
Wich one?

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I'm not in disagreement with you however valves can give an inexperienced jumper a false sense of security.

There are things more important than valves that need to be taken care like customized DBS for instance.

Next time you are over the potato just carefully watch some openings. I've done it. Several times I've seen canopies surging and back flying really bad due too DBS. Other times they start cruising like scuds after opening because the DBS were too shallow. What do you think is worse a nicely set conventional canopy or a valved one with the DBS all fucked up in case of a 180?

This thread reminds me of skydivers with 3-400 jumps downsizing to X-braced canopies because they want to swoop. X-bracing like valves have their place but IMHO there are things that are much more important like proper canopy setting and solid exiting and canopy skills that you need before jumping objects where valves can make a difference.

I stated before there are very experienced jumpers who can take advantage of valves but I cannot see the advantage of buying a valved canopy with 0 BASE and 150 skydives...false sense of security IMO.

As for my risk assessment, I've already stated that I'm a pussy :P: no FF under 240' for me any time soon, you know I jump an Ace after all :S
Memento Audere Semper


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As for my risk assessment, I've already stated that I'm a pussy : no FF under 240' for me any time soon, you know I jump an Ace after all

Guys & Gals, what ever canopy its on your back the Brake seting is the MOST important thing for proper opening.

Vents helps in some types of jumps, while for terminal are pure waist and extra bulk.

Personally, I am using 265 Troll DW MDV for subterminal ( 4-7 sec) and for slider off jumps. Any other stuff 245 TrollDW is on my back.

Also, Tard and roll over are much nicer w vented as well.
Robert Pecnik

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I'm jumping MDV TRoll 225 (which is actually 245), ~0.6 wind loading.
Why I like it?
1. I'm doing only camera jumps in BASE. And I prefer to hold on short distance (if possible) and to pull above the jumper, not on the side (sometimes the the jumpable sector is not wide enough:) to track to the side). Havin' a vented canopy I am sure about my openings. Even if I f***d up a pulling movement of my performer a little bit and trow PC at the same time... My Troll is a big red "STOP" button.
2. Slider-off. Even then I have a 42' AV PC on 90m B, there all the crew prefer 46' I'm relaxed. Logic: if a couple of my friends jump it with old sh**ty CReW canopies it means that I can do twice as longer delay.
3. Terminal: I just bought a small mesh slider!:)
4. Flare: i"ve done a couple of 10's tree- or stone- landings. Never ripped my canopy. Never got scared of extra landing area picked on the way to regular landing. I know that with that canopy it's possible the land soft and safe on any tiny spot you like.
5. Heading!!!! The openings heading is perfect!
6. Offheading: it's easy to fix offheading with that canopy. Close or not, risers or toggles.... it's easy.

I love my MDV Troll!
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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I have the impression that the initial poster is looking for advices on a first canopy. If you think that everyone should start FF objects under 200' after they have completed a FJC then you are absolutely right that they might need a valved canopy.

i dont think that people should start ff sub 250ft as they start however why buy a canopy that cant do the job you might want it to do in the furture?

Like buying a car whith out AC knowing you might taking it to a hot dessert at some point..


I know many of you got tons of jumps and are very current and experienced and are able to take advantage of valved canopies, I personally am NOT.

asking a canopy whith vents not to stay inflated while pointing towards a cliff sounds harsh to me.. but if you say you cant use the 2.nd chance of having a inflated canopy on top of your head then...


The opinions I stated are mine and reflect my jumping and they are opinions not facts.

why wouldnt you give facts as a advise? if you know many people does somthing you dont as you dont think the risk is worth it,then you shouldnt advise about such an subject..


I see too many jumpers that they buy the greatest valved canopy money can buy and then they refuse to jump anything below 300'! So what's the point?

in case they change their mind whith in the time of their canopy life they are cabeble to do so...


I see too many jumpers taking unnecessary risks because they are jumping valved canopies thinking they can get away...

some does most dont.. they push them self first.. i have seen jumps made by unvented canopyes that i wont dare to do by my vented but i wouldnt do it on a unvented either..


I don't FF anything below 240 becuse I'm a pussy. When I go lower than that it's either SL or PCA hence I don't need a valved canopy.

i hope you´ll reconsider that oppinion..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I don't FF anything below 240 becuse I'm a pussy. When I go lower than that it's either SL or PCA hence I don't need a valved canopy.

i hope you´ll reconsider that oppinion..

Not any time soon or not until I buy a vented canopy ;)
Memento Audere Semper


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I love my MDV Troll!

Can you tell us how many jumps you have on that canopy, and how many jumps you have on which other canopies you are using as a basis for the comparison?
-- Tom Aiello


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hope you´ll reconsider that oppinion..


Not any time soon or not until I buy a vented canopy ;)

It were about your vent choice:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Dude I'm happy with my Ace but I'm known to change my mind.

In 1996 I made my first BASE and I said that I will never do it again, yeah right.

I said few times that I will never jump anything less than 300', yeah right.

Now I say I will never FF anything less than 240...you see where I'm going?

As for the vent, if I'm facing a wall I can always pick up my legs and fart at the thing, that should give me some back propulsion via a nicely developed valve...
Memento Audere Semper


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As for the vent, if I'm facing a wall I can always pick up my legs and fart at the thing, that should give me some back propulsion via a nicely developed valve...

ha ha let us know if it works:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Hey Faber, you might actually want to consider using this method. I know for a fact you have the fart power for it.

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why dont you pick up the phone as i call you?

you´ve got a voicemail:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I love my MDV Troll!

Can you tell us how many jumps you have on that canopy, and how many jumps you have on which other canopies you are using as a basis for the comparison?

Yes.:)Not enough to compare, i know, but I'm not comparing here. I'm just telling about why i love MY canopy. Or... how I proved that's a good canopy without comparing with any other... or what I'm doing with my canopy thinkin' it's good for it.
Easy: jumping on my previous canopy i knew it's opening were BAD. And it's made the limits. No matter how thankfull I was for saving my life.... Jumping my Troll i know that's a good canopy. And the limits range is wider now because that's not a canopy that makes it but my mind. I know that now I have the "extra space" between the point there the limits of my mind are and the point there're limits that my canopy has.
Even if I'll do something super stupid and push my own limits it won't be that unforgiven and I will have a chance to survive because of that reserve "extra space".
It's based on my experience. I'm touching that "extra space" sometimes. Not smart, there're the "close calls", but also the reason to like my gear.

Not as an advice to somebody who's gonna make a choice, but just a personal opinion.:)
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Who is this Robibird guy and what does he know about BASE!!!! :D


thats great!
/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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This is very, very true.

Let me add that there are a large number of those people who basically think that whatever they've always jumped is the best--without really trying anything else. I can't count the number of people who I've met who would swear that their Blackjack/Troll/Flik/Dagger was "the best canopy made" but when pressed, admitted that they had never really jumped anything else. They bought a particular canopy because that's what their friend/mentor/instructor had, and then they decided it was "the best". The funny thing is that the friend/mentor/instructor often did exactly the same thing, so we see "generations" of jumpers who jump whatever their "forefathers" jumped, with none of those generations ever trying a different set of gear.

That is how I purchased my first canopy. My first jumps were on a vented fox. That is what my home crew had. Therefore I purchased BR gear, a FLIK and Vertex. After about 100 jumps I was able to make a few jumps on a blackjack and was truly amazed. I my opinion it was just a way better canopy and then I saw the PPRO.... An amazing container. I still think the FLIK is a good canopy, but just like the Blackjack better. I then purchased Asylum and don't see a reason to ever switch. What is funny is that my home crew is now buying Asylum after I let them jump my blackjack. I think that shows what might be the BETTER canopy per say. All of the locals in my area have at least 100 jumps or up to around 300 and have always had BR/APEX gear. Now they are starting to phase to Asylum. Hope that helps.


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Guys & Gals, what ever canopy its on your back the Brake seting is the MOST important thing for proper opening.

Vents helps in some types of jumps, while for terminal are pure waist and extra bulk.

Personally, I am using 265 Troll DW MDV for subterminal ( 4-7 sec) and for slider off jumps. Any other stuff 245 TrollDW is on my back.

Also, Tard and roll over are much nicer w vented as well.

I'm sure most if not everyone trust robibird, but I would like to second that.

I tried a rollover doing what Tom A called the french method (toggles in hand, not stowed) and totally botched it. I'm used to having my hands on the lines/end of risers when I do rollovers (so I can control line tension), so by instinct I put my hands straight up when I launched. Did a full flight rollover. The opening was nasty. I had a good launch and as everything was tensioning (with me under it) it bowtied and turned 90 left. I lost a lot more altitude to pressurization than I have with DBS. I don't have many but on my other 7 rollovers my body was about 50ft below the exit at controllable pressurization. On this one It was about 90-100ft. I know because of the height of the object and the approximate height I was from the water when I had pressurization.

I also second the vents being great for unpacked (and great for a bunch of other reasons). I did a 200ft rollover on an Ace and it was 6 seconds from launch to landing, about 4 second canopy flight (partly because I surged it in). Same rollover with my BlackJack was 15 seconds from launch to landing, about 13 second canopy flight.
I've got this really hardcore group of gaurdian angels that need a free paid vacation.
~Dan Osman

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When I first started BASE, even the Mojo was still a myth.
I learned on Pegasus, Cruiselite, and Raven.
My first BASE canopy was a brand new custom colored Raven III.
That canopy was the bomb, I got very many jumps on it.
Over the years I've had many Mojos, an outstanding canopy,
but I have also owned Foxes, Aces, and a couple others.
I have also had the opportunity to try other technology from BR & CR,
but me personally, I do not like the valves and vents.
Recently when faced with the need (ok want) of a new canopy,
the only choice that I felt comfortable with, since I can't buy a new Mojo,
was to go back to tried and true, I have a brand new (Pink) Raven III.
And slider up on a Raven has treated me quite well.

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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Nobody mentioned the HACKER so far :( ???

I think that one is the best!!! :S:D:D



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