
BASE Video Game

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Following up on an earlier post I made, what's your take on a BASE video game?

Imagine a non-violent GTA style free-roaming environment in which you can go anywhere you want. Gaining experience opens up new objects. Earning a reputation gets you invited to events. You get to decide what gear you use and what your setup is (slider-down, -up). You can do aerials, you can pull low, you can fly your wingsuit past downtown buildings. You will have to sneak into buildings and past guards. It could have Metal Gear Solid style sneaking and Jet Set Radio style chases all the way up to being chased by cops, the NPS and the army (with dogs and helicopters). Online you can do multiways.

I'm not sure what the objective of the game would be though. Get your BASE number? The game would be over too early. Do you get points awarded for your jump, based on several criteria?

Share your ideas in this thread.

Aside from whether or not such a game is feasible from a business and marketability point of view, I'm more curious if you feel this game destroys all that is BASE and its associated image of being an underground sport.



Edited to add: Let me clear up that in no way would this game try to get close to representing what making a BASE jump feels like. That's not what it is about. It's about taking a great sport and using it as inspiration to make a fun game in the spirit of Tony Hawk's skateboarding.

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Jaap Suiter's Pro-BASE'er.... I can see it now.;)
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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You could make it an option to go through a FJC to learn the controls. B|

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Jaap Suiter's Pro-BASE'er.... I can see it now.;)

I was gonna go with Miles Daisher actually. :)

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You could make it an option to go through a FJC to learn the controls.

Yeah, the first chapter of the game could be called the FJC and it could happen at a model of the Potato bridge. As you gain experience and prove your skills, new areas will open up.

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You could have cheat codes that would enable some type of tribute to the great fallen jumpers. Kind of like hidden tracks on cd's

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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But jaap, if you made it, i would buy a Xplaystaionbox64 thing and play the hell out of it. Cheers.;)

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For the record, I'm with ya brother. I used to play a lot when I was in university, but ever since I've become a professional developer I've stopped playing them. Right now my only console is an Xbox, but I only have to watch DVDs. I don't own any video-games. I rather play outside.

Sometimes I feel like a drug-dealer. In manufacturing, but not a user himself; keeping lazy kids on the couch in front of the telly instead of sending them into the great outdoors.

Oh well, we all have to make a living somehow. It was that, or prostitution. And with Abbie on the scene, being a male gigolo just didn't cut it anymore.

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The object of the game should be to survive. :)

I'd buy it for sure.

Best wishes,

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Jaap... a gigolo

I would pay u the market price of batteries, more if ur worth the price of a gas powered kickstart vibrator;)

the ground IS the limit

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You could let people select "characters" with different skill sets. So be "Dwain Weston" and have amazing aerobatic skills, or be "Lukas Knutsson" and have outrageous forward speed on a wingsuit.

And (this is the part I'd like best) only have jumpers who've gone in be named in the game. It'd be a tribute to the fallen, and teach some of the history, but never be used as a marketing tool by any specific jumper who might want to use it that way.
-- Tom Aiello


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And (this is the part I'd like best) only have jumpers who've gone in be named in the game. It'd be a tribute to the fallen, and teach some of the history, but never be used as a marketing tool


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On the setup of your character you could choose to be a euro, northamerican or from down under. you could choose which route you wanted, low cliffs, nice 'safe' bridge, or the big walls of norway as your FJC. then you could have a death camp too!!!

you could also earn your pilots ticket, for scouting out obj, and helis for when your lazy.

i'll buy 2, but gotta jump, for real.B|

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i think that however cool said game could be, i dont forsee any major consoles picking it up, or for that matter, not much of a demographic for it either...say every basejumper and uspa member bought it... what does that amount to? a few thousand copies sold? i dont have any experience at all on the "inside" of video game development/marketing so i may be wrong..

also... you would have to look at the other aspects..(without starting up the videogames influnce behavior argument) what can are you opening up basically laying out in the public domain "how to base jump"?
(i understand the internet,dz.com,and basewiki are all public domain, but thats a bit different from a vg that plays out right in front of you.....)

isnt that what all the site naming rules are about? not just here but in the real world as well? to keep people without the prerequisite experience from using whatever gear they can find and hucking thier dorm? and that b was only 90 feet tall... oops...B|

now, dont get me wrong... if said game did exist, i would buy and play the hell out of it, but i dont really know how i would feel in the electronics section watching johnny 8yearold saying "im going slider up" or to the next level, watching him take a digital dw into the talus/sidewalk/river over and over....

i think if such a product were pursued, it woud be best fit as a pc based game, distributed amongst friends, not as a national level, "extreme sports" style game....

until then, we've always got gta...:)

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i think that however cool said game could be, i dont forsee any major consoles picking it up, or for that matter, not much of a demographic for it either...say every basejumper and uspa member bought it... what does that amount to? a few thousand copies sold? i dont have any experience at all on the "inside" of video game development/marketing so i may be wrong..

It would obviously have to stray from realistic BASE to make it appeal to more than just us. I do think it's possible though, the same way Tony Hawk is played by millions of people that don't actually skateboard.


also... you would have to look at the other aspects..(without starting up the videogames influnce behavior argument) what can are you opening up basically laying out in the public domain "how to base jump"? (i understand the internet,dz.com,and basewiki are all public domain, but thats a bit different from a vg that plays out right in front of you.....)

Yeah, that's what I'm curious about. Hence the poll.


isnt that what all the site naming rules are about? not just here but in the real world as well? to keep people without the prerequisite experience from using whatever gear they can find and hucking thier dorm? and that b was only 90 feet tall... oops...

Yeah. Although I think if we present it in a semi-realistic way I don't think too much harm is done. Obviously there would be no packing instructions in the game. And also, there's still Darwinism.


watching him take a digital dw into the talus/sidewalk/river over and over....

Knowing Dwain's reputation through close friends, my guess is he'd be laughing if he saw it. I'm not sure about other jumpers though, not to mention the families of said jumpers.


i think if such a product were pursued, it woud be best fit as a pc based game, distributed amongst friends, not as a national level, "extreme sports" style game....

Unfortunately it'll take a team of 60 people about fifteen months to make a game like this, let alone the required budget for such a game.

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watching him take a digital dw into the talus/sidewalk/river over and over....

Knowing Dwain's...

I had read "dw into talus..." as "downwind landing into talus/sidewalk/river."
-- Tom Aiello


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I had read "dw into talus..." as "downwind landing into talus/sidewalk/river."

That's another interpretation... :)
Nonetheless, rest assured that with the right amount of physics in the game, people will abuse its mechanics to create accidents. In fact, I'll be in front of the line to create the funniest and goriest looking accidents in such a simulator.

It's a challenge for the game designers to make safe landings more gratifying than accidents.

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Wouldn't it be cool to have the FJC instructor be Carl Boenish?
-- Tom Aiello


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You could let people select "characters" with different skill sets. So be "Dwain Weston" and have amazing aerobatic skills, or be "Lukas Knutsson" and have outrageous forward speed on a wingsuit.

And (this is the part I'd like best) only have jumpers who've gone in be named in the game. It'd be a tribute to the fallen, and teach some of the history, but never be used as a marketing tool by any specific jumper who might want to use it that way.

~Bonus points for cutting JA's lines with your hook knife as you track past him;)
seriously,Go Jump!
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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It's probably a great idea for wuffos who want to live the "extreme life" from the safety of their couch, but for myself I'd find it kinda like just "pretending" to jerk off.......B|:P
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I forsee a wave of er visits starting with "My son jumped off of our roof with a bedsheet tied to some rope and stuffed in a back pack"

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