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Am I missing something on the website, or does Apex not offer a velcro-closed container?

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I don't see one either, but I noticed that several links are not yet active, so I'm not sure if the absence of a velcro rig is because they haven't put the links in yet, or because they've actually discontinued the manufacture of velcro rigs.
-- Tom Aiello


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I think I remember Todd saying they were not going to make them anymore unless someone really wanted one. But I could be wrong that was a few months ago.

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I haven't been around that long, but I do remember when pin base rigs were black death....
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I'm not totally sure on where I saw it, but it's some times since the new site came on the net and remember that there some place on the site are written that you have to contact the company to get information on velcro rigs and the parapack rig...

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After talking to the Apex crew at BD, they have been super busy. I'm sure the site just isn't done yet. I would be shocked if they didn't offer velcro. Even though I love my pin rig!!!

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Did you have to call me out like that Jaap!
Yes, the website is published, but it is far from complete. As far as the Velcro rig is concerned, we are still working on the redesign, it will be very similar to the Apex DP(dual pin) container in every aspect, except of course, for the closure being Velcro instead of pins. It is interesting to see the Velcro rig taking a back seat to the pin closed rigs, but not unexpected. The sport has gone from pin closed skydiving containers, to single parachute Velcro closed containers and now single parachute, pin closed containers. I can't wait to see where we go in 10 years. What fabric will we be using for parachutes, will they still be 7 cell ram air canopies or something else?
Now, back to the website. I guess Chino and I will have to get crackin and get that thing up to speed. I'll post when it gets to where I'm happy with it, probably in about 5 years.
Jimmy P

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It's cool. Velcro saved us when we didn't know what we were doing, but pin rigs (with proper education) are much better overall.

But, Jimmy . . . I'm quitting altogether as soon as you go back to spring loaded pilot chutes and ripcords!

Except of course for wing suiters so they can use the new BASE AAD . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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Oh, did you have to call me out like that Jaap!

Oops, I guess I should have asked if you thought the site was ready for the extra traffic.

At any rate, I think the new website is great and looks very promising. Nice work!

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Thanks Jaap,
Actually, I'm glad you did it, now I have to make the time to get er done.

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Instead of going back to a spring loaded pilot chute for wingsuit deployments, let's go sideways and develop a rocket fired pilot chute(without the flames, of course, maybe compressed air). For those of you who don't know Nick and I, we're joking, or are we...Boohaha

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Am I missing something on the website, or does Apex not offer a velcro-closed container?

This is a quote from Marta on velcro vs pin rigs for a new jumper:


Regarding rigs, I suggest our Dual Pin (DP) rig. There are no
disadvantages to the pin rig and there are disadvantages to the Velcro. We do make Velcro rigs but
since we want to redesign it we are not advertizing it.

Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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