
Why so few females?

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that do BASE?

I've done a few helicopter jumps as well as a balloon jumps and understand the adrenalin rush of BASE somewhat (I'm ALL OVER IT!)..but I dont understand why there aren't more females drawn to BASE. Just curious.:S I can't wait to do my first BASE jump....


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You obviously haven't been to Houston... ;)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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You obviously haven't been to Houston... ;)

I want female LEADERS in BASE to mentor me...and it seems as though there aren't many. How do I find them? Do I need to fly to Houston Zennie?;):ph34r: Do you or other females frequent Perrine? I might just have to make that trip soon...:S I'd like to do Bridge Day but from what I understand, it's already full and I've seen the lil rocky landing area and from what I understand there is "take the water"..I'm not too keen on that as my best option.


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your best option is land on dry ground, dont fuck up, get stoked, pack up, and scramble to the top for another, all in the rain and 40 degree air.. the water is cold...

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Marta at Apexbase dot com should be able to help you out . She has been a pioneer in the sport for many years introducing many ideas, products, and people to the sport. (Including myself........... as well as my girlfriend this last weekend).
I've attached a photo of her and Jimmy P hucking my girl off this weekend. 7 jumps , 3 PCA, and 4 PC in Hand.
They run a great course many times during the year. Any-time is a good time to make your first jump.
Jay Epstein Ramirez

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Hi J...I remember you and your g/f from when I lived in CO (she's beautiful!)..and your restaurant..how generous you were to skydivers with the Margs and Tequila;) Certainly..sounds as though I need to head back to the Perrine and do a FJC and PCA:)


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You obviously haven't been to Houston... ;)

I want female LEADERS in BASE to mentor me...and it seems as though there aren't many. How do I find them? Do I need to fly to Houston Zennie?;):ph34r: Do you or other females frequent Perrine?

Do you know something about Ted that the rest of us dont? ;)

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I want female LEADERS in BASE to mentor me...Do I need to fly to Houston Zennie?

Sure. Brit will teach you and you can stay at my place. ;)

Joking aside, I'll echo Jay and say if you realy want to learn the fundamentals from a female jumper with high stature, definitely take the Apex FJC with Marta. She's one of the original BASE pioneers and one of the nicest people on the face of the planet.

I know of a couple of folks down in Florida who you could hook up with afterward.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I want female LEADERS in BASE...

Actually, I find it interesting that the proportion of leading female BASE jumpers actually seems higher than the overall proportion of female jumpers.


...to mentor me...

Why not just find them and ask? That's what everyone else does, too, so you're in good company.

I'm curious as to why you want a leader in the sport to mentor you? Usually, that's not a characteristic that has a lot to do with mentoring. I'd look for a mentor who is geographically close, knowledgeable, experienced, and reasonably connected with other jumpers, as well as a good teacher. There are plenty of people who meet those criteria, but are not leaders in the sport. It seems like you are unnecessarily restricting your options.
-- Tom Aiello


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Actually, I find it interesting that the proportion of leading female BASE jumpers actually seems higher than the overall proportion of female jumpers.

It does not surprise me at all.
Memento Audere Semper


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....why there aren't more females drawn to BASE

.... There are at least 30.... hm... 35... more than 35 I know, heard about or have jumped with...)))
... 6 more girls started BASE in the past two years in my country -- 9 total now....
Not that much but...

Female leader as a mentor.... hm... wanna be a super-chick?:P
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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There will be one more soon. Here it's legal and I'm in the middle of organizing my first jump ;)

Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping

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6 more girls started BASE in the past two years in my country -- 9 total now....

lets see faces:P

i think the trend by female BASEjumpers goes back to skydiving.. perhaps you see alot of girls skydive but i bet you see more guys...

Also girls has this.. hmm "mother-instinct" and most peope wont acsept the risk tothem self of family,i dunno if im right i just think so...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Also girls has this.. hmm "mother-instinct" and most peope wont acsept the risk tothem self of family,i dunno if im right i just think so...

If I'm reading you right (my Faberspeak has gotten rusty since I saw you a few weeks ago ;) ), this reminds me of the Brittish Alpinist, Alison Hargreaves. When she died on K2 in the early 90's, there was an uproar of criticism because she left two young children behind. "How could she be so selfish?!?!?!" Countless fathers have died on K2...and they didn't face a fraction of the criticism.

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yes you got some of my point,but besides about the world think about females doing highrisk sports/hobbyes they might think that thourght them self first and more..

I simply dont think most femals think its worth the risk...

I understand as a father of 2 nice kids and husban to my wife and "adult" to her 2 kids... I think of that risk before each jump...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Why so few? Easy. With cooking, cleaning, and crotch-fruit production & raising they just don't have the time for BASE.

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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Why so few? Easy. With cooking, cleaning, and crotch-fruit production & raising they just don't have the time for BASE.


Careful abbie Linda reads this stuff to and she knows where live.:D:o:D

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I would have to agree with Faber as to why not as many females BASE jump as males. Women in general are not as inclined to take "unneccessary" risks.
However, as our sport grows, so does the proportion of female jumpers. Chad told me about his last trip to Twin and I was surprised to find out how many women there were.

I don't think it's the adrenaline rush that drives most to BASE jump. I know those jumpers are out there, but jumping your local object time and time again, the adrenaline can wear out and what do you have left?

There are talented jumpers out there with a lot to offer a new student, who are not leaders in the community (as Tom said). I can understand wanting a female mentor, but if you can't find one, just make sure there is no sexual interest between you and your mentor. Tom has a good article all about why.

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I don't think it's the adrenaline rush that drives most to BASE jump. I know those jumpers are out there, but jumping your local object time and time again, the adrenaline can wear out and what do you have left?

just figure out a way to do a more crazy jump than before..it will keep coming i promise:P


I can understand wanting a female mentor, but if you can't find one, just make sure there is no sexual interest between you and your mentor.

Poor Chad:D you should have told before i tryed your bekini on:P:)

As Katie said,most of my post is just bull sh!t;),atleast the bekini part:D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Careful abbie Linda reads this stuff to and she knows where live.:D:o:D

Doh! I mean... Hi Linda!! I hope that rotweiller isn't too big yet. :$

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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Possibly an insight as to why there are so few female jumpers would be to ask currently jumping females why there are so few females making pure solos. If this is a male dominated sport, we may presume (obviously) that more men are attracted to the sport then women, as I dont believe "discrimination" to be a contributing factor (unfortunately men are eager to teach women base, to show off, to get laid, to feel important, to establish male hierarchies of reproductive prowess)

If more men are attracted to the sport because it interests them, then base is fundamentally "male", however you would define that. The elements of Base appeals more to the male mind. Base incorporates physical and mental challenge contained almost entirely internally,Loner Nomad; it is a very visual sport and its reward has strong visual components. Men supposedly are more "visual" and "spacial" then women. They are less gregarious and are noted wanderers.They think as individuals where women are noted as thinking in groups. Whether true or not, whether innate or only cultural, women are noted as "verbal", "social", and are far more rooted far earlier. Base is not a "talky" sport, although admittedly at the exit point, the social world (even with strangers) becomes curiously intimate and singular.

As interesting would be the question, are the women who base jump attracted to it because they are more "male" than their "motherly" counterparts? Higher testosterone levels? Base filters the general population, why would it not also filter sub elements within the larger social system.

Pure solos are a masculine accentuation of a masculine sport. It is easier to ask real base females this "solo" question and get an informed insider answer, than it would be to ask none jumping females why they dont base jump. The rarefaction or filtering should produce an homogeneity or consensus sufficient for an insight or an answer.

Base 758


xsig x

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This question is really easy to answer with regards to the main reasons why more women don't base jump and it has nothing directly to do with the archiac crap about women being more social and men more logical. It's about expendible income and exposure. If more women had more money (still it's 70 cents to the man's dollar for the same job) and more exposure the the sport, there would be more base jumping women. Think about it like this, what if we change the group to say, people of african or latino descent? Is there fewer male latino jumpers because latinos are less logical and 'solo/wandering' oriented than white men? If I posted that I'd get totally ripped for being a racist and yet nobody made that connection and spoke up while there was a lot of garble about women tending to be this or that way and men tending to be another. It's about expendible income (which certianly does lead to women having to spend a greater percentage on family oriented stuff) and exposure/social acceptance.

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, people of african or latino descent? Is there fewer male latino jumpers because latinos are less logical and 'solo/wandering' oriented than white men?

not a flame, but in my group of nonjumping friends there is a huge diversity of ethnic and income backrounds. Most off the non-anglo saxon background put it as "crazy white people" or something along those lines. they are not being racist, but just objervational about risk takers in general. Of course there are many people from all backrounds that take risks for their pleasure, but the caucasian race seems to have a lot of us crazy white people in it.

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If you promise to have sex with me instead of my brother, I'll take you on your first jump. PM me for graphic details.

BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime

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