
Rick and Joy?

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Joy, you know what you are charged with doing.

No matter what happens, hang onto, "The Book."

Let Rick fend for himself . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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Rick is one of the VIPs with the Army Corps of Engineers.

Rick and Joy have been relocated to a different location from Galveston island. His home is just outside of the the extremely vulnerable Bayou Vista area, just North of the water ways that form the barrier with Galveston Island. They are at a central command center in West Houston, in a hotel. I hope the hotel survives without any issues. Rick is a very clever and resilient man and should be able to take care of Joy and protect her. Hopefully Rick can be of invaluable assistance to the citizens and infrastructure of the area. Joy has the list and it is her top priority to preserve it.

Darn I cannot stop this bold font.

Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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They are at a central command center in West Houston, in a hotel. I hope the hotel survives without any issues.

How tall is the hotel? ;) If you're a paying guest, it's not tresspassing. I'm just sayin'...

Thanks for the update on them.

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How tall is the hotel? ;) If you're a paying guest, it's not tresspassing. I'm just sayin'...

Rick, do you have a water rig for after the storm?:)

Also, if you guys know Frank Mott, I heard a rumor he is driving his crazy old butt TO the Texas coast so he can check on his place. Someone please grab him and shakle him somewhere safe.

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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The storm pretty much missed Houston completely. I just went to check on my place in the Galleria area (which is where Rick & Joy were staying) and the worst damage I saw was an IHOP that had its shingles taken off.

It was pretty boring actually.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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>>if you guys know Frank Mott, I heard a rumor he is driving his crazy old butt TO the Texas coast<<

That sounds just like Frank, and he'll be spitting tobacco juice all the way . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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