
Cliff Strike in Moab

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I am OK! I may have a broken foot, we'll see tomorrow when it gets x-rayed. Other than that I am fine. I am very lucky and here is my story:

At 6pm me Matt and Mike went up to 320 feet (no site name, please). I jumped first. I had about a 130 left, hit the wall and impacted a flat-top pilar 80 feet above the talus. (they lasered me as I was sitting there, thanks guys). I remember it very well, and the video helped a lot too. (I don't know when it will be available - it is PAL).

I did a 1/2 second stoyed delay with a 42 inch ZP non-vented PC. Slider off, Ace 260 in a Perigee Pro. There was vertually no wind. My body positioned was good and my pitch was too; not even a hint of hesitation or shoulder dipping. My hands were on my risers when the canopy came out and I think I pulled back before I hit and then popped the toggels to stear. I was stearing on the way down. I slid down and stalled back. I think I was going to get it turned but then I impacted the pillar.

I want to thank all the folks that helped me down. It was a 2-hour endevour. Thanks Mathew, Stephany, Nickolj, Chad, Mark, and Tony. Stephany had climbing gear, and Mathew climber up to set anchors. Chad talked me down and Nickolj helped me down the rest of the rocky tallus. I can't thank you guys enough, you are awesome:)
I can try to answer questions if people have them, but I basically wanted to beat the rumor mill and get some facts out there.

Oh, I have 265 BASE jumps, 670 skydives and I have been in Moab for 2 weeks; about 20 jumps so far this trip.

Be safe.

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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Dude. I hope you're not broken. Lots more fun to be had between now and Bridge Day.
-- Tom Aiello


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Damn dude, I hope the foot turns out to be okay. I'm also glad your injuries weren't worse.

Were you wearing body armor?

I'm relieved that you're well enough to post.

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If you have the PAL camera that shot the video, you're set. Video editing apps can handle both NTSC and PAL, and format effectively doesn't matter online.

Glad to hear you're ok, and hopefully the foot is in good shape.
I really don't know what I'm talking about.

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all edit tools can handel both ntsc and pal,aslong you dont mix the formats...
(atleast what i know about)

hope your all okB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Thanks for your posts guys.

Ahh, body armor, no. I was even wearing low-cut trail running shoes, no boots. My boot lases broke last week, too much hiking.

I think Han-Wags would have helped.

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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Glad to hear you're (mostly) okay. Not a lot you can do about those large ledges and pillars in that situation. Seems ya did good.

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Oh, I have 265 BASE jumps

Damn dude, impressive...

Glad to hear you're okay. See you at BD, right?

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Check the camera forum, you CAN mix PAL and NTSC on a computer, done it, but getting a computer to capture footage of the other type than the camera is can be a problem. Whatever you do, make sure the editing program knows what the format is supposed to be, I recently managed to make a PAL movie in an NTSC project which had very odd results B|

ciel bleu,

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you CAN mix PAL and NTSC on a computer

not whith out converting atleast one of the formats to the either format.. mixing pal and ntsc aint posible.

they dont have the same frame rate thats why it wont work...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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you CAN mix PAL and NTSC on a computer

not whith out converting atleast one of the formats to the either format.. mixing pal and ntsc aint posible.

they dont have the same frame rate thats why it wont work...

You only need to de-interlace the clips that don't match the project format, and change the size to match the rest (20% size difference). That's all, at least in Premiere Pro. I even did one PAL video with footage from a NTSC VX2100, a PAL TRV-25E and a PAL HDTV pro model. Not hard to do once you figure it out.

ciel bleu,

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hmm ill try play whith that i have 3 hours of PAL and 2 hours of NTSC i need to edit B|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I've got the video and can convert it if you'd like it posted. Just let me know Bill.

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I spent a little while reviewing the footage and it appears your canopy came out of the container 90 degrees to your left. There is a couple of frames where the change in brightness as you go into the shadow of the wall makes it hard to see what is happening, but if you look at the video you will see the white label on the right side of your canopy is facing straight away from the wall. The direction of the canopy is completely stable all the way to inflation, no turning. You can see the nose catching air and the tail spreading open. Very clean opening, just 90 deg left of your intended direction.

Some one asked whether you flat packed or not. I don't know what difference that would make.

I would say you definately used a handful out of your luck bucket though. Great jumping with you.


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Some one asked whether you flat packed or not. I don't know what difference that would make.

They probably meant "flat packing" in the skydiving sense (i.e. stacking everything on top in one direction). This is notorious for producing 90's. Pretty much no one (and not Bill, last I saw him pack) uses this style of pack job for BASE anymore.
-- Tom Aiello


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