
Audible altimeters In or outside???

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I thought audible altimeters worked on measuring air pressure. How can they get an accurate reading inside a tight enclosed helmet where the air pressure is probably different? This will help me choose a helmet (Midwarp vs.Hurricane) so thanks for the help!

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well, think where you AAD is located...I hope you don't think that little thingy with the button and the screen is the sensor. the AAD has to work stuffed between the middle of your reserve AND main canopies...

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I thought audible altimeters worked on measuring air pressure. How can they get an accurate reading inside a tight enclosed helmet where the air pressure is probably different?

It might be a tight enclosed but it's not in a vacum so it works very good.
I have an Aviator by pro-dytter is in the inside and works great.

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I wear my Dytter inside my helmet, motivated by fear that a tandem riser strike will rip it off my helmet.
The only advantage to mounting an audible altimeter on the outside of a helmet is ease of adjustment. Para-Sport Italia has the best compromise to this dilemma. PSI cuts a few holes in the helmet shell - near the audible - making it easy to push the buttons on an internal audible altimeter.

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This will help me choose a helmet (Midwarp vs.Hurricane) so thanks for the help!

my camera helmet is an Nvertigo X with outside mounts...after losing both aubible from riser strike on a jump, i built a fiberglass shield to cover them...you might want to think about this if you go with the hurricane....

here are pics of the cover psw097 made, mine is similar....

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