
Turkey Jump Cliff Strikes

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..."When did people getting scared jumping off a cliff suddenly become obsolete?"

Reading that statement brought back the last jump that Dex and I did before pulling out of Moab.
We pushed our skill level a little on a couple jumps that week and ended up on the Crown for a quick easy, fast hop on a Object we know very well.
We got geared up and ready to exit and I said. "Ok dude. All we got to do is survive one more easy jump and we are Home-Free and sitting pretty."
I don't know about everyone else but I find that the more BASE jumps I make and the longer I walk away from them.
I find my Self Getting Scared more @ the objects that should be the easiest to my experience level. Also I find myself thinking of more things that I might lose if I don't walk away. That years ago I think I just took for granted.
So for me anyway I think SCARED is NOT getting obsolete. It just gets worse as I get older as a BASE jumper and continue to walk away with a big smile on my face from the last jump.
Also made the comment after a couple of our more challenging jumps was that. "...We made out like fucking Thieves this week."..........:D
I am really starting to feel Privileged and lucky sometimes to make it home and to go back to the ordinary daily grind that I hated before I leave to go BASE jumping.

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I could be wrong but I believe it is actually Mari's Gash. Pronounced "Mar E". Oddly enough there are 2 different jumpers named Mari.

Mari in the case of Mari's Gash is pronounced as "mary"

"Now I've settled down,
in a quiet little town,
and forgot about everything"

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We made out like fucking Thieves this week

Absolutely. I had such an incredible time. It's going to take a hell of a jump to push those two (you know which ones) out of my top three.

Actually, the last jump of any trip puts me a little on edge. We all say, "Just one more jump and then we'll get on the road." Sometimes as I'm standing at the exit point, I wonder if maybe that one last jump is going to be the one that gets me. Am I being greedy?

Just do it by the numbers and while that canopy is moving to linestretch, get yourself ready to fight. Be ready for the 180, always. It usually doesn't come, but don't get caught with your pants down when that wall is coming at you. Expect the worst. You can hope in one hand...;)

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Hey all, I'm Lee's partner in Applied Deceleration and if anyone has any pics of Lee making these rescues I would love it if you could email them to me at Tom@applieddeceleration.com...

lee called the other night and said that he didn't get a chance to sell many of the T-shirts we made due to things getting busy?!?!?!? wtf dude? no mention of cliff face rescue?!?!?!?!? Lee is a tard but I love him... I'd love to have some pics of adventure man in action on our website www.applieddeceleration.com we're just getting the site up and running and are trying to build up some content..


Tom Stewart
What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

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Hello Tree! Nice sapling...

There are two jumpers who have two different names with the same spelling.

First is Mari, pronounced "Mary" who is infamously known for Maris' Gash, pronounced "Marys' Gash"

Second is Mari, pronounced "Mar E" . Now, as much as some would like to pin the gash on Mari pronounced "Mar E", she was never there you never saw her...

"You gotta learn to laugh, it's the way to true love"
- M

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*** "I could be wrong but I believe it is actually Mari's Gash. Pronounced "Mar E". Oddly enough there are 2 different jumpers named Mari."

Hello annonymous ButtTung, For you convenience I pasted above the text of my original post. At the time that Mari (mary) hit the wall now known as the gash, there was another jumper named Mari (mar-e) in the somewhat local area. Everyone that knew her thought it was her (since on the base board Mari & mari sound the same). I know it wzs not mari, but I had always thought that the gash was pronounced mari. Thanks for pointing out.....exactly what I was pointing out.

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