jumping in Twin Falls 4 - 22 Nov ?

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Hey Sam.
Great meeting you this weekend. Sorry we didn't get to say bye before we took off, but everyone scattered when the rain began... Let me know if you still have that footage of my 1st rollover. I'd love to get it from you.
Thanks for holding on to me while I found the guts to do that TARD over on my 7th jump! Next time I'll try not to take so long. :$
See you around... Crystel

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Hey Crystel, what's up?

Yeah, I got your footage! ;)

I have tons of footage of everyone who jumped.

We'll make a plan to get it to you.

So, it's almost weekend here again, who's showing up this weekend that havent put a shout out yet?


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Hi guys

I'm coming over from Norway this weekend to join the Turkey Boogie and I was hoping to get some jumps in Twin Falls for a couple of days. I'll be in town on Monday (if my jet lag permits) and I hope some other jumpers are around. Never been to Twin Falls before, so it would be nice to have someone to jump with.

-Jo Henrik

-Jo Henrik

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Alex and i are thinking about it also! sweet!, maybe could i use one of your 8 rigs for a day or two? Alex will be using mine. and i posted the pics of the V1 jump on the wingsuit forum...


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I've sent you a Private Message.

There will be plenty of people around on Monday. The weather is beautiful (and forecast to remain so through the weekend), and there are many jumpers around.
-- Tom Aiello


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Crazydave44 & I will be arriving on Sunday.... see ya there!
"Scars remind you that the past is real..."

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maybe could i use one of your 8 rigs for a day or two

What days do you have in mind? I could loan you a rig while I'm in town, but then we're heading off to the land of Cliffs and honey (Moab)B|

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By popular demand, I have cleared my busy schedule and will be in Twin Friday night, until Sunday night.

Autographs will be available weekend long. However, posters will be on a first-come, first-served basis. I apologize for any inconvenience...
BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime

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I think Alex and I are flying the plane out Saturday Night, and jump all day sunday, If Him or me could use one that day it would Be great. I am trying to get one of adams, then i dont have to make alex use a baby parachute (he is 178lbs, my gear is a dagger222) so hopefully that will work out. cheers


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PETER? shit, now i have to get out there, to jump with the man who got me my A! and caught me doing deep moab soloes for my 6th base jump!
How you been my freind?

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will probably go to moab for a cliff or two after perrine-mon/tues, then fly back to boulder to get the rope gear and a few cars. be in moab for turkey boogie wed night, be at walshmans walk bright and early thursday morn, rope jumping by 2pm.

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...If Him or me could use one that day...

I've got a Mojo 240 in a Vision you're welcome to borrow.
-- Tom Aiello


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I've got a Mojo 240 in a Vision you're welcome to borrow

Do you want to sell it to me?;)
Memento Audere Semper


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I've got a Mojo 240 in a Vision you're welcome to borrow

Do you want to sell it to me?;)

Chad has first dibs. But, I'm never going to sell it.
-- Tom Aiello


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That would be great, I am assuming you will be there, i will message before we leave


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I'll be in town again this weekend.;)

dude, awesome!

the weather was crazy good today

so much so that our local wonderful-weather barometer, a.k.a. Tom A, came out and did several jumps... B|

guess having his pilotchute mangled during a daisychain 2 days ago (by me) wasn't enough to scare him off that kind of behaviour for long...:P

hope this nice weather lasts all weekend, because weather last weekend blew the big one


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Alex and i, and the Brush crew are flying out from boulder Co wheels up at 19:00MST and will arive at 23:00MST---ISH, at the airport north of town, any possibility of a ride that late? tonight as in saturday the 19th...
and i have not been able to get a rig to pack and bring for alex, so tom if i could use that Mojo, that would be awsome!!!!

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...arive at 23:00MST---ISH, at the airport north of town, any possibility of a ride that late?

I expect that there will still be people about. I'll ask around and see if anyone plans on being sober enough to drive out and get you.

Isn't there a loaner car at the airport? I seem to remember Abbie and Collin stealing it for like a week one time.


if i could use that Mojo, that would be awsome!!!!

Sure. No problem.
-- Tom Aiello


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NICE... i will call the airport for the car, it was not there last time i was there...

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