
Wilderness First Aid

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Got sent this info today - thought some of you backcountry parachutists might find it usefull to look into. I have no idea about the course myself - the info below was sent to me, so if you do it and it sucks, tough tittes!! But it does sound like there would be some pretty useful info for dealing with cliff strike injuries etc.


I took the course with http://wfa.net/ and it was intense to say the least. It was December, so the “all outdoor” enactments were radical and the ladies who teach the course are no angels: They will make sure you know everything you need to know to save as many lives as possible in a crisis situation. It was an uplifting experience and I would strongly advise anyone who wants to be a safer riding partner to take that course. You would never fathom who much longer it takes emergency services to reach an injured person 0.5 miles into the forest versus an urban location … it’s amazing what one can do after this course. Packing for a backcountry camping trip will never be the same. If you take the course, you will never look at an emergency situation the same way.
Make sure to be ready for a demanding and challenging training. We were beat at the end of the weekend…


Anne Villacres

mgwadz wrote:

Ever wonder if you would know what to do if your buddy hurts himself mtn
biking? Or you come across an injured hiker on the trail? I do...
The Red Cross has occasional Wilderness first Aid courses.
At $100 per person (2 sessions, generally on successive sundays), this
is a lot cheaper than similar courses.
This is a basic course which can be prerequisite for further study.
Running the course requires that they have a group of people. 10
registrants is the minimum. The instructor told me he can set a date
based on demonstrated interest (right now they don't have a set date).
If anyone would be interested in taking such a course, let me know. If
we get a group together, we might be able to have a mostly mtn bikedr group.
please email me directly if you would like to be added to a list I will pass on to the

Team City Bikes

Red Cross WFA page:


Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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That's a good lead.

I've been looking for a Wilderness First Aid class in my area and while the DC Red Cross link provided there doesn't help, it did point me in the right direction to find the Arizona Red Cross website and they're offering the same class this weekend. Nice find! For some reason I never even thought to look at the Red Cross for this sort of thing.

I had asked around at my local climbing gyms and outdoor shops but I always get pointed to the 2 and 3 week courses that are geared toward certifying backcountry guides. I'm not looking for something THAT in depth, but I should would like to know what to do to stablize a buddy until we can get him/her to real help or vice versa.

Thanks for the lead!


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I have taken that Wilderness First Aid course from the Red Cross here in NC and it's well worth the money. Mine was over a weekend (Sat. and Sun.).
I would recommend it to all BASE jumpers. It might save your buddies life someday.


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"If someone is at the bottom of the class and they graduate doesn't mean they are not a doctor"?
Double edged sword I guess,
Something is better than nothing but...
You get what you pay for in the medical training world
Save the money and take a serious course
If you put price above quality of training you might as well place a price on patients you will more than likely treat.
Just a thought,
Yo no Save Nada

Wilderness Medicine Institute @ NOLS
sister and brother companies, easy trail to follow, 2-3 schools that approve of eachother!

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i took a NOLS course for a WEMT cert.
It helped me save lives. seriously.
it was a little more extensive than a Wilderness First Aid(WFR) but it did the trick.

its really helpful. word.

Dont die!

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I can teach BLS CPR, and First Responder to anyone that wants it. I am in southern Louisiana

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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