
Apex FJC?

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I'm aiming to possibly take the Apex FJC some time this year (probably July or later), and was wondering if anyone had any first hand experiences to share? Before I get attacked and told to do a search... I already did, and didn't find much.

PM is fine if anyone would rather not post here for whatever reason.

Thanks in advance.

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I'd recommend PMing Jaap Suter. He's perhaps the only person I know who has taken the Apex FJC and another FJC, hence the only guy who can evaluate the Apex FJC v. other offerings (if only one).

Most people will heartily recommend whatever FJC they happened to take, with zero to base a comparison on (because they've never even seen any of the others, let alone taken them). For this reason, it's very tricky to get good feedback on FJC's. Very few people have taken more than one to give you a comparison.

All that said, I've seen several different FJC's and Apex definitely has the most experienced instructors (in terms of number of students they have taught). At this point, I'd say that Jimmy has probably taught more BASE students than anyone else on earth. You can't go too far wrong taking a course from them.
-- Tom Aiello


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Thanks Tom, I'll definitely PM him when I get home from work and have more time. It would be great to hear from someone capable of comparing two courses.

To clarify for everyone who doesn't have anything to compare with... I wasn't looking for comparisons so much as just a general summary of the experience, and a personal opinion of the instruction given and how well they felt that it prepared them for the jumps they've made since.

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how well they felt that it prepared them for the jumps they've made since.

Regardless of how good or bad an FJC is, it only amounts to a small part of what it takes to get ready for subsequent jumps. The biggest factor by far is going to be your own brain. Beyond that, it'll be the contributions from your mentor and the other people in your life (jumpers, and non-jumpers).

FJCs are great, and ought to be considered a mandatory part of getting into BASE. However, they are also the most unBASE thing you'll ever do in your jumping career. Do it, learn it, enjoy it, but be aware that the real learning doesn't start until you come out of the classroom.

p.s. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions.

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At this point, I'd say that Jimmy has probably taught more BASE students than anyone else on earth

Jimmy halliday or are you talking about another jimmy?

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Jimmy halliday or are you talking about another jimmy?


that gave me a good laugh... i don't think there's that many 16 year olds getting into BASE these days!:P

jk, both jimmy's are kool in my book.

btw, that clip of claire brought a tear to my eye. you silly bastard.

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i don't think there's that many 16 year olds getting into BASE these days!

Awww :(

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At this point, I'd say that Jimmy has probably taught more BASE students than anyone else on earth

Jimmy halliday or are you talking about another jimmy?

On the off chance that you were serious (which I very much doubt), or that someone else might read it and not get the joke:

I was, of course, referring to Jimmy Pouchert, of Apex BASE.
-- Tom Aiello


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I took FJC with Jimmy and Marta and can wholeheartedly recommend it. They are totally sweet. You'll have the best time of your life with them. For me, they are my BASE parents. And for them, you'll be their BASE kid. :)
The course is short (mid-Friday through mid-Sunday), but intensive and you'll do ~5 jumps total on Saturday & Sunday (enough to feel exhausted). 1st jump PCA, the rest - handheld, 1 & 2s delays (no slider). They'll teach you everything to enable you progress further by yourself and with the help of others. I recommend staying a few additional days after the course to jump more by yourself, so you can jump stowed when you feel comfortable, etc. You can rent equipment from them if you don't have your own. After a couple of days of instruction the itch and the Great Unknown of jumping without supervision will be taking over you, so you won't regret that the course if over anyway. ;)

Feel free to PM if you have any specific questions.


P.S. Did I say that Jimmy and Marta are totally sweet??? ;)
Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
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Yuri's post is a perfect example of Tom's statement about comparative appraisal... Not bashing Yuri or Jimmy and Marta's course. (Apex is comprised of some of the best informed talent out there!)

But for laughs here goes...


I took FJC with TomA and can wholeheartedly recommend it. He is totally sweet. You'll have the best time of your life with him. For me, he is my BASE parent. And I am his BASE kid.

The course is short (mid-Friday through mid-Sunday), but intensive and you'll do ~5 jumps total on Saturday & Sunday (enough to feel exhausted). 1st jump PCA, the rest - handheld, 1 & 2s delays (no slider). He'll teach you everything to enable you progress further by yourself and with the help of others. I recommend staying a few additional days after the course to jump more by yourself, so you can jump stowed when you feel comfortable, etc. You can rent??? equipment from them if you don't have your own. After a couple of days of instruction the itch and the Great Unknown of jumping without supervision will be taking over you, so you won't regret that the course if over anyway.

Feel free to PM if you have any specific questions.


P.S. Did I say that TomA is totally sweet???

Sorry Yuri, but most comments will be similar unless the person really had a bad time or bad experience. Apex and Tom would be my suggestions, but they are people I know and I spoke with them when I started thinking about BASE. In talking with Tom, Todd, Karen, Jimmy, and Marta I developed an appreciation of their judgement and trust of their opinions and suggestions.

I can't comment on other programs because I haven't tried other programs.

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LOL Tony, brilliant! :D You're totally sweet, too!
Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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"I'd say that Jimmy has probably taught more BASE students than anyone else on earth."
Thanks for the props Tom, but considering that my wife taught me to BASE jump and was teaching people for 10 years prior to my starting, I'd have to give that honor to her or one of the other "pioneers". We both love to teach and hopefully that comes through in the way we teach our courses. Thanks Yuri, tavarisch.

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The apex fjc is the way to go if one of my friends wants to learn I tell them to that way. ya it cost money but your life is worth it other wise u learn the wrong shit from some ya ho like me.
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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They also advertise this course as a lifetime assistance and from my experience I can assure you it's true. Me and my friend took the course with them ...twice. After the first one, we had like a year break and made sure J and M would be at the bridge on our second visit. They had 7 students that weekend and still took us under their wings. And we were at the point when we forgot how to stow the brakes. Milk this aspect off their offer. FJC is like an amusement ride. The real thing starts afterwards. Once we wanted to do the jump on our own for the first time and called them from the other side of the globe to ask questions. I wish I called them when I made my first unsupervised jump. I emptied huge portion of my "luck bucket".

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That is a huge plus... I've always been able to call them whenever I had a question. How many other courses offer that?

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That is a huge plus... I've always been able to call them whenever I had a question. How many other courses offer that?

All of them.

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That is a huge plus... I've always been able to call them whenever I had a question. How many other courses offer that?

All of them.

In fact, pretty much every instructor is willing to take phone calls and answer questions from people who didn't take their courses at all.

I've never called up anyone--Apex, Asylum, Morpheus, or whoever else--and had them say "nope, you didn't take my course so I'm not going to offer you any advice."
-- Tom Aiello


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