes to money bend over baby!
Go forth now, to the promised lands, and swear much unto each other, with mighty profanity and many personal attacks. T.A.

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Is it possible to rent the private property under the bridge, just for Bridge Day, to create a non-NPS landing area rented from another party?

I would contribute to a special private "Viewing" area rented by a private party.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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Sounds like they're definitely trying to set a precedent, probably because of the approaching access coming up in all National Parks.

also sounds like bureacrats protecting their budgets. the current administration is not known for flooding the NPS with money. I can easily see some higher up stating "either start recoverying costs, or make cuts elsewhere." the big question is why they need 5 rangers.


Imagine what they'd try to bill for rangers to monitor crowds for 100 jumpers at El Cap!

has someone been issued a special use permit?


It wouldn't be that much for the community as a whole, while it is much more for the 450 BASE Jumpers.

that $2500 bill works out to about $5 per slot. the nasty bit is the potential travel costs.

and again, Thank You Jason. keep up the good work. events like yours help break the stereotype of BASE jumpers being uncontrollable, irresponsible, and reckless.
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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The NPS claims that Bridge Day costs them $18,000 each year. As far as I know, there are only three permits issued by the NPS for the event:

1) BASE jumpers LZ
2) Live TV Broadcast truck in LZ
3) Chamber of Commerce at Burnwood

I'm pretty sure that we will be paying the most out of the three. But realistically, the NPS is probably only recouping $5000 max out of the $18,000.

Back in 1992, Andy Calistrat set a bad precedent when he agreed to pay $10 per jumper to the local Chamber of Commerce. This has come back to haunt future organizers because the stars of the show (jumpers) are paying to jump while the spectators pay nothing. Earlier this year, I heard some rumors that they wanted to raise it to $20 (I would quit before that happens). But they did get the rappellers to start paying $10 per person starting this year.

Unfortunately, despite my suggestions, the local Chamber of Commerce won't charge spectators but they're happy to charge us. I wrote them a check for $3900 last year for the 390 jumpers that showed up at BD04. If they had collected $1 per person to walk onto the bridge, they would have more than $100,000 (and it rained that day).

Keep in mind that the BASE organizer (me) has to pay the $10 per jumper to the Chamber and the excessive NPS LZ fees (anywhere from $5-15 per jumper, depending on NPS travel costs). I just don't want to be the organizer who "allowed the NPS to rape us on LZ fees".
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Tomorrow, I meet with the Bridge Day Commission to discuss the situation.

Ask them how their community will feel if the Bridge Day celebration starts being held in Idaho. You've got these people by the balls. Just start squeezing.

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Sounds like they're definitely trying to set a precedent, probably because of the approaching access coming up in all National Parks.

also sounds like bureacrats protecting their budgets. the current administration is not known for flooding the NPS with money. I can easily see some higher up stating "either start recoverying costs, or make cuts elsewhere." the big question is why they need 5 rangers.

You hit the nail in the head. More rangers, because the department has to show that it is doing more than last year. Any government department must do more (=more activities involving more staff) than it used to do in the past, just to justify its existence.

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An unspoken rule of any organization, whether governmental or down to a local club house is to do what it needs to do to stay in existence... look at the CIA or FIB for example

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Tomorrow, I meet with the Bridge Day Commission to discuss the situation.

Ask them how their community will feel if the Bridge Day celebration starts being held in Idaho. You've got these people by the balls. Just start squeezing.

To hell with bridges lets take over the Stratosphere in Vegas! Cheaper flights, hotel rooms, and gambling!!:ph34r:

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It never ends with these guys. I thought a jumper did get the land under the bridge?

Even if we could rent the land it is far from being a useable LZ. Perhaps a better solution would be a floating LZ? We could assemble a flotilla of rafts and land on them, and then get shuttled to shore. AFAIK, (from kayaking experience) the river has open access as a navigable wateray. Even if it is not a workable solution it may provide leverage.

It sounds like the BDC needs to step in and back us up. There is no way it costs the NPS an additional $18K for BD. Even at overtime rates a ranger making a max of $60k (they wish they made that) costs $350.00 a day. Are they seriously wanting us to beleive that it takes and additional 51 days of labor to run BD? The NPS are at NRG all of the time financed and paid for by US taxpayers. Whatever time they spend planning for BD is part of that job. If they need 5 extra rangers (for what? they just stand around) for the day that $1,750.00.

What a bunch of BS. The BDC should pay these fees, not the folks who are the star attraction. >:(

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solidarity man boycott~boycott~boycott
Go forth now, to the promised lands, and swear much unto each other, with mighty profanity and many personal attacks. T.A.

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How many people would turn up to watch rappellers?
How many TV trucks would turn up to film an empty bridge?

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I'm actually more interested in what's up with importing rangers from elsewhere. where really? some park within driving distance? or will it be used for the NPS to, uh, "educate" staff from CA?

if so, will the WV staff become more hardcore, or the CA staff more understanding?
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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Can we use the letter you wrote as a bit of a templete to send to Mr. Hite, just to make it easier on us lazy folk?

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There is no way it costs the NPS an additional $18K for BD.

I agree this is excessive, is there any way as taxpayers we can request an itemized list of expenses?

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