
RC BASE Jump Contraption

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I got bored waiting for my next semester to start. I warn you ahead of time, I was pressed for materials, so creativity took over.

Pop Rivets
Rocket Recovery Parachute (Main)
$10 Wal-Mart Car for Electronics
Duct Tape
Postal Box
Trash Bag and Nylon String (Pilot Chute)

Here are the pictures of it:

Here is the video:

The first drop in the video is actually the 3rd, the first two the electronics failed, seemed to get out of range. The first drop in the video, was just the pilot chute folded and thrown with the contraption, it seemed to stick on the top of the box and opened about a foot off the ground. The second drop was RC'd, my friend signaled it just as it left my hands in hope to be in range.


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That is one hundred percent bad ass and very creative.

Now make it bigger so I can strap that cardboard box on my back... ;)

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