
ABA 2003 Question

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I was just watching the ABA 2003 video again and I just gotta ask for more details on the section 8 minutes into the movie.

Some BASE jumper lands on a one-story roof-section, retrieves his canopy from a lamp-post and then steps through a window in a room full of excited women.

Does anybody have more details on what happened in that room afterwards? ;)

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The person you are talking about is Rob Fry (RIP).

Life is Great. Even Greater what we do with it.

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Rob Fry landed on top of a pub balcony thingo,
so most likely since he was entering an aussie pub through a second story window after doing a tripple summersault then having his chute hook onto a lamp post and flip him up onto the roof instead of the road then rock in through the pubs window and being australia he would have most likely got some free beers

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