What was your worst offheading opening using a direct bag?

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I wonder if it is possible to avoid an objectstrike by only using a direct bag for no overhung objects.
That's why my question is:
What was your worst offheading opening using a direct bag?
Please vote only if you ever did direct bag jumps.
What do you think is the chance of an object strike
in this scenario?
It would also be good to know how many direct bag
jump you have.
I only have one direct bag jump with a perfectly onheading opening.



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#23 was a 180 from a direct bag being dropped. And no I do not have any direct bag jumps.


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> #23 was a 180 from a direct bag being dropped.
Yes indeed, but before commenting this issue I have to say something.
There are certain deployment methods that work pretty well (high percentage of onheading opening and possible offheadings are minimal) when worked properly.
Said the above, the story of poor #23 (I read it somewhere on the net some time ago...so take it as I report it...) is that the unlucky jumper exited sort of head low and ended in kicking his own bag/paracute/lines, the outcome of this, obviously, is outside the reliability of DB deployment.
I am not an expert of DB (having done only 2 jumps myself, and about 15-16 jumps 2 of my mates), but definetely I can say that DB is the fastest deployment method and the most reliable (=high percentage of onheading (and in case of offheading, such is minimal)) deployment method available today, provided that:
1) parachute has been packed very carefully and very symmetrically into DB
2) jumper exits very well and very symmetrical and with even shoulders
3) DB holder holds it very firmly and very symmetrically all deployment long
If you do a gross mistake (no offence t anybody), you cannot expect that DB works (=onheading opening).
My group still thinks that DB is a fantastic deployment method for fu(king low jumps (immediate onheading opening) but can hardly be used because (weak points):
1) you have to take the DB holder with you at exit point (not an easy task most of times)
2) in case of multiple jumpers, last one either doesn't jump or uses another method (SL, for example, but doing so the last one loses the "goodness" of DB)
3) you trust your life to someone else
Just my 0.02€
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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