
What is your motivation for doing BASE?

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hey guys:)
I'm new to this forum ( but not dz.com), and I just did 2 jumps at Bridge Day. I think those 2 jumps were the most incredible thing I've ever done, and I am seriously thinking of pursuing BASE, after weighing the risks, safety factors,etc.

I would like to hear some opinions from you guys, on what your motivation is, if that's okay.
I would just like to think that I am able to do BASE in the future, but I also don't want people to look down on me for doing it.
I have a lot to learn and consider, and much to think about before seriously delving in.

Any thoughts? :)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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what your motivation is

The adventure!!!

I'm no expert, nor am I a seasoned BASE jumper. But one thing I have learned is that BASE means different things to different people. Objects that interest me may not interest others (and vice-a-versa). But don't ever let someone else influence you into doing a jump that is outside of your comfort levels. BASE is serious business and I personally think people need to plan the entire jump (not just the freefall portion). This means knowing all there is to know about the object. How to access it (make sure we communicate with the locals before we access their site), what gear configuration is needed, what sort of freefall can be done, what sort of canopy flight is needed and how to exit the site without detection (if it is at a questionable location). Finally IMHO, the best BASE jumpers are the ones who don't brag about their jumps and don't advertise to everyone what they've done (of course this mainly applies to the illegal type of sites).

Then again what do I know about BASE. Not much compared to the people who've been at it longer than I have and who are more passionate about the sport than I am. I'm just hoping to have some fun and to stay healthy in my unknown BASE jumping future. Good luck ... be smart ... be safe ... know your gear ... know your limits ... don't ever be afraid to walk away from an object when everything is not right ... know how to fly your canopy ... and don't ever let your ego get the better of you (this should apply to all of us not just you).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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but I also don't want people to look down on me for doing it

When your life comes full circle and you have the proverbial one foot in the grave, you have to ask yourself, have I done the right thing? Am I comfortable with my morals and ethics and the way I have lived them? Have I adversely affected someone else's life? Does that someone have an open mind and understanding? Is my experience diminishing the moral fabric of society?

You will know what is right and what is wrong.

DO NOT for any second, deny yourself an experience due to the influence of people who have no passion for life, excellence, personal development, freedom, etc. They know nothing. And their misguided morals and thoughts are robbing you of something you will cherish forever.

Climb that mountain.

Cross that sea.

You deserve it.

People cannot look down on you when you have risen above them.

In laymans terms, who gives a rats bottom what they think!!!!!

and remember

Stay Safe
Have Fun
Good Luck

Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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BASE will be the best thing you have done, and it will also be the worst thing that you have done...

All motivation is truely personal.

Only you will be able to truely say "I do it for the right reasons"

If getting busted up, loosing friends, limping and suffering each morning for the rest of your days is something you want to actually deal with for a little bit of fun then you maybe willing to accept BASE.

Going back to the original question "what is my motivation?" my motivation is to feel happy, and limping every day is a price I pay to feel happy....

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step one- get informed..by yourself... all the information in the world is available, right now..you just have to be motivated...

step two- skydive more... 103 jumps over 5 years says you arent ready...
(did you take the lz or the water?... )

step three- continue to get informed...never stop reading... incidents, recomendations..etc...

step four- find your own motivation for base... and one better than

I would just like to think that I am able to do BASE in the future

step five- do this for yourself and noone else...

but I also don't want people to look down on me for doing it.

six- nrgb/bd is a misleading jump.... it makes base seem "safe", plenty of room for error, ems on the scene, rescue boats the whole 9...
none of this exists on 99% of the jumps out there..

seven- figure out for yourself why you should never jump skydiving gear from an object... ever
(what was your setup at bd?)

from an outsiders limited perspective...id say your not ready... but what do i know?:S

eight- your most intelligent statement...

I have a lot to learn

but dont feel bad..we all do;)

ps..try not to postwhore...

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I started BASE so that I could wingsuit BASE.

There was a time when I thought the people that BASE jumped had a few screws loose. I don't know anymore.

If you want to BASE jump do it for yourself. Most people cannot comprehend why someone would jump off of objects. So, people will see you differently....

BASE jumpers are people also.

Read this article by Tom A....


Edited to make clicky.


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I tried shark fucking and it was fun until one day I had a bad experience with a great white with a bad attitude. That left some bitter in my mouth so I picked up BASE ;)

BASE is the shit I do to be in the moment, the greatest moments.
Memento Audere Semper


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I in no way said I am ready, I just stated that I want to learn as much info as possible, so that some day I WILL be ready if I choose to continue.

My motivation for jumping would be purely for my own reasons, and not for anyone else.

Also, my 103 jumps have mostly been done this year, I started skydiving when I was 18, and couldn't afford to keep up with it...so here I am, 5 years later, jumping on a regular basis. I would like to get a couple hundred skydives perhaps, along with great accuracy skills, when it would come to starting BASE...

and thanks for telling me not to pw, that's really important:S

and *Kris*, thanks for pointing me to the article, I have read it before a few times. If I did continue to learn BASE, I would be mature enough to find a mentor who I wouldn't be romantically involved with...I've heard enough about sticky situations arising from doing that;)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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My motivation for jumping would be purely for my own reasons, and not for anyone else.

that's the only way to do it.
it would suck to be injured thinking, "I did this to impress xxxx?"
(oh yeah, DON'T get hurt!)

find your own muse. then smile and laugh your way through life.

congrats on your first jump.
and welcome to the sport!
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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My motivation is standing on the edge and looking down, then overcoming all rational thoughts that say "this ain't right" and jump. This is the most peaceful feeling in the world to me. Of course prior to the jump all the risks are calculated and accounted for. I like the feeling of accomplishment. I like not letting fear get the best of me. Don't get me wrong, I still have the fear. Plenty of it. But it's what you do with the fear that matters. Pursue your dreams, always keep learning, and enjoy life to the fullest.

"Admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof"

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At first it was a single reason. To challenge myself. As oppisition grew, a second one sprang up, to demonstrate that being fat does not equal being incapable. And after my first jump, it became to improve on my form since I was less than happy with my performance on the first jump.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Hey, what's wrong with post whoring?

nothing at all, when you present an informed, intelligent opinion..;)

i was refering more to the unnecessary banter that pops up from time to time, usually from the "me too" individuals..:P

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While I love talking to people about why they BASE jump, if you have to ask to validate your own motivation, you're not ready yet

I completely agree! :)
My motivation for doing it, after much studying and consideration ( which I still have to do), would simply be that I only have one chance to live, and doing a BASE jump was the incredible, intense, experience of my life. I am a very passionate person, and for me that is reason enough to pursue what inspires me.:)
btw, it was really nice meeting you Jaap!!! B|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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, because I was curious, and also don't want to get flack for saying I do it "cause it's fun."

Funny you should say that, cause I was one of the ones that didn't get that memo.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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Well its fun and my father never told me he loved me when I was in my formative years.[:/]

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I would like to hear some opinions from you guys, on what your motivation is, if that's okay.

The glamour.

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Well its fun and my father never told me he loved me when I was in my formative years.[:/]

Bingo, you say so much with that single phrase.

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You may have already read this but learn accuracy with a large seven cell for the obvious reason of sinking and landing in tight areas in one piece.

Also, get some one on one CRW training and I am not talking about doing a few stacks or locking someone up on a diamond. That stuff is relatively easy. Two way drill dives is harder than it sounds. Get proficient at this and you will understand how canopies fly and the different inputs.

Good Luck.

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i base jump, and i quote cornishe on this one, " subterminal freefall gives me an erection"


Dont die!

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Put yourself here:

You are marooned on an Island with no-one to see what you do or hear you talk about it.
You are a bit of a loner so are quite happy alone.
You have lots of other things to do so you aren't bored.
You have a 1000' cliff over a lovely sandy beach.
You have a BASE rig (it's all a bit nuts so don't comment on this alone!).
You're very happy as things stand.

Do you start jumping and jump every possible day accepting that you might die and end this paradise?

The only point I'm making (other than I've lost the plot entirely since I quit BASE - children arrived) is that you have to do this for yourself, not the image or any other bs.

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i use BASE as my freedom.
when ever i go jump i feel total free.
I like the adventures and to get into places were i can get a brainfart as of why im there..
I like BASEjumping becourse after i have jumped the life is so much better,and i cant help smiling..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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