
Newest/best tracking suit setup

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I am looking to buy a tracking suit... and want some opinions on the best suits there are out there...
I have flown the phoenix suit but thats it... does anybody know what suits are being flown in the "into the mountains" and "virtus" films on skydivingmovies?

i read that some of those were homemade... i have a bit of experience building homemade tracking suits, but not much.

I am also looking for some coaching... i want to someday get 2/1... will travel.
any help/ideas?

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any help/ideas?

Travel to Karskland. Seriously. If you want to learn to track like them, why not go jump with them?
-- Tom Aiello


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Try flying Prodigy's bottom half. It's like tracking on Viagra! ;)

Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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thats the plan... ;)

Im sure 95 percent of this is skill. therefore only time and practice will prove the desire.

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Try flying Prodigy's bottom half. It's like tracking on Viagra! ;)


If you track while on Viagra, wouldn't that inhibit your aerodynamics ? Everybody says that bellycams hurt your glideratio. How would tracking on Viagra be any different ?

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I was thinking of taking out the Prodigy bottom half with the PF jacket. Did you take the bottom half out of a plane or off an object ( how high ) ? What angle would you say it flys at ?

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I was thinking of taking out the Prodigy bottom half with the PF jacket. Did you take the bottom half out of a plane or off an object ( how high ) ? What angle would you say it flys at ?

Steep. I've skydived with a guy doing that. He was hauling ass in both directions.

Like a giddy school girl.

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whoa! cool! the matter suit looks sick! who has flown it? i wanna hear about it


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Did you take the bottom half out of a plane or off an object ( how high ) ? What angle would you say it flys at ?

Plane, helicopter, balloon. I only recorded one flight with GPS and got 1.15 glide ratio with about 140mph horizontally. While wingsuits feel 'lifty', Prodigy pants feel 'thrusty'. ;)
Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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matt why dont u look at a cuple of suits an than do what every other base manufacturer does RND rip off and develope my body spent all that money on a phionex suit so we went to wall mart and made asuit for 25 bucks you cant tell the differance except for the hundreds of dollars he spent
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Using the pants of the prodigy or the matter setup, gives you drag and therefore lift. Some of us have tried wearing those type of pants with our own jackets, (the ones with rope from thumb to thumb)
and it works ok, but not near as good as the home made. Because the pants are just to big, creating to much drag to go "superterminal"
It is a well balanced setup, but I could imagine that with just a regular jacket you will go to steep, and would have to control it with wider arms.
The jumper filming the 3 way in " Virtus" at 02:50 is wearing this setup and he is starting to fly earlier the the others, but dont have a chance in keeping up the speed of me and Espen. And the speed is whats making us fly..
I would recommend that since you already have a phoenix setup, put ropes in them, stretching and fixing the arms and legs, like seen on Espen in the same clip. Pause it just after the exit, and youll see. He`s been wearing that setup for two years, and its just a sporting 0-p jacket and regular hiking pants with ropes/bungee in them, and has been the nr. one tracker here for a long time, but he got out flown and "gave up" the tracking, and started to fly wingsuits again, and is now nr. one there..(Well after Loic of course..) :)But nothing flies it self, keep practicing from airplanes, without any type of tracking gear sometimes, but with the right position and techniqe to get the right feel with the air. Go jump with freeflyers, tracking jumps, very good practice!
If you the wear a tracking setup, using the same technique, you should go into superterminal!;)

If you are interrested in some "coaching", Karskland have the right mountains and the right people. Many helpfull and good trackers here.

There are also some interesting things happening in Karskland when it comes to rig design and tracking outfits.. Hopefully some demo suits will be ready for the big wall season.. And maybe a rig.. ;)

Peace out brothers and sisters,

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Basjkall could you possibly try posting pictures of yours and maybe Esbens set if thats possible. So we can get a change of seeing your modifications.. I think it would be very helpfull to a lot of people.. Including me.-:)

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i think, the VKB set up is amazing and is the best for superterminal tracking. but what i can see in the vid´s, they need a lot of speed to get their set up flying like a rocket. what about lower jumps and subterminal tracking?! i don´t think their set up will work very efficient for a 600 ft cliff?! right?!

i´ve also heard that the guys at pressurized are coming up with new products (tracking suit and wingsuit) the next few months.

i would buy a set up, which works for everything!


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For sub terminal and small terminal walls, the best choice would be lots of drag: wingsuit and phoenix pants etc. We are just super lucky to have walls where we can go steep and build speed for 500-600 feet or more..:)
Ciao poco locos

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For sub terminal and small terminal walls, the best choice would be lots of drag: wingsuit and phoenix pants etc. We are just super lucky to have walls where we can go steep and build speed for 500-600 feet or more..:)
Ciao poco locos

lucky norwegian bastardos... :ph34r:

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I see that people are experimenting with the Prodigy legwing (without the armwing). I would like to say following:

Phoenix-Fly does not recommend using the Prodigy legwing on its own because it could cause unstable head low exits (due to lack of lift from upper body).

If you wish to ignore the manufacturers advice make sure you practice extensively from the aircraft before taking it to the cliff.

I watched the VKB boys in action last year at the Heli Boogie together with the Kjerag locals and some of the OZ boys too. For both groups I can say that they are master trackers and are really pulling 100% from their pants, regardless of the type they have. Distance and precision are definitely related to their equipment but much more to their skill.

The VKB boys have the unique opportunity on this planet because of the cliffs they have in their home yard. In northern Norway the cliffs allow a different tracking style than in other places. The ''Energy management'' is different, the high vertical walls allow you to dive and build huge amounts of speed before you plane out to fly down thousands of feet of steep talus.

In the rest of Europe, jumpers are forced to use little bit different technique, that also suits a different set up. There is many ways to get good results. Each set up has its pros & cons. Bottom line is to get used to the set up you use and get the experience before doing such demanding jumps.

Good luck to all :)
Robert Pecnik

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Less than 50 bucks at Wal*Mart and a sewing machine will make you the best suit money can buy!

However it takes some skills and lots of patience...if you have neither I stand behind Robi's products.
Memento Audere Semper


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These walmart setups have worked the best for me as well, I got laughed off my dropzone with one. but then i let somebody try it and they offered to buy it from me.

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Would it be totally impossible to post a picture of one of your 50 dollar wallmart suits, so us not so creative people have an idea of what you are bying and what you are doing to make it into a track suit.. I would realle appreciate that...

Sorry about my english..

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Here ya go.

The Jacket also has the "Norwegian" swoop cord.

I have two pants, the one in the pic have intakes running the whole length of the inside inseam. The other pair have two smaller intakes on the sides of the legs.

It takes me at least 8 hours of butching and sewing to make the suit. If I had to charge for it, it would end up costing like Robi's suit! And in the end even if I'm very pleased with the performance, it's still a made-in-China, butched-up suit!
Memento Audere Semper


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It takes me at least 8 hours of butching and sewing to make the suit. If I had to charge for it, it would end up costing like Robi's suit! And in the end even if I'm very pleased with the performance, it's still a made-in-China, butched-up suit!

That's a pretty high wage for tailoring work! ;) Hopefully it's got somewhat comparable durability, but you can only expect so much out of those materials.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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That's a pretty high wage for tailoring work!

No doubt ;)

The Jacket will last. A hard landing on the pants...I don't know. On one pair I put cordura knee pads, just in case!
Memento Audere Semper


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