
Swedes Back from powertrip

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OK the Swedish BASE Team just made a US-tour trough Carlifornia, Nevada, Idaho, Utha, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and back to Carlifornia again.

We saw a Rattlesnake getting pissed off, a Big bear blocking our way on a trail, a snake that absolutley looked dagnerous, but were nice. a tarantella.

We want to thank:

- Jimmy H/Miles
- Tom Aiello for showing us stupid things you can do when your bored.
- Tom A for being very nice to us dirty bastards to get a shower in his hous.
- Tom A for the great massage I got in his livingroom ;)
- Mike for getting us up on Tombstone
- Jimmi & Marta for showing us Rimwall (nice morning)
- Mike 2 for trying to show us Potash ( no worries mate)
- Tom Aiello again for fooling us down to New Mexico (fucking great)
- Wayne for directing us.
- All guys at the Go Fast games for being nice, fun and just stupid enough for our taste.
- Tom Aiello, Wayne, Chad, Katie for a nice party. ( 3 guys charing 2 bottles of Jack Daniels, thats our style)
- Tom A for giving us nice qote , given to Flummi at night after party " Neeeever party with the swedes!"
- Tom A for the beer.
- Troy for nice first day at Go fast games!
- Big Matt Strickland for hospitality and beer. Sorry for not calling, mate.
- Dean for being supernice!

We will NOT like to thank.
- Tom A for giving the beer back that we gave him, as a gift. ;)
- United airlines for being tight ass idiots on our way back.
- The idiotic laws of USA for closing the bars at 2 AM. what the F...K do people do after that???
- the amerikan food for making me gain waight on a basetour.

We want to apologise for:
- being to drunk at some times.
- making politicly incorect jokes in politicly correct sorroundings.
- smelling pretty bad.
- for not doing areals at Go Fast games first jump round.
- making fun of americans in swedish

thanks USA for this trip, and thanks to everybody I missed to thank.

/martin R
/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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Twas wonderful hanging out with y'all the little bit we got in, wish we could have done more. Was great meeting you Martin, No hair Per, I REALLY enjoyed seeing you, hanging out and jumping again, lets not make it three+ years till the next time! Michael (sp?), where did you go?

So sorry I couldn't get you guys out to our local bigwalls, maybe next time. I look forward to "alwaaaaaays partying with the swedes" every chance I get! I will have to make the trip over so you cats can teach me a thing or two in your backyards!

cheers! and THANK YOU for everything! till next time . . .

"If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"

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Twas wonderful hanging out with y'all the little bit we got in, wish we could have done more. Was great meeting you Martin, No hair Per, I REALLY enjoyed seeing you, hanging out and jumping again, lets not make it three+ years till the next time! Michael (sp?), where did you go?

I don't drink, I don't do drugs. So when you all went "partying"..... I went to sleep ;)

It was a GREAT roadtrip!
We'll be back B|

Team Bautasten

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Martin, Per & Mik

I should be able to find Potash by the time you guys come back for another US tour. My stash bag still smells like the campfire. Mike2

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Whatever happend on htat cliff it was an experience that we can ad on to our memory.

But yes my whole rig was full of sand and smelled like camping. Im looking forward for Potash next time ;)

stay disco, see ya!

/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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- Tom A for giving the beer back that we gave him, as a gift. ;)

That wasn't beer. It was Budweiser.
-- Tom Aiello


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- Tom A for giving the beer back that we gave him, as a gift. ;)

That wasn't beer. It was Budweiser.

So you say. but in my soul there is something small hurting. A litle something called pride.
Mister Aiello, what you did felt like a knife in the back, AND you twisted it round and round, like there was no stop.

Anyway Budwiser is beer it sais on the bottle, anyway, even thoug it taste like having sex in a small boat. And as we say, we hate the crap but we just addapt to the culture as much as we can only as a curtisy!

Hey tom, When you come here we will give you some Åbro beer. It SUCKS!!!

in sweden we like to drink hard alcohol like moonshine!

/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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It says Beer ... not only Beer ... The King of Beers ... quite a statement.

I do hope it will be a very long time before I have one again but managed to go thru many of those litte suckers in three weeks!

Stay alive!


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in sweden we like to drink hard alcohol like moonshine!

Good, I am bringing a bottle of South African (KWV) brandy over with me tomorrow - I'm sure I won't be the only one suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. B|

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