
Crane-drivers cab

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Any info on getting past the cab on a crane where the trap door is locked would be useful. eg is access easier from the front, side, back? Has anyone climbed above the cab from the outside?


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It depends on the model of the crane, you just have to poke your head out on all four sides and make a judgement call. I've had to climb around a cab three times on two cranes, out of eight jumps from five cranes. All were easy.

Usually you climb on the sides, because the front and back have the boom and counter-weight-boom in the way.

Make sure you are wearing your rig and have it ready to go. If you do fall, you can pitch and pray.

It is also recommended to wear gloves while climbing. There is a lot of grease and oil around that part of the crane. Your hands will get shit on them and this can cause your pilotchute to stick to it.

My two cents..

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