
yo! Bridge Day DVDs

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I lost a 50 dollar WLO toggle on my second jump; did I make it?

Ah heck, I'll just have to get it for the pendulator cameo.

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Just a thought ...

What would people think to having 2 versions of the BD DVD for next year ...

Perhaps it could be possible to have a straight "time-line" type DVD where every jump is shown with minimal editing as a historical type record of everyone's jump and a seperate Boogie Style edit ...

This would please both camps and although it might cost slightly more to purchase both then everyone would have the choice to buy the version that they like ...

I would happily pay more (say $50 for one or $60 for both versions) to cover the extra costs involved ...

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What would people think to having 2 versions of the BD DVD for next year...

That did that last year and it wasn't financially viable to do it again. Apparently not enough people thought the two versions were worth it.

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I am just starting to become interested in base and have bought several dvds... the last one being BD 05.

I thought Triax did a great job. this is the kind of dvd that would appeal more to a mass market. when my wuffo friends have stopped by and watched Bridge Day extremes, Fixed2, etc, even though the jumps are much crazier... they disliked them. This one was different...

This year the production value I thought was great.

However I can understand that if you went, jumped, bought the dvd and didn't appear... you might be disapointed considering the way some of the previous years were produced...

When I finally make it to a bridge day, even if I wasn't in the video I'd buy it. Cause life isn't about pictures; it's about memories.

oops, back to work.

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Of course I have been thinking about this all day and Pope and I have been on the phone discussing solutions for future productions.

Because we have yet to make money on this deal and some are right in saying that we do this for the love of the sport not the current financial gain.

Possible solution we discussed is to have people pre order the BD DVD. Then if you have pre- ordered it then you get in the "special paid for people section" DVD just like the first timers had a section. That way we are not editing for those not paying. Money well spent is how I see it. What do you think of that idea?

The Ash Jump footage is still in our library and will be used at a later date just like all the footage we have of the El Cap Boys! We apologise that it did not make this BD DVD, but the footage is not lost and soon to be used.


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Possible solution we discussed is to have people pre order the BD DVD. Then if you have pre- ordered it then you get in the DVD just like the first timers had a section. That way we are not editing for those not paying. Money well spent is how I see it. What do you think of that idea?

In that case sign me up !!!

Does that mean i get to be 1st on the DVD next year ???

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well it was good to see the video come out on time, but it sucked if you were a first timer at bd and did not get in the video. So i am pretty dissapointed in that fact and it feels like a waste of money to no matter how well it was produced. They also say it was about the highlights or what they called the good stuff, but i saw a lot of repatition in the fact some people were in more than one part of the video. Maybe they could have put a few more people in it if the video didn't repeat itself

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Now you guys are talking...I think you should have a pre order just like the jump tickets it only makes sense. It really sucks when you do something like BD and want to show your non jumping friends what you have been telling them about for a few months and then your not on it.

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It really sucks when you do something like BD and want to show your non jumping friends what you have been telling them about for a few months and then your not on it.

does that mean you jump just to show the videos to your friends ?? Editing a video for an event is WORK. OK it's not cool to find out you're not on the video, but come on, is this really a SHOW-OFF contest ??

Lots of people to show, can't have everyone...

Didn't see the video, don't know the people who did it either. Easy to tell them "everyone should be on the video", but if I had been there, I would have preferred a boogie-style video. But showing mainly aerials and scary stuff, and not " jump flat pull " people is like only showing the freeflyers and the big swoops at a boogie and not show RW...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Possible solution we discussed is to have people pre order the BD DVD. Then if you have pre- ordered it then you get in the "special paid for people section" DVD just like the first timers had a section. That way we are not editing for those not paying. Money well spent is how I see it. What do you think of that idea?

I like it this idea, even though I will still be buying a copy of the BD video at least for every year I am there.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Possible solution we discussed is to have people pre order the BD DVD. Then if you have pre- ordered it then you get in the "special paid for people section" DVD just like the first timers had a section. That way we are not editing for those not paying. Money well spent is how I see it. What do you think of that idea?

first off, I talked to Kenyon the day before BD about not attempting to document every jump. they made their intentions clear upfront. I think it's sad not to show every jump, but understand the financial aspects. (I doubt they can press lots of 50 dvd's at a reasonable cost...)

I think the pre-sale concept is a solid idea.

Triax deserves credit for the fast distribution.

I found the dvd well done for what they intended.

since the ash jump started the day, I think it should have been on the dvd...

the boogie segment actually plays well as a solid introduction to the sport and safe for all eyes. well, except for the one interruption of the Gov. remove that one edit and we have a dvd that could be used to educate media & politicians.
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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Well if I signed up for one this year even though I knew I may not be on it, I would definitely sign up for such an option. Infact I had even suggested this to you guys when I was signing up. Well, I did not ask for a seperate section :)
The DVD editing was great as usual. Loved the Lumber Jack section, I think It was very well done.

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I went to my first BD four years ago and paid the $50 bucks for a dvd to see my first jump. I watched the entire DVD once and put it on the shelf.
Reason: While it was cool to see my jumps it was like watching them on the viewfinder of my buddies camera with someone blaring random music in the background over the car stereo.

i went to my first bd last year, did my first base, and had a trippin good time... i also paid the 50 bones, watched the entire thing once, and reviewed my jumps numerous times...

shortly thereafter it found a home on the shelf, where it has more or less remained..

this dosent change the fact that i thoroughly enjoyed being able to review my jumps, frame by frame.

watching "them on the viewfinder of my buddies camera with someone blaring random music in the background over the car stereo." imo, is better than not watching them at all.

in the past, as far as i know, the bd videos have been produced with the intent to show each and every jump... one year, i believe they even had a split screen, lz / exit point video....

one of the "perks" of bd, is not having to fuck around with video on your own, knowing that someone else has it covered... chill out, have fun, buy the video, and watch it later.... i dont mind waiting longer for quality, be it in meals, container manufacture, or anything else.


olution: While we try to do all we can to be "all things to all people" its just impossible

i dont really think thats the issue here, and certainly not the message i was trying to convey....
im a professional photographer, and we work almost entirely w/volume...
numbers with commas if you know what i mean.so i, of all people can certainly relate to being unable to please all customers...but,
if you are losing money two years in a row, then perhaps you should reevaluate your workflow...

you should also consider the fact that you are producing a produc for a niche market, and only 400 of them (jumpers) at that...
and consider the probability that not everyone is going to buy a copy....

the potential for profit is low...
potential solution? supplement lagging video sales with other product...ie: t-stakes/tshirts/decals etc etc...

a few people have mentioned that it was stated upfront twice that the format was to be changed, once at the mandatory breifing... i was at that meeting, as was 428, the organizer of the event, and he was unaware of the intened change as well....

i guess i should have paid more attention

overall the video was imo mediocore... even as a boogie edit... last years was way better (again imo) i get the impression, after last years product, that quite a few corners were cut, and certain jumpers were favored...
to the point of 3 different angles of the same jump in one case...

all in all, in the grand scheme of things, is it a big deal? no. of course not
we all drop a 50 spot on dinner, a bag of grass, or a bottle of liquor everyonce in a while...

overall does the video suck? again, of course not... if i was a whuffo,or a first time bd participant, id probably think it was just grand, just look at all those crazies... but from a (barely) experienced perspective, it was just a bit less than i expected....

so why am i awake at 3am, whining about some "poxy video"? i dunno.

I guess this is just my (overly)explained vote for jump-canopy-land-jump.

maybe well meet at some exit point sometime... until then...

edit to add...
if you need small batch dvd runs in the future, on the cheap, feel free to pm me...

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Ahh, I can’t listen to this whining.
If you want footage of yourself so bad (I not addressing this only to you, I’m only responding to the last post…) ask your mama to video you or wear a helm camera.
I did not make it to bridge day and that is why I bought the DVD. I want a DVD that shows me what I have missed.
The guys from Triax have some very good reference. I’m glad the video was done by someone who knows how to take pictures and that’s another reason why I bought the video.
Enjoy the DVD and tell your friends that you have also been there. If they don’t believe you, show them your pass or something…
Michi (#1068)

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a few people have mentioned that it was stated upfront twice that the format was to be changed, once at the mandatory breifing... i was at that meeting, as was 428, the organizer of the event, and he was unaware of the intened change as well....

The meeting was videoed. It's on the video.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Enjoy the DVD and tell your friends that you have also been there. If they don’t believe you, show them your pass or something…

{sssssssssssssssssssswwwooooooooooooooooosssssshhhhhhhhhhhh} you: wtf was that?
me: my point. it just swooped the fuck out of you....

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Enjoy the DVD and tell your friends that you have also been there. If they don’t believe you, show them your pass or something…

{sssssssssssssssssssswwwooooooooooooooooosssssshhhhhhhhhhhh} you: wtf was that?
me: my point. it just swooped the fuck out of you....

Like I mentioned before, my post was not directed to you, it was the last post I replied to. But whatever, I got swooped out by your point…
By the way, I clicked your link (avenfoto.com) and got hijacked to one of these domain-sell homepages.
Michi (#1068)

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By the way, I clicked your link (avenfoto.com) and got hijacked to one of these domain-sell homepages.

You're not using IE are you?

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Triax Productions wishes each and every one of you a happy and safe new year. Hope to see you at an exit point in your neighborhood.

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Just based on the whining in this thread I decided to order the DVD.

Keep up the good work CO crew. ;)

I am in the DVD...aren't I? :P

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